Chapter 137 - In the Mood? (Part 1)

DIMENSION: ANIME (The One That Pays to Save the Day)

"It's been awhile." Sekhmet appeared back among them. No one moved after what she had already caused.

Bastet appeared behind Masika. "Let's go for a ride, Ladies. Sekhmet, if you please?"

Masika and Téa both got scooped up by Sekhmet with Bastet. Since Bastet requested it, neither refused. Although both didn't look so well.

"Téa?" Yugi asked toward them. "Where is she going?"

The goddesses didn't answer as Sekhmet bounded away.


Téa and Masika both held onto Sekhmet's fur hard as she galloped through the town.

"Hold on, Ladies, Sekhmet loves buildings," Bastet said as they felt themselves head up.

The gravity wouldn't have held but somehow they found themselves bathed in light and able to withstand the straight upward climb up the tall building.

When they reached the top, Sekhmet stopped and looked outward. "No one will be mad at us at all. What a peace offering."

"Agreed," Bastet said to her as she walked along Masika's lap. She laid down on it.

Masika just shared a look with Téa. ///Masika: I don't have a good feeling about this, Téa. Goddesses don't scoop up humans for fun and take them for a ride.///

Bastet stretched as did Sekhmet as she lied down as well. Sekhmet started to groom her claws. Bastet walked over toward Téa this time.

"Okay?" Téa just couldn't be silent. "Why did we just get a ride?" Then, there was some kind of tune around them. They were up super high, where was that coming from? As she looked up it started to rain on them.

"Ooh, I love rain. Someone is feeling very happy today." Bastet stretched against Téa and leapt onto her shoulder.

"The thunder is a little annoying," Sekhmet groaned. "They need to calm down a little, it's ruining the mood."

"Oh, Sekhmet, don't confuse them," Bastet said toward her. Then, they watched as Bastet changed from a cat into a woman who had a cat's head. It was her true self.

Masika bowed. "We are not worthy of your true form!" ///Masika: I hope we are not worthy enough of their form, please let me just stay meaningless in the background!///

Bastet purred with a small chuckle. "Now, now. You must stand much firmer, even against goddesses."

Ooh, that didn't sound right at all. "Firm, huh?" Téa would use the moment. "Then can we ask why you took us for a ride all the way up here?"

"It's pretty up here," Sekhmet answered. "When you look straight across and not at the civilization below, it's one of the few pretty spots your world has left."

Okay? "It's a great view," Téa agreed, "but that whole scooping us up and taking us away in general thing? Why'd you do that?" She started to hear lots of sirens going off, and cats and dogs barking.

"In what way is that supposed to be celebrating?" Sekhmet complained.

Téa watched as a small . . . person. With a beard. Pinched her nose and left.

Then, he appeared in front of Masika's face, pinched her cheeks and left. Masika just shared a look with her again.

"Don't mind him. Everyone is just more delighted with this arrangement than the other one," Bastet said. "You'll find several gods and goddesses watching over you here and there. Sekhmet and I will be the top two though."

///Téa: What on Earth? How did everybody go to meaning nothing to them, to suddenly we mean something?///

"You made yourself in disposable," Sekhmet answered her thought. "The others still mean nothing to me. Masika means something to me, and you mean a little something."

Bastet hissed at Sekhmet. "A little?"

"I was just playing around with you, Bastet. Of course they both mean the world to me. No human will even bump into them on land without my claws personally ripping out their throats."

"Oh, Sekhmet, that's so terribly sweet of you," Bastet complimented her. She looked back toward her and Masika. "Sorry. Everyone is just so delighted, even if you will not be. Even Sekhmet is showing favor toward you."

Téa watched as Bastet's tail curled in front of her playfully.

"What do humans know of gods these days? It's not an easy question to answer, is it?" Bastet patted Téa's head. "You are doing well."

Doing well? "Thanks?" Téa answered.

"Not very much, but enough to keep going with a little more help. Masika barely needs any help, she has held the brunt of it."

Oh. Holy. What? Téa couldn't . . . another definite goddess showed up. This one? Uh. Unique. And?

///Masika: What's she doing here?!///

Some hippo. Some definite crocodile. Some lion, and a weird center that definitely pointed to human. "Hi?"

///Masika: Only you just casually say hi to a goddess, Téa!/// Masika was on her knees in front of the new god. "We have all been blessed by several gods so fast, I don't even know how to keep up with worship, forgive Taweret!"

Tawaret. Yeah, that rang a bell. What had she been the goddess of? "Hello Taweret. Nice to meet you." Téa met all kinds of people, supernatural or digital, and she'd just go with her instinct. Be nice.

"Yes, me for you," Sekhmet said toward Masika. "Honorable, but to a point. Sacrificing Ebonnee to instill wrath against the powerful worked well."

"Oh, Sekhmet!" Bastet complained.

"They are ours now. It's best not to keep secrets," Sekhmet said toward Bastet.

Masika lifted her head up to look toward Sekhmet in surprise. "Ebonnee?"

Sekhmet stood up and showed off her true form. A woman with a lion's head. "This is a much better idea. It'd be too weak just like this. Their needs to be some umph in the power."

"I wasn't thinking power," Bastet told Sekhmet. "I was thinking-"


Téa looked down off the building. It was high, but not high enough to miss who called out to her. ///Téa: Yugi.///

"Téa, are you okay up there?" she heard Joey's voice next. "Can you maybe come back to Earth at some point?"

Aw, Joey never changed. Téa heard a light growl from Sekhmet. "My friends are just worried."

"I was thinking in fairness," Bastet answered Sekhmet. "Too pure and they wouldn't stand a chance."

"What?! But-" Sekhmet was angry.

"We can wait a little longer if that's what is decided," Bastet announced.

"Corruption of an ordinary human!" Sekhmet wasn't pleased.

"Sekhmet? Téa and Masika are ordinary humans. The parts of Atem are also ordinary now."

"They are both Pharaoh, and once they are both gone, then they will pass Ammut's test with flying colors and become gods! As for Téa and Masika, they are everyone's favorite, so that doesn't count for them. Oh, this choice should have stayed in the other dimension. You and your bright ideas." Sekhmet growled, and grabbed Masika with her huge teeth.

"Masika!" Téa called out.

"Put her down," Bastet said calmly. "You must share."

Sekhmet made a sound like a cat trying to get away with a treat.

"I really beg of you, I do not enjoy this!" Masika spoke up from inside Sekhmet's mouth.

Wow. Hard to imagine her mouth was so big, she could actually hold Masika in it without damage. It didn't look like it was trying to hurt her, more like . . . a lion mom picking up it's cub or something?