Chereads / Novel Extras Survival / Chapter 10 - Clash of different Ideals

Chapter 10 - Clash of different Ideals

Masukino sword Art is a level 4 manual that sympathy the harmony between the Mind and the people also the Art is called Sword dance of Harmony or Harrik style

on the other side is Riou sword Art level 4 that prioritize the strength of one supreme existence and that strength is all someone needs also that sword art is called Devil's the one slash or Monarch style.

As this two sword art clash against each other a loud Explosion spread in a 30m radius and two colours blend everything in green and dark red.

"These two are pretty strong"

says Ben as a whiplash past his cheek

"You dare to ignore me?"

Says a feminine voice behind Him as he catches the Whip and redirects Kim Yong slash to the male in front of Kim Yong


Scream the male as the Scythe hit him directly and cut his Arms off.

"I guess our fight is pretty easy"

Kim Yong Is saying that, but he and Ben need to draw out the fight as long as possible so that the two 'monster' in the centre can fight it out.

Masukino Sukerio clash swords with Riou ano lyst as they give no breathing room for each other and if they couldn't use their swords, they use their legs and arms coated in mana to break each other.

"The World only needs one ruler and that will be my Master"

Said Riou as he slashes vertical to hit Masukino's head, but Masukino kicked his stomach to gain distance.


Riou flies back but Masukino arrive in front of him in an instant and tried to cut him horizontal, but he fly up and stabs down.

"Tsk you are harder to deal with as this egoistic dragons"

that was a lie however through the recoil he swung his sword at Masukino that slightly hit his hair as he tried the same

but couldn't hold his stance in the air that was while his Mana platform broke also the power that this slash generates and slams Masukino in the ground and let him spit a little bit of blood.

"F**k you and your damn ruler"

Says Masukino and parries the stab of Riou that follow on a punch from Masukino with his right hand towards his face, but he dodges with a Powerful beat of his wings.

Where he dodges most damage but couldn't fly as his one wing took most of the damage and needed time to recover which Riou didn't have as well as Masukino that hurt his ribcage, so breathing become for him a little difficult

"my harmony with all beings and nature will take you down!"

Said Masukino loud out so that everybody give him their support because the Art took the beliefs and the goals of all Individuals, if they point to the same goal and boost his strength and his power it also boosts the morales.

He points his sword at him and dash forward to stab him on the other side dash Riou at Masukino and try to stab him two.

"You will die by my hands and my ideals"

"You will die by my hands and my ideals"

Said both of them as their art power is boosted by their beliefs to the maximum.


was the sounds that everyone else hear as the two clash with their Aura and everything was dyed in a green and dark red hue that mix in the centre of the clash

and as the swords finally collide rang a quiet explosion as broken parts flew in all direction and all the colours turn white together with pushing everyone away since the explosion was stronger than expected.


vines grew out of the ground and block most of the fragments


the air circulate around and slash all the remaining fragments

"nice save Rica!"

Said Ben with an amuse smile since a boy arrive and used an air art to block the remaining fragments, but that wasn't the real reason, the real reason was that as soon he finishes his job he looks at Rica and Rica looked at the boy (Benjamin)

"Focus on the more important things than your hurt ego"

said Benjamin with an arrogant face which result in Ben hold him on his neck with a twisted smile

"What did you say y-"

Ben stop his sentence as Benjamin spit in his face and hold his neck tight, but before he could snap his neck

Kim Yong took his arm and press pressure points so that Ben had no other choice than let him fall also kick Kim Yong at the same time Benjamin that crack his ribs, Kim Yong looks to his both sides and looks annoyed to the siblings that lay on the ground with their arms and feet cut off.

"If you both don't stop your little quarrel-"

Kim Yong look around and saw the result of the clash and frown a little bit but look back at the two egoistical boys and open his mouth

"-then I will feed you to the demon duo or throw you between the fight next to us so that either way you die with a lot of pain"

Ben and Benjamin understood directly that this wasn't a threat but a promise that he would do this as soon they were about to fight again, Kim Yong look at them both again with a calm gaze and ask

"do you both understand what I said?"

Where both of them only nodded as they were too scared to speak.

"You Bastard, why don't you die"

says Riou as he stands up with his battered arm and his destroyed wings

"I could ask you the same question"

says Masukino that has a battered arm and a lot of cuts and bruises

"I guess we need to finish this fast"

Masukino put his sword in his other hand and gathered all his energy as he feels his breakthrough in his Art is close

"HAHAha I guess we are at the same situation but different circumstances"

Riou put his sword in his other hand as he felt his breakthrough to S rank only a hair's breath away and put all his remaining mana in his body to awaken faster

"Sword art the chosen (greed) slash"

"Sword art the purifying slash"

both use their strongest attacks as they dash at each other and both their power increase at the moment before their clash as they realize who would win and who would lose, thus a happy smile and a twisted face appear

'I won't give up and will win this even if I Lose my life'

Thought Masukino as his Art Mastery increase lose to Riou rank up by a small figure, but it would cost his life to increase his strength as he can use the eyes power to transform into an Elf and get an extreme boost in power in all aspects, but he would die after it.

Right before they clash, and he wants to use they hear a voice and the demon can see whom the voice belongs as a beautiful teen boy with a sword appear

"Supreme slash"

The clash of the three weapons end in a tie where the demon lost both his arms and Masukino lost one Arm but out of a coincidence Ben arm is only lightly damage with cuts.

"The clash of Ideals didn't end here"

Says a voice that came from the south side and as people look up they saw a majestic dragon that exuded the Aura of bring that stands on top of the food chain.

"The big lizard hypocrite says he can defeat us demons-"

the new appearance of the demon Legion crush some people hope but the Orcs, Dwarves and Elves come out and all leaders fly in the sky stand opposite to the demons as their Energies clash like multiple hurricanes

"next week will be the final war and if you don't appear, said our God-"


All fantasy races and the human race look in disbelieve, as a Demon God shouldn't appear so early.

"-that he will personally fight in this war over the P*** Co**rol f*a*m*n*"

Kim Yong and the others head felt like they would explode or be crushed in a squeezer, but Kim Yong could focus because of his skill and find out that this isn't only a past fragment that exist without a link to the real world.

The Demons disappear and so did the fantasy alliance that want to meet the Humans in 3 days and discuss things, but something happened that Kim Yong never predicted

'the time difference is ten times more than before, that means two days worth of time turn to 20 days worth of time'

That is a problem however that needs to wait as Kim Yong wants answers to all his questions.