I looked for a lot of fanfiction about the powers of the Scarlet Witch in the DC world, in the end I decided to create my own, but a better version of what I tried the first time. By the way, I was looking for a teacher and I liked this hero
Alias: Extraño
Real Name: Gragorio de la Vega
Home: Lima, Peru
I am Peruvian and I am proud
I accept ideas and comments, thank you very much.
|Washington, DC
|January 13, 2005, 12:30 EDT
Project Cadmus or Cadmus Labs, a government genetic engineering facility that deals with genetic chain research where they specialized in Kryptonian DNA research, creating two clones, one using only pure Kryptonian DNA, which led to that clone having psychological damage and genetic damage making it unstable, they called it Project Match; then vlonation was attempted again this time combining Kryptonian DNA with Human DNA, managing to create a psychologically stable and genetically stable clone, but unfortunately not with all of Superman's powers, this was called Project Superboy.
But before the creation of these clones, a well-known mad scientist named Dabney Donovan believed that there should be no limit to the genetic potential of people, this thought was what led him to create the Genomorphs, which led him to create Dubbilex, which also led him to ask the Cadmus board of directors for the chance to experiment with something new, with the energy of Chaos itself.
The request initially baffled the board, but after Dabney explained the reason for his request and his plans, the board agreed. They decided to use the DNA of an immortal person so that there would be no risk of genetic damage during creation, along with a crystal of pure chaos magic to interact with the blood. The process of creating the new individual was not easy; it was all trial and error in a project called Project Scarlet. Things were not going well; the interaction of blood with chaos magic did not always turn out well. The results were either too unstable and had to be destroyed or they did not meet the maturation time and died; After several attempts and no results, the board decided to add the DNA of another person who could be physically, mentally and evolutionarily stable. The person in question is a person who stole powers from the tomb of a champion of the gods. By adding the DNA of said person, a stable genetic chain was created that allowed the creation of the body of the Scarlet Project.
|Washington, DC
|September 15, 2007, 12:30 EDT
After two years of work, research, and testing they finally managed to create a human body that was stable under the control of Chaos Magic. The formation of this new body lasted sixteen weeks, during which time the body acquired the body of a sixteen year old boy, black hair, brown eyes, five foot seventy tall, cinnamon skin with a full body black suit with a medallion with a purple stone and a rune that according to one of the members of the Cadmus board of directors serves to better contain his power until he learns to control it. Time continued to pass but during that time the body sometimes showed no signs of awakening, but when it did its power went out of control. Despite all the attempts to make the G-Gnomes docile with the subject, with his powers he harmed the G-Gnomes making them aggressive, attacking scientists and all the staff. They were about to have twelve leaks of specimens in a month, which led to the decision to close the project, which also led the board to take that the created subject was completely useless and unstable, Doctor Dabney Donovan, who was the chief scientist of the creation was fired with the excuse of the public that he tried to make money movements to a ghost account and his reputation was ruined, which led him to disappear so that the board would not find him and kill him, while in Cadmus a new scientist was appointed head, Doctor Mark Desmond, who was given the order by the board to create a clone that can rival Superman, from a sample they obtained during a fight and to begin with the cloning of Green Arrow's partner, Speedy, to copy his memories and implement mental codes so that they can obtain information from the superheroes, without him realizing what he really is.
While the body of the Scarlet Project was put in a vault to be forgotten over time, but what no one realized is that three months after all that, a red light entered the body of the young man who suddenly opened his eyes with a red and black glow in his pupils