Mikazuki spent the next few weeks with Yuuma, immersing himself in the world of Gunpla. They built countless models and battled each other in virtual reality, constantly pushing each other to be better.
But as much as Mikazuki enjoyed Gunpla, he couldn't help but feel like there was something missing. He missed the thrill of real battle, the rush of adrenaline as he fought for his comrades' lives.
One day, as they were working on a Gunpla together, Mikazuki had an idea. "Hey, do you think we could make a custom Gunpla that's completely unique? Something that's never been seen before."
Yuuma's eyes lit up with excitement. "I love that idea! We could use all sorts of different parts to create something truly special."
Mikazuki felt a sense of satisfaction at the prospect of creating something new. It was a small piece of creativity he could hold onto, a reminder of the battles he had fought and the friends he had made.
Over the next few days, Mikazuki and Yuuma worked tirelessly on their custom Gunpla, experimenting with different parts and techniques to create something that truly reflected their vision. They poured all their passion and creativity into the project, determined to make it the best they possibly could.
And when they finally finished, Mikazuki felt a sense of pride and accomplishment that he hadn't felt in a long time. He knew that the custom Gunpla was a testament to his own creativity, and to the bond he had formed with Yuuma.
As they stood admiring their creation, Mikazuki couldn't help but feel grateful for this new world he had found himself in. It may not be the world he was used to, but it was a world filled with endless possibilities, where he could explore his passions and forge new bonds.