As Selene and I make our way to our respective classes, we deliberately tune out the chaotic buzz surrounding us. Slipping into my seat at the back of the room, I casually drop my books onto the desk, stealing a moment to peer out the window, lost in my thoughts.
Life's been alright lately, can't complain. Got an awesome bunch of siblings and a dad who's always got my back. Guess you could say I'm luckier than most. But, you know, happiness is what matters most.
Every now and then, you wake up and realize you're just a number, another face lost in the crowd, nothing special. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's not exactly a good thing either. That's the kicker about life β you think you'll hit some grand milestone, and become someone important, but reality hits, and you're still just you.
Life's got a way of knocking you down a peg, you know? Maybe you'll reach the top, make it big, or maybe you'll just float through, with no dreams, no aspirations. It's all part of the ride, I guess. The only option? Face it head-on.
Shaking off those existential vibes, I turn my attention to Prof. Longridge, our quirky lecturer. She's a character, that one. Sometimes she strolls in with her sidekick, Nani the parrot, perched on her shoulder. And her outfit? Well, it's a toss-up, depending on which era she's feeling that day. It's pretty hilarious how the class still hasn't quite gotten used to her antics.
Today, Prof. Longridge makes a bold fashion statement, donning a white medieval dress adorned with a sleek black corset and flat shoes, her wild red locks tamed into a chic hairstyle. With a flourish, she announces the arrival of our esteemed guest, Alexander Forbes.
"Ladies and gentlemen," she begins, her voice commanding attention, "I'm certain you've all heard of the presence of Alexander Forbes among us today. Prepare yourselves for a lecture from one of the most esteemed individuals in our country. As the proprietor of our nation's largest company, his insights will undoubtedly benefit and inspire you to contemplate your future paths. Without further ado, the floor belongs to you, Mr. Forbes," she declares, gesturing towards the opening door.
He strides through the doorway with an aura of assuredness, each step a testament to his quiet confidence. His lengthy strides carry him gracefully to the podium, where he commands the room's attention. Clad in a precisely tailored black suit that molds flawlessly to his tall, athletic form, he exudes an air of authority that is impossible to ignore. Beneath the suit, a pristine white shirt peeks out, adorned with a silk tie boasting an understated pattern, adding a touch of sophistication to his already imposing presence.
As he begins his discourse, his voice resonates with authority, capturing the room's focus effortlessly. With a commanding tone, he delves into a thought-provoking topic, urging us to contemplate the challenges we will encounter in the workforce. His words compel us to approach each obstacle with unwavering diligence, igniting a sense of purpose and determination within us.
Wrapping up his speech, he casually throws out, "Any burning questions?" Hands shoot up across the room in response.
"Let's keep it relevant, folks," Prof. Longridge interjects, causing a few hands to retreat. Eventually, he picks out a girl seated at the front.
"Uh, do you have a special someone in your life?" she blurts out eagerly.
"Didn't I mention 'relevance'?" Prof. Longridge reminds her sharply.
"It's all good," he assures her, turning his attention towards me with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Perhaps one's in the cards soon."
I can't help but scrunch my face in confusion. What's he getting at? And when did we even cross paths?
I shake my head, dismissing the strange exchange, and reach for my bag resting on the adjacent seat. Quickly gathering my belongings, I rise from my chair, feeling the urge to exit the classroom. Sure, the class was fine, but right now, I'm just done with it.
Alexander Forbes's odd behaviour is not lost on me, but frankly, I couldn't care less. I've got better things to occupy my time than deciphering his peculiar antics. With a determined stride, I head for the door, leaving behind the lingering awkwardness without a second thought.
As I stride down the hallway, I shoot off a quick text to Selene. "Hey, I'm out. Coffee break?"
Her response comes swiftly. "What happened to McHotty? Thought you were into his lecturer. Anyway, spill the tea later. Meet at your car," she suggests, punctuated with a playful emoji.
I chuckle at her response and reply with a confused guy meme before slipping my phone into the back pocket of my jeans.
Reaching my car, I slide into the driver's seat and stow my belongings in the back. Leaning back, I feel the weariness settle into my bones, even though the day has just begun. With a sigh, I start the engine and connect my phone to the car's Bluetooth, eager for some uplifting tunes to shake off the fatigue.
Opting for some P-pop, the energetic beats fill the car as I settle in, ready to decompress and recharge before tackling the rest of the day. After all, in this world where Koreans are known as Paccians, their music never fails to lift my spirits.
As I lose myself in the music, my eyes shut and voice harmonizing softly with the melody, a sudden rap on the car window jolts me back to reality. It's Selene, her grin infectious as she leans in.
"Ready to jet, babe?" she chirps, sliding into the passenger seat and clicking her seatbelt into place. Her head bobs to the rhythm, fingers tapping along the dashboard in sync with the beat. With a playful glint in her eye, she turns to me, her words laced with teasing
"You're such a weird one, ya' know?" she remarks.
I chuckle, starting the engine and easing out of the parking spot. "Oh yeah? How's that?"
She gives me a knowing look. "Why wouldn't you admire that dreamy face for longer?" she needles.
I shrug, keeping my eyes on the road ahead. "Sure, he's easy on the eyes, but he's just not my style. Ya' know?"
"A hottie's a hottie, no matter what. But I'll respect your taste," she concedes, nodding as she gazes out the window.
"He gave me this strange look," I mention, recalling the peculiar encounter from class.
In an instant, Selene's focus snaps back to me, her curiosity piqued. "How strange? Like, 'I've got something odd planned for you' strange? Or more of an 'I know something about you' strange?" she probes, her interest unmistakable.
"I can't quite pin it down, but it definitely gave me the creeps," I confide in Selene.
"Perhaps he's crossed paths with one of your brothers?" she suggests, her brow furrowing in thought.
"Could be," I concede with a nod.
Our conversation drifts off as I navigate through the drive-through of the coffee-smoothie joint. "Coffee or smoothie?" I inquire.
"Smoothie," Selene replies decisively.
"Got it," I confirm, pulling up to the intercom. "Can we get a vanilla and mixed berry smoothie, and a mango vanilla smoothie, please?" I place our order.
"That'll be 5 kinos," comes the response through the speaker.
I hand over the payment and wait for our refreshing treats to be handed to us through the window, the mystery of Alexander Forbes's peculiar glance lingering in the back of my mind.
As Selene and I savor the last sips of our smoothies, I drop her off at campus for her Art class while I head back home. Thankfully, my schedule for the day is light, with only one class to attend.
As I pull into the driveway, the sight of my parents' car sends a ripple of tension through me. Their preferred mode of travel usually means both of them are around. I can't help but wonder if I have the patience today to deal with my mother's biting remarks. It's been too long since I've had to endure her sharp tongue.
Pausing for a moment to gather my thoughts, I finally make my way into the house. "I'm back," I announce quietly, slipping off my shoes and exchanging them for comfortable slippers.
As I step further into the familiar surroundings, I prepare myself mentally for the potential encounters with my mother and her sharp wit. It's a challenge I've faced before, but one I never quite get used to.
"My baby girl is home! I missed you," my dad's warm voice envelops me as he approaches, arms open wide for a hug. I melt into his embrace, feeling the familiar comfort of his presence. "Missed you too, Dad," I murmur softly.
His gaze softens as he looks down at me, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. "We're off to visit your grandfather, so I wanted to catch you before we leave," he explains.
As I step back from his embrace, I catch sight of my mother's cold demeanor, her arms crossed tightly as she pointedly looks away. With a heavy sigh, I turn back to my dad, mustering a smile. "Safe travels, Daddy," I say, hoping to convey my affection despite the tension in the air.
My dad gestures to my mom, signaling for her to join him, but before they can depart, the jarring sound of his ringtone interrupts the moment. He offers a quick apology before stepping out to take the call.
Left alone with my mother, the air thickens with tension. Her words slice through the silence like a knife. "Do you honestly believe your dad loves you? He's only putting on this show because he's afraid of looking like the bad guy in front of his business partners," she sneers, her tone laced with bitterness.
"I hate how insecure you feel, Mother," I respond, my voice steady despite the storm brewing within me. "What kind of mother says such hurtful things to her own daughter? I hope you find healing one day, I truly do," I add, my words carrying a mix of sadness and determination.
Her venomous words strike like a dagger, cutting through any remaining facade of warmth between us. "What healing? The only healing I need is one day waking up and finding out that you were never born," she spits out before turning and following my dad outside.
Watching her retreat alongside my dad, I'm reminded of the toxic dynamic that has plagued our relationship for far too long. Yet, despite the pain she inflicts, I know that her validation is something I'll never need. I won't allow her to dictate my worth or define my path.
Perhaps that's why I haven't met Cade yet. Maybe deep down, I've been holding out for someone who won't try to save me, but who will stand beside me as an equal. Someone who sees me for who I am, scars and all. Because Cade will never be the knight in shining armour who rescues me from my misery. I have to be my own hero.