.Dungeon Dive
Chapter 15
(1400/1400 hp) (10/10 Power) (130/130 Endurance)
Str 13+10 (23), Con 4+10 (14), Dex 16 + 10 (26)
Title: "System Lord"
Ability points: 49
Stat points: 0
[Title Equips] You have three titles you can equip: "Ragnarök", "System Lord", "High-Lord."
[Astral Projection Meditation] Duration: 5min, cooldown: 5min
[Summon Jhinn weapon]
[Summon Jhinn] -On Cooldown (12h 14m 45sec)
[Divine Avatar (1)] You can create a clone, experience gained of clone upon death or release.
[Class Equip] You can switch between classes!
[Skaven Call (0)] -On Cooldown (12h…)
[System Hack] *Must have "System Lord" Title equipped. Ability to manipulate system matter to your bidding.
[Town Creation] *Activating this skill will open the stats for the towns you currently own. You can assign villagers to create certain buildings and structures for your town.
[Sinner's Immortality] You are immortal! At least your brain is. You can never lose consciousness.
[Runt Survival] * Activates 10 seconds before death! Time will slow 10sec before your death to give you a stronger chance.
[Pocket-Realm (1)> You have your own realm, that living creatures can be stored in!
[True-Sight] highest form of vision
[Leadership] *You have the ability to collect follower points each day by the people that consider you, their leader. With follower points you can purchase many things from the system Store.
[Skinning (3)] (82/160 exp)
[Leatherworking (2) (36/80)
Head: Silver Cloth tied around the eyes.
Torso: Silver Cloth Robes.
Legs: Yellow Cloth Shorts.
Feet: Silver cloth shoes.
Double Wielded: Silver Metal Rod Staff.
*Legendary full set bonus: Movement +20, Immune to negative effects for all senses.
Leaving the village left me with a sense of laziness, I really didn't want to do anything but sleep. Why did I have to go, why couldn't the other Avatar? I quickly shook my laziness from my mind and started a good jog into a run down the dirt path west of the village.
This was exhilarating, I was easily going a good 50 to 100 miles an hour without trying. I had to keep slowing down to jump a creek or take a sharp turn. None the less I came upon another village within ten minutes which was supposed to be half a day trip.
Knowing that I had the murderer flag, I decided I wouldn't say hi or anything and I activated my stealth. Then I walked through the entrance which wasn't being guarded and towards the center of town where an orb was floating just above the ground. As night was coming, there was little chatter and only a few people were walking about. All of them villagers, none were adventures.
So, I placed my hand on the orb and started my second dive. According to Andrew the dive went down level by level, and no 'one has ever made it past level twenty. I was planning on making it past level 20!
The first dungeon was just like I remembered it, only this time I shapeshifted into my Skaven lord and deactivated stealth. The Skaven's all gave me a salute as I passed, and I worked my way all the way to the boss's room. Only this time it wasn't a raid and remained solo. With all the Skaven's acting peacefully to me, I quickly got to the orb and accepted to continue my dive.
This one wasn't the same, and instead it was the swampy marsh with a well in front of me. I quickly scanned around and found I was surrounded by the army of wolves. Standing behind me with a big smile was Dirk Gray. The boss of the second floor, the one that was already level one hundred, the one that was way faster than me.
"Wow, amazing how these adventures are eager to dive… So many… So many that will never get past this level, because of you." Dirk lazily walked up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Okay, I'll bite… why because of me?" I asked, knowing there was no way out of this situation, after he killed me I'd have to figure out a way to sneak past him I thought.
"You'll bite?" He asked why I had said that, but then he shook his head and continued. "I have an innate skill that allows me to add the speed of my opponents. You for some reason were able to reach speeds beyond that of even a celestial being. I am now the most powerful denizen in this dungeon, because of the speed buff I now possess." He patted me on the shoulder with a big smile.
So, when I hacked the system and increased my speed, he copied it… Now it made sense, that's why he's now faster than I could ever be. Unless I could take it away? I already had "System Lord" equipped so my main avatar which was sleeping could keep the "High-Lord" title to handle village business.
"Perhaps as a reward you'll help me through this dungeon?" I asked, trying to distract him long enough to figure out my system hack ability. The entire layout before me was nothing but code, I could see everything that touched everything and the numbers to them.
I knew I could use my hack ability to take his ability, but that means I would take away from the system, and tutorial system warned me about doing that again. I'd rather die instead of missing my chances to keep coming here to get more powerful.
"Help you get through the dungeon? You don't need help with speeds like this…" He exclaimed with surprise that I didn't for some reason understand how it worked. I of course knew what it took, it took that white energy I had stored inside my inventory the size of a sun. I didn't want to use this energy, I needed it for hell, I needed to get stronger by actually not hacking.
"It was only one time, I'm afraid I can never use that ability again… at least not in tutorial… realm…" I stated not knowing what exactly to call this new world.
"Because of this gift I shall allow you to get past me a total of ten dives… After which I plan on not letting a single person past again." Dirk smiled at his idea.
"Why? Are you rebelling against the system that keeps you here?" I asked honestly wondering why, perhaps I could get to know better how this works.
"The System? You act as if the System is a being… It's not, its just something the gods put together, and which ever god runs this tutorial is on my bad side." Dirk said with as much hate as he could muster.
"You know the king from level one, has agreed to help me, and I can summon him and his army outside of this dungeon…" I stated getting big eyes from Dirk, but it was quickly washed away.
"Temporary will not do, I want out completely!" Dirk stated, turning around now, and walking away.
"Consider this number one… go enjoy your dive while it lasts." Dirk yelled as he disappeared into the crowd of wolves.
Not knowing what to do, I turned around and walked over to the well. Looking down with my true sight I could see that this was the bonus room. With a smile I jumped down inside of the well and walked through the tunnel.
Before I could wonder if I was even allowed to do the bonus room, a sun spider scared the crap outta me as it jumped and latched onto my chest. It burned! I reached up to grab it, but it already dug its legs into my chest pushing on my heart making it explode.
I awoke from my sleep after the death of my avatar with a bit of irritation. I was having a good dream! The knowledge of what had happened made it tough for me to go back to sleep, so I activated my [Divine Avatar] and sat up on the bed as my avatar appeared beside the door.
But my avatar didn't walk out the door, for good reason too. Dirk said it only ten times, which left only nine times. Perhaps I should just leave this village and instead concentrate on diving as far as I can go so I can level up. If I wasn't grinding, then I wouldn't be leveling.
I looked up at my avatar and put up a finger for him to wait, while I tried something. "System Tutorial are you there?" I asked knowing she was always there.
She appeared next to me on the bed laying down on the side that wasn't disturbed. This brought a lot of thoughts to my mind in confusion of seeing her lying there. I could get lost in her green galaxies that spammed indefinitely. It almost looked like a portal I could fall into, and it made me scoot a little back.
"Dirk… Am I allowed to take away the speed from which he copied from me… I fear that If nothing is done than nobody will ever get past him again." I explained, she only moved an arm above her head below the pillow as she stirred a little bit.
"I will not remove the consequences if you do such a thing." Her voice was that of an exotic pleasure that sent goosebumps all through my body.
"Okay, but does it not disturb you that not a single adventure will be able to continue past him? Will you at least do something?" I asked, trying to take advantage of her care for other adventures.
"I agree that it is very unfair. Their endless dying in the dungeon is even more unfair. For this reason I'm unable to take away from the dungeon denizens as designed by the elder gods themselves." She explained now sitting up from the bed and placing her hands down on her legs.
"My apologies, I had the impression that this was your tutorial." I stated using the best reverse psychology I could muster.
"Just because I run it, doesn't mean I can break its rules. The only being that can break the rules of the system itself is the Ragnarök. Which you have already proven within your first dive." She replied with no emotion whatsoever in her voice.
Was she giving me hints? My curiosity got the best of me and I reached out to touch where I thought her knee would be, but she quickly disappeared and reappeared floating above me.
"Whatever, if you don't care than I don't care." I concluded as I gave the shoo motion to my monk. He quickly opened the door and left us to stare at each other.
I fell back onto my bed, and gave her a smirk of my own. "Are you afraid of being touched?" I flirted.
"I've seen what you've done when touching the system, I have no want to go through that again." She answered in her monotone voice again.
"Okay you can leave, I would like to go back to sleep." I simply stated giving her the shoo motion I had just given my avatar.
She simply blinked from existence and I closed my eyes in thought. Dirk would end up being a hinderance to me as soon as I reached my tenth run. Hopefully I could figure out a new way past him, before my last or else I was wasting my ten years.
After leaving the building for the second time tonight I was able to beat my last time by a couple minutes. This time I didn't bother slowing down and activating my stealth, instead I kept the speed all till the very last second and skidded all the way through the village past the floating orb and into a building wall which felt like it shifted from my large hit. The noise sounded like thunder had struck, and I could see that I took damage from it. I quickly got to the orb and faded into it before anyone could wake up and wonder what caused the noise.
Can't believe I died to the sun spider, of all things. For some reason my [Runt Survival] skill is no longer activated. Did that mean that Andrew Forks now had my ability and that meant I couldn't have it anymore? It was one of my strongest innate abilities, or at least one of my working good ones. [Sinner's Immortality] was useless here, as everyone in the tutorial zone was technically immortal. Although it did make it so I could never lose consciousness which might come in handy later. The Pocket-Realm was great for my Summon Jhinn ability and hiding a certain paladin, also my Avatar can always pop in there. Unfortunately, it wasn't a shared space, my avatar's received their own version of it. My new Leadership ability was only good for running a village, which left my [True-Sight] ability. True sight, while is worth having, hasn't helped much to this point.
I consciously walked through all the Skaven army again, this time in my human form I was curious if it'd change anything, but it didn't. It was as if they all could see my name tag, I even stopped a brute and asked him. He told me it was my smell… I apparently didn't have that ability when I was in the Skaven form.
Before I accepted to go to the second floor, I decided to try out stealth. Then for the giggles I shapeshifted into a new form. One to look exactly like the large werewolf. My equipment seemed to magically shift with me and still fit me well. I tried to sniff myself, but I smelt normal. At least normal to me, and that couldn't be a good thing because I should smell anything but normal I was a big dog.
I finally accepted the teleport and appeared behind the well again with wolves surrounding me. I slowly walked away from them and none of them followed me with their eyes or their noses. I crept to past the well deciding to not stop this time and worked my way through the swamp until I found the orb. To my surprise no wolves had stalked me nor did any come smelling for me.
I reached the orb and quickly accepted to go, I scanned the area and did a quick look behind me to find Dirk Gray silently smiling at me as I disappeared. Dang! I was letting my hope climb so that I might have found a way past him.
I found myself standing on the small hill inside the fort again, only there was no sky. It was a dark cavern all around with a trail leading out of the fort. All around the fort were the ants, and their chittering sounded like scratches, as if metal on metal. There was no princess, and there was no time as they began charging at the fort.
Like before I pulled out the legendary orb and set it on the ground activating the shield all around me. And just like before the bugs all began getting hurt by the weird green lighting. I didn't have my awesome blue fire feet that proc'd when enemies were to close, but the shield was killing all the ants. Assuming this was like before, I would have to travel to the next orb and like before it would be like going down a gauntlet of death.
Considering I had a lot longer to wait, I began scanning all my legendary weapons. It was like my social network I needed to page through before I went to bed. I really loved my legendary set of the Ancients, but I found myself always summoning this silver samurai blade I had found.
I had no idea who this Ancient-Human was, but the blade was awesome. When ever I had it in my hand I was able to turn each attack into one single attack that killed the creatures instantly. Minus a couple of wolves that didn't seem to die. I would lose my +20 bonus to movement, but movement wasn't required in a fight.
I then came upon an interesting item called the [Key to Hell's Gate Nine]. The description declared that it would upon activating it, teleport the user to Hell's ninth realm for one hour before it returned the user where he was when he summoned it.
This Item might actually become something useful for when I was in hell. Although I had no idea what Hell's Ninth Realm meant, why create an item if no 'one would go there.
With all my pondering the time flew by fast when the last bee had died after impacting the shield too many times. It was the quietness that ultimately snapped me out of my thinking, and I looked around. No creatures were clicking anymore it sounded nearly peaceful.
I slowly collected all the corpses into my inventory then continued down the cavern. Unlike last time there were no forests on my left and right. Instead now it was stalagmites and stalactites. I saw the ants all ready to charge, but I just used the same tactic as before.
I ran. I ran like I was trying to catch the buss ran. I blurred through the terrain, with my movement already at such a high number I was faster than any vehicle the earthlings have ever created. Then with a flick of my wrist I sent my silver blade to my inventory and equipped my staff getting the +20 movement. Except it was like *20 with how much speed I got. I couldn't keep up with the speed, I couldn't see nor could I focus on where I was going. So, I only went all out when it was a straight line of sight.
Just like last time the bugs couldn't keep up, but they never lost aggro either. The cavern opened up to what I figured was the bonus room, because the large tank like Sand Puppy was in the middle of the cavern. I quickly destroyed the distance between us and while in the air I flicked my wrist making my rod turn into a sword.
I then flipped in the air, landed on the back of this ginormous ugly creature and stabbed down with the sword, then I pulled out the orb again. This time all the creatures crashed into the moving shield as I rested on top of the bosses back. There was no way for him to reach back and get me, and there was no way for any of the creatures to come save him. Another waiting game.
Bertram Bullock, Level 18, Race: (Human)
Ability Points: 51
Stat Points: 0
Waking up in the morning with the sun barely touching the window in my room was difficult to get up. I could hear the birds outside, and a young lady sitting by my bed. This last part shocked me as if someone pored cold water on me.
"Good Morning Sir, Is there anything you would like from me?" She asked this very shy like, then brought her hand to rest on my crotch on top of the blanket. I quickly moved her hand as soon as I understood what she was implying.
I felt disgusted, she was like a little grandchild to me. I'm one hundred and three years old, granted most souls take the average age of 40… but even so, I saw her as a granddaughter she was way too young.
"That's very straight forward young lady, but that I do not require from you." I said in the most reassuring voice I could ask I swung off the bed and opened the door to the bathroom and closed it behind me.
"What do you require?" she asked, just as I set it up.
"Breakfast, perhaps." I replied as I brought up my hand and equipped my Galactic Robes and all my tattoos. I immediately started to float in the air, it was a lot nicer floating than walking.
I realized that Gabe and my avatar were not in my pocket-realm, so I gave a mental shout out to Gabe that I was up and ready for a report. He would give me flack for this but it was all okay.
Next I brought up all my notifications from last night till now. I had gained two levels! And I gained a skill level to my Divine Avatar! That's amazing, but what exactly does that mean. I decided to pull up all the descriptions.
[Divine Avatar (2)] You can create a clone, experience gained of clone upon death or release.
Didn't give me more details, so I had to guess, maybe my clone is time 2? Or maybe I can summon another clone? That latter one I could test now!
I concentrated and activated my Avatar again, except this time I gave him the [Necromancer Lord] skill. Then I waited for nothing to happen, I knew deep down it wouldn't work, but less I kept an eye on my [Pocket-Realm]. Then as if I didn't have another clone, I appeared in my pocket realm with the [Necromancer Lord] class.
'Gabe?' I questioned again, he still wasn't there, which meant that he was with my other clone. But what if my other clone was gone and I just made this one as one. But I checked my stats again, and the
Gabe then appeared in my pocket-realm and started to study the new clone with me. 'I'm guessing your [Divine Avatar] skill has leveled up? Hard to believe that a mortal being can get more than one divine avatar, I don't even think a Celestial could get more than one clone. Besides that the skill would be tough for a deity to master as well.' Gabe realized he was mumbling on so stopped and concentrated on me as I focused deep within myself.
'Ninja is fine, currently clearing the third level' Gabe stated then gave a small salute and disappeared.
"Well, that leaves my necro lord, perhaps you could walk around the village and make sure everything is secure." I reflected and my necro lord gave me a nod and appeared by my door and walked out.
I followed the necro to the main hall and the little girl was standing by the center table staring at me and my clone going back and forth. I sat down where she had set my hot breakfast which looked like oatmeal with sugar. While My clones were working, I would be working on this village. Perhaps get stuff started and then join my clones for the future battles.