Evelyn and Katherine moved out of their deceased parents house along with their uncle and aunt. It took them some time before they flagged down a moving carriage. Evelyn eyes didn't escaped the looks of pity the villagers gave them which made her uncomfortable.
After some few hours of their journey they reached their uncles house which was a little good looking than theirs. it was a bungalow with a maroon colored paint. it's gate wasnt that big but small and frail looking. They stepped into the building compound, which had a low short cut grass ground. Not long a girl of Katherine's age ran out along with a boy of Evelyn age, but Evelyn was much older.
" mother and father" the girl called before running to jump on her father and mother, but the boy just walked casually before bowing slightly at his parents. " welcome father, welcome mother " the girl was too engrossed at their parents back home but the taller boy's eyes shifted to them. it moved to Katherine's dress looking it up to down. Katherine didn't change her cloth into a neater one just like her sister had done, she was too sad to, so her cloth were looking like rag.
His eyes mockingly moved back to his parents. " mother is someone visiting". he said his eyes looking at their bags before returning to look at his parents. The girl who up till now who haven't noticed them shifted to take a look at the sisters. " who are this people " she said with a frown.
Katherine had her eyes down, not comfortable with the place she was. " Steve, Claire this is your cousin I was telling you about whose parents died, they would be staying with us from now on" uncle Reuben explained to his children. He guaged their expression to see how they would take in the news and out of all his daughter was the one who didn't seem to pleased of the two, but was fast to cover it up with a smile.
" common everyone inside now " Esther said walking in with her husband and her children who followed her. " Claire take them to their room ".
" it seems like they don't like us here " Katherine whispered to Evelyn who shushed her. They walked in with them and Claire showed them their room.
the room wasn't that empty, a bed to lay on and a lamp at the side.
Katherine and Evelyn quietly kept their bags without sharing a word.