Covered in the black tunics with no drop of fear on her, Lady Ivalyn went out on the balcony, stopping abruptly near the edge. Without thinking twice she looked back at him to see if he was following before she hopped on the balustrade with the minimum effort. Turning around to face him,she stretched her slim arm.
"What do you say my prince, do you trust me?"
The moon, a radiant pearl in the obsidian sky, cast its ethereal glow upon the world below. Its milky beams bathed her figure in a soft, silvery luminescence, making her look like an otherworldly being. In the moonlit night, her hair shimmered like a cascade of golden moonbeams intertwined with the hues of ripe strawberries. Her skin, like porcelain, glowed with an inner radiance, as if touched by moonbeams themselves.