Chereads / The son of the soil / Chapter 5 - Adisa in serious coma

Chapter 5 - Adisa in serious coma

Six months after Adisa had acquired the full ownership and title of the only inherited alnd that belonged to Oke's family, things were concurrently going well with both Adisa and Oke. The reason for adisa's extraordinary extroverted character in the village of Alapa was quite apparent to Oke and Awero who had the idea of the concluded contract that was witnessed by transfer of land.

Oke's mind continued to be in great lingered joy. The propitiation sacrifice to the gods some six months ago had finally extricated Oke and Aina from a child less life.

Aina who was carrying six months old developing baby in her womb always lived each day of her life with blazzing smiling face. The joy that continued to exist in her was immeasurable because she kept looking forward to getting herself automatically initiated in the world of Parenthood. The joy of every woman to carry a baby of their own kept growing in her each time she touched her pregnancy.

It was already dark when Oke returned home from the village arena on that fateful day. He actually left some of his friends behind at the arena due to sudden unpleasant change in his body system that grew out in him. It was only Adisa that noticed the strange pains he complained about in his head. The pain to was taking to be ephemeral as Adisa saw Oke off from the arena.

As Soon as Oke entered the room, he sighted aina already lost in her slumber. He was unable to gather strength and reach for his food that had been dished out by Aina some hours ago . With the anguish of pain that kept existing in him, he tried to uncloth himself before making it to the bed next to Aina who was fully asleep.

Awfully, Oke was laying on his back with his legs thrown unconsciously apart. It seemed laying in that position severely upset the pains in his head. He had no other choice at that point I hand to get hold of his head with the attempt to naturally allay some of the pains. This he did for a while as he kept hoping to sleep to take him away.

suddenly, Oke cried out in anguish with violent shiver that convulsed him . His whole body joined in sharing the pain that eventually travelled from his head to other parts of his body. He went into complete uncontrollable convulsion which forced Aina awake.

"O!.... My gods!... Why are you in this terrible condition?" Aina shouted on her voice.

Oke who continued to remain speechless was unable to say anything. He continued to hold his head and this was the only sign that gave Aina a faint idea of what could have been happening to her husband.

Aina cried our for help from her neighborhood. It took some minutes before some of their neighbors could appear at the scene. Almost everyone had gone to sleep while just few were somewhere else merely taking the night air before going to sleep.

Before a decision to take Oke to a nearby traditional doctor could be reached, the innocent man given up the ghost. This was a strange and tragic experience that was not expected in Oke's family things even in some many years to come. Everyone at the scene had his mouth thrown open to such hearth-wrenchig incident. Aina was yet to believe and comprehend what was happening as she looked lost for a while. It took her more than necessary time before she could regain her composure.

Oke's death could be a natural one , but nobody had evidence to support such terrible outlandish experience. Oke's death was very difficult to comprehend as it was beyond mortal knowledge. What was certain was that, Oke didn't have encounter with anybody in the village that could be connected to his death. The man was rated as one of the easy going and gentle young men in Alapa. He was known for his honestly and outstanding integrity among the people in the village.

Oke's demise left an enormous gap In aina's life which nobody ws fit enough to fill. Each time, the momory husband untimely and agonizing death flashed imher mind , she felt deeply touched. Those moments in which both of them shared much love and vows kept visiting her mind. Each time this happened, mostly when she was alone , she often grieved over the sudden death of her beloved husband.

Two months after Oke's death which also marked with months Aina had been carrying her pregnancy, it came into aina's notice that Adisa was seen parading round her late husband's inherited land .

Actually, it wasn't that Adisa was seen around the massive land , but he had actually cultivated certain species of crops o the land as soon as he succeed in acquiring the ownership of the land as consideration for the contract between okeyand him. It did not take Adisa long to known what he could use the land for. He only endured fora week after the contract had been executed before putting the enormous piece of land to a perfect use .

After the rumoyof allegetion towards Adisa working on her husband's land dropped into her ears , she got the sulks of an unhappy widow from the nature. Her vivacious impression towards Adisa and Awero since the tragedy happened vanished immediately and hatred followed. She spent days trying to recollect if her husband ever told her of devolving his land to Adisa. All days went by , Aina was short of ideas on how to go about the issue. At first, she thought of walking on Adisa to scrutinize his opinion concerning the alleged rumor of using her husband's land , an action that was tarnishing his personal integrity.

With her present health condition at that moment,she Wes unable to go after anybody all I the name of claiming a piece of land.She believed walking on Adisa for the alleged use of the Oke's land without passing through the palace would amount to claiming someone's right on spec. She felt setting the cat among the pigeons would be the worst option as this might put an end to their several years' strong friendship.

After tow weeks or thereabout, Aina visited the palace of Alapa village for justice to prevail over the landed matter she had not taken her Time to find out the true content of the rumor .It is believed that every rumor has its own element of truth. In Aina's case ,every rumor had been taken out to be truth.

When Aina got to the palace on that fateful cold morning,she managed to go down on her knees before the King.At that palace,there were no any members of the council on seat .At first the commended Aina for not talking laws in to her own hands.

As you can see now ,none of my chiefs in the council is here...I will urge you to exercise patience till two weeks to come when ever member of the council will be in the house," the King explained after commending Aina for coming to the right quarters.

Before the two weeks promised by the King to re-open the case between Adisa and Aina expired,Aina had given birth to a new bouncing albino girl.