" The lord will never want to marry me madam. '' she said between her trembling state.
'' I want you to leave my presence!! take your bags and leave my house you disgust me leave forever!! I will never have our pure blood self entangled with a human peasant like you!! You are fired'' Mrs Aubrey screamed.
Katherine bolted away taking her bags she left immediately, away from the mansion. Entering the local carriage she took the miles back to her uncle house. It was her second nightmare after the lord sucking her blood dry. She didn't want to loose her job and then have to come back to live with her aunt. She stood at the gate trying to think of a way to walk in without the attention of neither Claire or her mother.
" Knock! Knock!" Katherine rapped on the door. Everything happened for the better. The door creaked open and she prayed for it not to be Esther.
The door opened and a familiar face gazed at her, she should have prayed for it not to be this one as well. The door jammed back to closing and her heart hung up.
" Claire open the door." Katherine said before the door was jammed to lock. She tiredly sat on the pavement beside the building. Her mind was in chaos as she thought of what happened in the mid afternoon. She was sacked, she has no job now and yes Mrs Aubrey haven't yet paid her due to her sack happened impulsively, maybe she should visit the mansion again to ask for her salary. She would ask the lady properly what she did. Katherine eyes slowly was becoming weak and heavy to keep open.
She walked to the door again to knock on it. She knew Steve would probably be in his working place, then Uncle Reuben gone and his wife also leaving Claire and maybe her sister as well. This was no school day, but her sister was a timid person, always on the edge to not offend others. She this time knocked heavily and the door opened once again.
" Why...do.. you. keep. knocking on my door go.. away." Claire said slowly with a wide smile to show she was enjoying her misery. " Have you heard of Karma, haha this is exactly what you did to us didn't you. " Claire grinned widely and a stuffy food was seen in her mouth. Claire saw Katherine fist balled which agitated her more. " Are you going to hit me? C'mon time to leave. My door. " she clapped her hand enjoying the bossy way she was acting.
" Have you forgotten the door isn't yours Claire or did you perhaps hit your head again, since you made me remind you here, If your father Reuben didn't sell my father house I wouldn't be here, since I get my house back this place is equally mine. " Katherine said with a glare at Claire.
" Let's see how you get in. " Claire said and Katherine could tell she was requesting for a fight. Because instead of her to lock the door as she had done before, she calmly stood there. One side of her hair which was tied has a color dark blonde. Katherine and Claire have grown to be of same height but different body.
" Are you indirectly asking for a fight." She said to her and Claire showed her teeth. " I bet you can't stand up to me."
" If that's your way of asking for, a fight I mean with you then sorry for the disappointment but I can't demean my self respect just as you do Claire." Katherine said to her looking straight into her eyes, standing straight to show she wasn't wavering at all.
Claire gritted her teeth, with the adrenaline running through her body to keep the girl back to her place by beating her up, she didn't dare to show she has her own self respect. " When have I ever fought!!" Claire moved out of the door forgetting she had to keep them close and away from her reach. That moment, Katherine sneaked in through the gap with a little push, she saw Evelyn as she had thought standing there. Claire flared up dashing after her, Katherine knowing the room she stayed locked it once she was in there. She heard some repeated knocks with curses which came to die down with time.
When the knock died down after a minute she unlocked the door. Katherine waited for Mr Reuben and his wife to come back. Evelyn didn't talk much to her, but few words exchange.
When Esther and her husband came back as well as steve, she was surprised aunt Esther didn't react much to her presence and she had a hunch it has something to do with her husband presence. They had their dinner before retrieving back to her room.
" Mother! " A young girl screamed. She and her mother were getting the harvested crops at that twilight of the night. The young girl at her ten years heard the bush rumble and made sound behind her, not the first time but for the third time. '' Mother! ''
'' Could you keep quite now Arie don't be such a baby." The woman who was seemingly her mother continued to harvest the ripen crops. The rumbling sound behind the girl stopped. Sighing in relief she turned to have a look but at that moment a fiery looking humanoid creature bit into her shoulder with its jagged teeth. The girl's white eyes turned pitch black with scales appearing on her skin. Just that moment her eyes turned back to normal and also her skin as if it never existed. Arie picked up the fruits to put into the basket, she carried it to her mother.
" Mother I called you. " The girl said standing in front of her mother who continued to pick up the fruits.
" Are you going to stand there or resume working. '' The woman said to the girl. She continued to put the fruit into the basket and when she still saw her daughter leg standing infront of her. She raised up her head to find Arie jagged teeth snarling at her.