-Moon blast-
Alan chanted as the huge moon like structure behind him blinked twice before circular rings of energy emitted from it like ripples in water when stone is thrown into it. As each wave of energy moved afar, air was being teared apart to make a path while the ground beneath was disappearing into nothing as if it were evaporating into thin air.
On the other hand, the phoenix like bird, blazing bright yellow, shouted towards Alan with a speed barely noticeable to the human eye.
- BoooM-
A loud noise filled the air as the golden phoenix was constantly being pushed by waves of white energy, but the phoenix just kept moving foreword and foreword, cutting through the ripples like a boat moving upstream.
The sound of a collision kept getting louder and louder until it was barely recognisable to the ear. The royal palace started to vibrate, and even the veil of aroma surrounding the city started to flicker like a candle counting its last breaths.