Chereads / I didn't wanted to be evil / Chapter 87 - Chapter 83

Chapter 87 - Chapter 83

Yami : Atleast you should be different.

Koemi : But I can't keep my words to myself.

Haru : Atleast show some worry.

Akio : Then tell me are you injured?

Yami : No.

Akio : Okay. [Looks at Haru] Look there was no need.

Hinata : You don't know how to act.

Akio : It's fine if he was injured he shouldn't call himself a man.

Yami : I am a child!

Akio : A child is not this large my child.

Hinata : Okay enough please be quite.

Akio : But look he returned home so fast didn't he? So Yami shall we talk?

Haru : Then we will leave now.

Koemi : But we were supposed to eat dinner together.

Haru : I don't think that's possible.

Akio : Yes, dear Koemi he needs to be taught a lesson.

Koemi : Then I will meet you tomorrow aunty.

Akio : Yes, how lovely you are.

Koemi : Bye then Yami.

Yami : She never helps me when I need her help.

Akio : But you like her too much you could never say no.

Yami : Well n-no how can you say that. I won't like a dumb girl like her. Look she doesn't even help me.

Akio : My,My seriously all men are too dumb. Couldn't you understand she was staying for dinner so I won't punish you.

Yami : [shocked] Don't lie.

Akio : Why would I did she ever say no to her father she still insisted. Don't you know she doesn't like to refuse her father. Eventhough you are my child I can't understand why are you like this.

Yami : Atleast I didn't date too many girl.

Akio : Then are you telling me I am a women who always had a man by her side.

Yami : I didn't say that do you want to tell me that.

Akio : No I want to punish you, you should act responsibly. How many times do I have to tell you that.

Yami : I can't that's too much.

Akio : I won't always be here with you, you know. You have to learn that so you can bear to live in this world without my care.

Yami : Care you are saying? I never found that it was just rules that you imposed on me. There was no care. I had to find that somewhere else, from someone else.

Akio : Then atleast take the hate I give you.

Yami : I don't want to.

Akio : You think I have been caring you for myself. I don't want to I wish I had died. I WANTED TO DIE SO MUCH THAT IT HURT ME TO EVEN BREATHE. I HAD TO LIVE BECAUSE Daichi wanted me to take care of you. If it wasn't for you I would have been free.

Yami : hah now are you showing me your true feelings. Don't do that die if you want I can care for myself I never needed a mother who hated me and lived just because her husband told her to take care of her child.

Akio : Why can't you just listen to me when I speak nicely.

Yami : why because you true self should always be hidden. It's too much for me too I can't handle that much just for myself. I also want to live like a normal human being. Is it too much for me to ask that. I want you to love what happend to that time when I was a child. Everyday I had to beg, to wish for you to love to look me with love to not come and give me orders. I am too fed up with that. I hate you too much. I hate the fact that I get jealous of Koemi when you care for. Why can't I just have that to myself. Why can't I have your love to myself.


Yami leaves the room after venting his anger that he had suppressed but he couldn't understand the true feelings of his mother. He left with tears forming in his eyes. While someone entered the room.

Haru : Why do you say the words you don't mean. Look at your now even I feel pity for you and that boy.

Akio : I can't help it it's just how it is for me now. Only loneliness and sadness. Isn't it funny. Sometimes I laugh at myself how pathetic my life have become.

Haru : Then why don't you just be honest with yourself.

Akio : I can't the day I do that they will kick him out of the clan and the clan will be given to someone else who will definitely destroy it. Daichi created this clan more securely so Yami could live there with this rule being banned.

Haru : Then why did you name him Yami?

Akio : I didn't guess on that name I wanted him to be my happiness and a ray of light those elders were so focused of giving him this name I had to comply so that he can stay safe and be loved for those 5 years.