Katherine slumped to the bed opening up the letter which reads:
Dear Kathy,
it's been long now, I just want to get a glimpse of you again. ....Katherine paused with a smile but the next words of the person made her froze knowing it couldn't be Sirius.
My beloved, all through this long weeks I honestly can't get you off my mind, guess what I decided, we are getting married. I love you Katherine, please come meet me at Urican temple, I will be waiting there.
Your beloved
Katherine frozed, reading the letter. She felt all tensed up. She picked up the letter to read again. Katherine was deep in thought when she fell asleep with the letter grasped in her hand.
The courier delivery men finally got his location and delivered the letter. Sirius was in his study room when he heard a light knock on the door.
" Step in " He said and his butler walked in.
" What is that this time. " He said looking into the parchment he was holding, knowing who came in.
" Sorry for the inconvenience Milord " He bowed. " Lady Katherine Donovan sent a letter. " He said.
Sirius interest suddenly seized from the book. Not like he wasn't expecting her to write but a part of him seem to miss her, no just her body and addicting blood. " Let me have it " He said. taking the letter from him. He went though what she had written. He regrets not keeping to his words, it has passed a week already, that was why she wrote for him. He could tell his wife misses him a lot.
" Prepare the carriage tomorrow morning, I am leaving for Groovington." He said and the butler left with a bow.
The next day Katherine woke up, she decided she was going to meet Aaron at the temple, not to marry him. but to tell him she was married and he should forget about them getting married. She freaked up and her maid Albia did her hair, chose her dress and made sure she was looking stunning as always but suddenly she started having great hunger, her eyes fell on her f
hand where by they were scales around them and her fingers were black. She hurried to the mirror to find two scales on her face and a black pitch eyes.
" Aaaaaaaahhhh!!!!! " Albia screamed to hell. She unlocked the door, slamming them as she ran for her life and to tell the Donovan what she saw. She ended up coming across Mrs Aubrey.
" What's that shout, maybe you want to be sacked. " Mrs Aubrey said angrily but the servant kept pointing at the room above them, trying to form a word.
She shook her head. " No madam, lady Katherine has turned into a soul eater!"
That instant Mrs Aubrey flare up and slapped her face. She pushed the maid aside. But something in her wanted to check Katherine's room. She walked up stairs and when she was just at the door, she knocked. Their was no response and just when she was about to leave, considering what the maid had said, the door swung open by itself and Katherine jumped at her. Her eyes pitch black and scales all over her.
The hate and made sure to open the huge gate when he heard the carriage coming over. The lord elited from the carriage, who seem to be in good mood. Sirius could imagine the picture of his mother happy face to see him back and Katherine. it made him more eager but immediately he was about to walk into the mansion he saw some servants out.
" What is going on " He asked and the servant fell to his feet.
" Milford it's lady Katherine and Mrs Aubrey " He said.
" And what about them. " He asked imagining the worst scenario of them getting into a fight, his mother will surely win.
" Lady Katherine has turned into a soul eater, she... she. she bit Mrs Aubrey " He said.
Sirius ran in with panic. It couldn't be. When he reached there he saw his mother laying motionless on the floor, Katherine looking wild and fierce, as she jumped on one maid to the other. His eyes fell to his mother yet again as pain crossed those eyes of his, blood was oozing out from her. He searched for his father, but then a tap was felt in his shoulder.
" Father what is happening " He asked.
" The council are hear already, I called for them." He said and Sirius eyes shifted to look back at the scene. Now not only his wife was a soul eater but many that were bitten turned also but his mother was yet to wake up. He could sense she was the first to be bitten, so she was the one used to quench her first taste. That was what she was hiding from him. She was bitten, no wasn't bitten but perhaps scratched.
The council arrived almost immediately.
" We have to kill the soul eater, kill all of them now to stop this!! " The head council shouted. Sirius eyes lazily fell on Katherine, who was biting another servant. He joined in killing the soul eater while his eyes stayed on Katherine. When she was the only person remaining he ran to her side before any other person with a stake to kill her, himself.
" Katherine! " He yelled and she ceased moving as if she recognized his voice.
" You have to kill her now"
" Push the stake into her heart "
" Why aren't you moving " the council members shouted. " She isn't your wife anymore Sirius she is a monster, monsters we kill"
He moved back, recalling her question to him before he left. " Will you kill me if I am to run wild." She knew she was going to run wild, yet she didn't tell him.