Chereads / Novel Extras Survival / Chapter 61 - Rescue by someone unexpected

Chapter 61 - Rescue by someone unexpected

'It hurts!'

the person was in complete darkness since she couldnt open her eyes however the person felt everything else as mana slowly enters her body changing her structure


'What happens upstairs?'

she couldnt collect her thoughts since she fell a wave of drowsiness hitting her but she stayed awake knowing that if she sleeps right now the process would need more time

which would risk the plan of that person who told her that she at most needs two days to advance

'I hope nothing happens to them'

she thought about the children that they use as bait to get Monocras to act with her affiliated organisation to wipe them out 

her Body ripped muscles to shred and replaced them with firmer once the same with her bones and organs that some of them gained special abillities or extreme boost at durability

'It started at the brain to let the user slowly comprehend the knowledge however that only knocked me out and then I had the knowledge'

she distracts herself with things that happened to her over the three or four days she started the process 

'with his tip we could reduce the time to a week and through that persons help with an item we could push it down to four days'

she goes over that event when that person arrived in front of her, his Mana surpassing hers by a huge amount and even the purity of his Mana made her fear him a bit

"I am surprised that she is already so far in the process to become one"

She only heard the person outside who stood by her side kneeling to that person 

"We got a tip from a boy that I could try to let the Mana enter her body faster to speed up the process"

That person laughed as he looks at the kneeling person facing him 

"To believe that a demonic dragon gets a tip in the Mana theories from a boy who is a student at this school"

the person who kneeled stood up no was levitated to the air unable to free himself from his power 

"What are you doing right now?"

ask the man flying in the air as he literally felt like he will be crushed if he hadnt advanced to a dragon but made it a lot harder to deal with the pain he felt

"I would like to kill you right now so that no one ever knows that you existed-"

That person stopped moreover dropped the other person to the floor that is panting from the pain he felt from his strong grip 

"however since you already met them all and they risked their life to save you, I will let you live if you accept my plan"

The other person couldnt refuse so he nods and ask what the plan is he is talking about

"We will make a trap that is designed for us to a double trap where we use one student as bait to wipe them out"

The person releases his Mana which knocked the person in her hibernation almost out and the other person bit her lips hoping it ends soon

"Of course the plan is more detailed than this but I will explained it more if you accept it without you trying to find out about my life"

that person said as the pressure disappeared from the woman in the hibernation to hit the other person with fulll force


The other person couldnt hold back to let out a pain filled voice since the weight of the pressure would even crash a truck into the ground with ease

"If you underatnd that then nod your head and restrict yourself for the time to take care of her after I gave her the Item"

That Person comes near me and presses his hand against the formed egg out of flames and solidified lava

"that is a Item which will you take one step closer to become a real dragon not a subspecies like that Demonic Dragon"

she felt the shell absorbing at a rapid pace giving her the feeling that she soon will be released from her situation as she gets knocked out by the reconstruction

"You demonic Dragon will need a lot of other bloodlines to evolve to a real dragon however your form now is already a peak form s-"

the demonic dragon transforms moreover starts to kneel in his form


That Person started to laugh as he puts his hand on the forehead of the Dragon who after a minute seemed to be enlightened

"Thank you very much"

the Demonic Dragon didnt transform back but started to pull Mana towards the egg where a woman sleeps soundly like nothing happened.

"You all when will she awake? Since the Mana she exudes makes me want to kneel to her"

"You dont need to explain the obvious and that is a sign of her awakening"

a man with a burned face asked as a woman with pointy ears answers clearly annoyed by the fact that he stated the obvious 

"also you are doing nothing except sitting in your tent you lazy prick"

in the mans face a vein showed itself as he slowly unsheathes his axe from his back

"say that again yo-"

"You both if you want a tent where you can make love it is in the corner of the tree there"

a man with pointy ears, white eyes which looks literally like he is blind, golden hair reaching his waist and a scar on his face which stretches from the right eye to the left of his mouth destroying his flawless face

"WE are not a thing"

the elf answers but secretly hopes that the man will feel sad which he did as he thought that this would be a good time to make it official but of course the elf woman wouldnt love him

"You both go to the tent and thats an order"

He is fed up with their shit since they arrived here they both flirted so much that even the others who are in a relationship didnt show it because of them

"Aight sir"


the both walked off to the tent with both having red ears that were clearly visible for all people

'They finally are true to each other, Thanks commander!'

all of them were fed up with their shit of flirting so that gave them a time window of 30 minutes since they knew from both that they are competitive moreover did they mix something in their food without the commander knowing 

'They really think I didnt realise what they put in their food, well lets give all my attention to this sub dragon with the highest potential to become a dragon'

the man with a scar on his face watches the egg as he suddenly kneels on the ground and got excited that felt wird for him but he didnt question it and let it lead him


all of them kneeled on the ground except them at the special tent and couldnt talk since they felt it would be impolite to the great being born there

^crack^ ^crack^ ^crack^

small parts of the shell broke away as an eye stares out of the egg moreover her fiery Mana almost burns them if it wouldnt only wrap around them like it is protecting them from danger


the whole room trembled as she broke through the egg and roared to the sky while Magma shot at them which is blocked by the flame capes she created around them

no one dared to say something as she looks around and feels a familiar enrgy fighting against someone stronger than him and charges a beam 

"Esteemed Dragon why d-"

"Shut up and wait for you turn"

Jette knew that the Mission could endanger them but that it even would get them killed wasnt her intention so she waited for the right moment to shoot her beam

'How long did he already fight him?'

Jette was surprised to see that he seems to be almost beaten after 8 minutes against someone who is B Rank which is remakable

as she sees that he was a little tortured she wanted to run in and beat that shit up but right now he could kill him with little effort so she needs to wait

after he was kicked against the wall she used her fire breath and eliminated the demon

"You all know that I am a teacher at a school in the human domain so help me save my students and wait for me to come back since it exist to strong enemies that I need to fight personally"

the commander kneels in a fast procession and looks at the dragon with admiration 


she only nodded and flew through the walls to reach his students furthermore did she heals them a bit as she dashes by the hall where the lay through the ceiling

"Muzio I Need you here"

"Understood and welcome back my Wife"

that made her blush but she had luck that you dont can see it when she is in her dragon form.