" Katherine " she heard a more threatening voice. she looked to her side to find the silver eyed man standing few inches away from where Aaron and her stood. " what are you doing here with" saying that his eyed moved to fall on Aaron which narrowed. he tilted his head as if trying to take a better look at him. " one of the servants, weren't you paid to stick around your mistress" his eyebrow were drawn together at her.
" Goodevening milord I am-" Aaron tried to introduce himself but was cut short.
" I ain't speaking to you" he cut him fro his words looking back at Katherine. Aaron felt offended by that but held himself.
He saw Katherine raise her hand at the lord to show him an envelope. " Mrs Donovan asked me to get." Katherine paused looking at her side where Aaron stood as if uncomfortable to say it in his presence. This made Aaron more curious to what Katherine was hiding from him.
" what are you still standing here for " he heard the lord ask him. Aaron would have spoke back if the man didn't hold much power that him.
" kathie I will be going now I will visit soon " he said looking deeply into her eyes. He wanted to raise her hand and kiss it in a way to say he have claimed her, but when he took her hand in his he was quick to drop it due to the lord smoldering gaze. he nodded at her before turning to leave.
Katherine didn't know why Aaron had take her hand which have worried her thinking he was wanting to take the envelope.
" I can see the man is who hold your heart " she heard Sirius making her widen her eyes in worry. Although she held soft spot for Aaron the same wouldn't be told about him, they have only interacted as mere friends.
" let me see the envelope " he said stretching his hand and Katherine handed the envelope to him. He gently opened it before looking at the inside.
' pregnancy test result '
pregnant | Negative
"get back inside" he ordered right after he gave her back her envelope. Katherine took it back from him before walking back inside. she made her way to where Mrs Donovan was, but seeing her talking to someone which is her husband she excused them.
" Aren't you mother's personal maid " she looked behind her to see a woman she recognise at her first time here. she has brown wavy hair and brown eyes. meanwhile Katherine has changed into her maid attire.
" I am Mrs Aubrey Donovan maid " she said with a slight bow. sylvia, Sirius sister waved her hand to brush it away. " I am lady Sylvia daughter to who you are working for " Sylvia said. she didn't know what to say but only nodded.
"Katherine!! go get some blood wine for us " Katherine heard Mrs Aubrey, looking at where she was sitting to take count of how many they were. Mrs Aubrey didn't scold her for coming back late because she was speaking to her husband then.
she walked to the kitchen not knowing she just ignored Sirius sister leaving her in her words midway. " what day-" she was saying but the maid ignored her and walked away as if she didn't exist. Sylvia looked around to see if anyone saw it because it would look even more embarrassing then.
Katherine brought the blood wine out of the kitchen before walking pass Sylvia to hand the drink to Mr. and Mrs Donovan, Sirius and the guests. As Katherine walk she felt the gaze of everyone there, did not know she would one day be a maid. when her eyes met Sirius it reminded her of what he said " I can see the man is who you hold your heart" this made her feel like burying herself in the ground.
She passed the wine to Augustus, Aubrey, then Sirius while trying not to make eye contact again. when she begin to pass the drink to the guest her hand lost balance of a drink which went to spill on a person shirt. she gasped bending not knowing if she should bend to clean his shirt which she knew will be futile.
" Am really sorry sir am really sorry didn't know " The man immediately stood angrily glancing at his expensive suit. " Do you know how much this suit cost !!" he screamed. Katherine felt tension grip her.
" Katherine you are never like this" she heard Mrs Aubrey voice. " I think you have been failing so many rules "
" Diego please it won't happen again" A voice spoke.
"Take him to the restroom and have him clean his suit."
Katherine took a glance at the blood spill which looked much and was drying. " sir please let me take you to the restroom" she said kindly to not offend him more. And goodness the man didn't say any more word.
when they reached the restroom the man pulled off his coat before handling it to her. Katherine took it, touching some foamy soap she rubbed it on the blood stain. while she did so she felt a hand on her waist, making her gasp in shock which then to flare. she quickly pulled it away.
she turned to face the man. " I am trying to get your coat repaired how dare you touch me !!" she said with a raised voice.
" I didn't know you were such a beauty " he said before winking his eyes at her. when his hand went to hold her again Katherine forced his coat into his hand instead before walking away but he caught her hand immediately turning her around. Before she could pull her hand away she was pushed to the wall, maybe with his vampire strength.
" look like you were never taught manners woman " he said with malice and Katherine began to panic with beads of sweat forming on her face. when she saw his face move closer, with fear she set hers to the side before biting his cheeks really hard chewing it off.
"Ah" he parted his mouth to scream but almost immediately a hand covered his mouth. Katherine could mark her last day as a maid she would surely be sacked if they come to know she had bitten off the man's face even though she was merely a human.
" what happened??'' Sirius questioned her with the man struggling to free his mouth. Katherine mouth trembled to speak with the blood dripping from her mouth.