The moment she looked back her eyes fell on Aaron who stood their motionless and shocked to see her, they wear fear in his eyes and it hurted her.
Aaron eyes first fell on the scales on her skin. Two sharp scale on her face, the forehead and cheek and other scale at her lower body skin. She looked to be sane but he doubted.
Katherine turned to her front, where no one wanted to talk to her, Sirius still had his back to her.
" Scientist Dmitri can you untie me" Katherine said.
" She talks" Aaron said, coming to believe what the man said. " But she still has scales. "
" Stop asking questions she is healing up." He scolded.
" Don't do that yet, till you are properly healed. "
" I am. healed already " Katherine said, she swallowed, her other words when Sirius came to sit beside her on the tube.
" How are you" He asked his voice calm and collected.
" I am fine, I thought you didn't want to speak to me" She asked but he didn't reply.
" Katherine! " A voice called from her behind.
She didn't turn to the voice because she knew he was scared of her.
" Am glad to see you are miraculously cured, after waiting --"Aaron swallowed at the sharp look he got from the lord. " Katheri--"
" Stay away " Sirius cut in. " And you, I am angry at you" he said to her.
" I I. ..i didn't wanted to cause a problem " She said. " I was counting the days I would be leaving, I thought I was going to go wild and kill. "
" And you caused a problem!! " He shot at her.
Katherine fidgets at his anger at her. " No!! " She shook her head not believing a word he was saying.
Dmitri walked to Sirius, he whispered to him, '' don't tell her anything yet she can be violent "
Tears ran down her eyes as she continued to shake her head. Sirius ignored her and went away and the scientist followed him. Aaron didn't know if he should follow them but he decided to stand on his ground. " Kathy it's okay it's just us now" Aaron sat beside her. " I can't believe he scared you like that. " he said.
" Aaron I think I want to be left alone " Katherine said.
" Wait! " Aaron walked to the closest hug, he poured some water into the cup. " You need this" he offered her. Katherine moved her hand as a struggle to be let loose but to her surprise the thick rope snapped. " it must be weak " She convinced herself.
She took the cup from him, taking in some gulps to her dry tongue.
" I feel like the happiest man seeing you alive, I visited your sister right before sending you the letter, she encouraged us being together." He said.
" She did? " Katherine asked.
" Yes, I was as surprise as you are now. " He said. Aaron walked to her on the tube. He slid his hand into his pocket and brought out a small box. " I want every moment shared by us to be memorable" He took her hand and before he could slid the ring into her finger she took the cup of water again to drink.
" I look bad right? " She asked wanting to deviate the topic.
He shook his head. " I can't wait to kiss your supple full lips Kat " He said his eyes falling at her lips.
" Don't you think you should give up on me, I can't continue having a relationship with you " She said.
" What? " His brows creased at her. " I can't stop --"
" Leave us! " Sirius shot. He had just walked in. Aaron held no choice but walked away.
" Why did you let him sit beside you " Sirius inquired.
Katherine brows creased as she climbed down the tube. " Why did you leave me " She asked and he rolled his eyes. She punched him lightly on the chest and he winced getting hold of her hand.
" And now you are hitting me " He said to her in an unbelievably tone.
" Yes and I will do that again and again " She tried moving her hand and Sirius was surprise he couldn't hold her too well and she punched his chest again, this time hard.
" Oww! stop this " He grimaced moving back as he held his left chest.
" Are you trying to get away from my question, you failed to come back, even after one week, who were you with, tell me! Were you with women all around you, with drinks and getting drunk. " She asked angrily. She hit him again at his right chest.
" Stop!!! You are just right " He thundered and she flinched in fear and then tears started running down her cheeks. He pulled out his handkie and wiped them away. " Yes you are right, I was with women around me and I drank till I became really drunk." He said.
" I was waiting for you, you are just worse than ever, I want to be let alone. "She said.
" Lay back down, you need to heal first " He said sitting on a seat close to her tube. Katherine laid back. " I guess you didn't think one bit about me. "
" Why should i? when I was having such good time. " He said.
Katherine fell silent. " It seems like our marriage isn't going to work, where you see me more as a concubine than a wife. " She sighed, wiping the remnants of her dry tears. " You even took this seriously but I hurted no one, I apologized to you and now, I. think I want a divorce."