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Serendipity (dnd inspired)

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Nashi just wants to find themselves a quest, and Markus just wants to steal from Nashi. Markus forces his way into an adventure with Nashi, and it teaches them how exactly pushed away they were from other people, and how Markus also has a past that eats away at him.

Chapter 1 - Chapter One: Encountering a Certain Pest

"You got the item I asked for?"

"Yep, you got the gold you promised?" I question, my eyesight never wanders away from the guy I made a deal for. The guy has a small chubby build, but the way he holds himself with so much confidence makes up for it. A cigar is hanging loosely from his mouth as he digs in his left pocket for the few loose pieces of gold he owes me.

We are standing in a dark alleyway with the sunlight barely creeping through. There is a strong smell of alcohol and a faint sound of voices from outside of the alleyway. Somewhere nearby two cats are violently fighting each other. They hiss and screech and I wince slightly watching this big black cat swing a paw roughly at a skinny orange tabby cat.

I have been in plenty of sketchy environments, especially ones like this, but I still feel myself wanting to rush out before this guy gets some of his friends. I don't doubt my abilities, but with more than one person, I could be easily taken down. As quickly as my hands can work I pull out the jar that has the poisonous snake's fangs and hold it out. "Well, what are you exactly waiting for?"

He pulls out his cigar from his mouth, shaking it slightly as ashes fall to the ground. He blows a cloud of smoke toward my face and I resist the urge to throw a punch. "Hold your horses' kid." He takes a few steps closer to me, so close I can smell the strong aroma of his cigar again. He looks me up and down as if he's sizing me up, I get a sort of defensive feeling kicking in. He steps back after a second, grabbing the jar from my hand.

He keeps his eyes on it, looking over the fangs to make sure there wasn't a scam pulled on him. It takes him a minute or two to inspect them before he's tucking them into his pocket and dropping a few pieces of gold into my hand. It goes into my satchel quickly to make sure he doesn't take it back.

He gestures for me to leave the alleyway. I didn't hesitate with that request, collecting my composure and stepping into the busy market. Once away from him, I let out the cough I was holding in from all that smoke. It's a nasty cough and it gets me a little more riled up at the guy. He gave me such a low amount for a difficult job, how greedy was he? The less I have to see guys like that, the easier I can make money for myself.

I try to brush my hair away, only to remember the newly chopped length. I forgot I had sold my damn hair for ten pieces of gold. At least it wasn't a kidney or two and it was something that can grow back.

Standing in the market just about gets me trampled by the people walking by. A tiefling shoves me with their shoulder and I have to compose myself so I don't go after them, instead straightening my posture and striding forward. I keep an eye on the smaller carts in the market while walking past them. People just starting I feel pity for. They don't know how hard it is to make a good living around these parts. Well, I didn't know how to when I grew up around here so they will just have to learn it the hard way.

I keep walking until I'm completely out of the area, now in the grassy meadow nearby. It had recently rained, and the smell of rain is a bit musky. My nose seems to tingle with another scent though, it's a rather pungent smell. Nausea practically hits me as the smell creeps closer. I look around for the source of it to see a monster. It's unknown to me what it is but it attempts to poorly camouflage itself in the grass.

I practically chuckle at this, lifting my sword and ready to strike, until it completely dissolves and morphs into another direction. I turn around and I swing for it again. My swing nicks it slightly and I feel a slight amount of blood splatter hit my face. They seem to have overexerted themselves with their single defense move. My sword had swiftness now, cutting through the air toward the monster's chest, a shortened distance between them and me. The mutated monster kept silent, eyes beady and aggressive. They flare into my soul; I keep my calm demeanor and swing again, slicing through them.

The monster explodes and my body is covered. I would have preferred a less messy death but I'm glad to have spotted a body of water nearby. With my sleeve, I bring my blade near my face and wipe at it, flicking any blood chunks to the ground. Letting it dry causes more difficulty.

"Now what do we have here?" A voice I don't recognize comes from behind me. Without a second glance, my sword is at their neck. Their hands are raised in a surrendering position. I do not hesitate to keep it there. Hesitation leads to losing my life and I wouldn't want to risk that.

"What a way to greet someone. You are an interesting individual, my fellow lady."

I cringe slightly, "Person please, refer to me as a person."

"Ah alright, well I apologize." He nudges the sword down from his neck slightly with his hand. I slap his hand off like he's a child and keep it up.

"You know, hostility isn't going to benefit you in the future." He gestures to the sword. "Besides, your blade is kind of dull, how far are you gonna get with killing me?"

"You wanna test that, pretty boy?"

"Well, not particularly."

He pushes my nerves, but I pull away the blade. It's obvious he's no threat, just a pest at the moment. I keep my eyes on him as I go back to wipe at my blade, hoping for him to leave me alone.

"You know, answering others is nice instead of this death glare." He keeps eyeing the sword. My brain has finally processed why he's here.

"Are you trying to rob me?" He pulls up a fake act of shock into his actions, slightly pacing around me like he's trying to corner me.

"Who? Me? Well, I would never steal from anyone, at least without good intent." He smirks at me; I scowl back.

How do I deal with idiocy? I'm trained to deal with the worst of the worst monsters, not against someone who's dumbing me down just by talking to him! I mean, doesn't he understand the consequences of his actions? He's trying to make a grab and run, and that would get him killed. I could so easily take him down.

With a deep sigh, I am finally able to push out some proper sentences, "Just state your purpose towards me and go on your way."

"Well, I was thinking about an idea for a deal, perhaps a wager for that certain sword you are holding onto so tightly." He stands still in front of me, he moves close to my face, his eyes glistening with anticipation. "Or are you too scared to lose?"

"Are you challenging me?" It's wonderful how someone could be so stupid. "If I hear you out, will you leave me alone?"

He pulls back from me and grabs a coin from his cloak. The coin is practically new and shiny. He holds it up to reflect off the sun in the sky. "You can always say no, but wouldn't you like to be a winner? I can give you a great reward if you take my deal."

This is a trick. "You are pulling a scam, and I rather like this sword so you can leave now." I shrug him off, and he puts the coin in the pocket of his flared leather fabric trousers.

"Oh I know, you got that from your father, didn't you?"

I feel myself stop my train of thought, I grab him from the front of his shirt; his confident smirk falters into something of nervousness. "How the hell do you know this is from my father?"

His smirk is right back on his face. "Lucky guess, I suppose. It got a kick out of you, so I'm right, aren't I?"

I throw him to the ground and he groans slightly in pain, the wind knocked right out of him. I should have kept my composure. I might be half-orc, but this aggression isn't like me and I need to keep myself under control. It's terrible to battle when you let aggression get the best of you.

"Don't look further into it, I don't need you putting your nose in places you don't belong."

He pushes himself up to his feet, wavering slightly from being thrown so roughly. "Perhaps I can help you with your father issues if you play my game? I robbed a magical being once and got this amulet." He swings a familiar glowing red amulet necklace in his hand. The jewel dangles off the cheap string holding the special piece that reeks of familiarity.

He goes to toss it up but I snatch it from the air. "Hey! Give that back! I stole it fair and square!" I feel myself wanting to smirk at him after having to see that bastardly grin plastered on his face the whole time.

"Finders keepers, I found it, and I took it from you, fair and square."

"I suppose you are right, but I feel as if you owe me at least your name in return?" His gaze practically burns into me. "I owe you nothing, and I feel as if you have no power here."

"Come on! How about a name for a name? A fair deal!"

"Who said I wanted to know your name?"

He pouts like a child and crosses his arms. "Well, my name is Markus, thanks for asking." I feel bad for this pathetic excuse of a guy, so I give in at this point, wanting him to get himself out of here, he isn't going to do that acting like this.

"Nashi is my name. Do with that as you will."

His look towards me changes from his usual pout to something of appreciation. "Great, now how about passing back that amulet?"

I see right through him; he's an open book. "You have my name, I suggest you move along before I lift you by the back of your shirt and force you to go." His whole bit is tiring and I don't want to deal with his presence around me anymore.

"Why don't you let me accompany you on one of your adventures, and then I'll leave you alone afterward? That's if you wanna get rid of me." He winks at me. I put in the dramatic effect of gagging slightly.

"Come on, I'm not that bad! Some might even say I'm a charming individual."

I raise a brow at him. "Did you get a wizard to cast a spell on them, or do you not understand social cues?"

"My understanding of social cues is perfectly fine, thank you very much! I also haven't been in any contact with wizards of any sort recently, at least I believe." He eyes me a little bit. "I mean, are you a wizard?"

"No, I'm a half-orc, I thought I made it obvious with my gray skin." I mean, I have my teeth sticking out of my mouth due to being half-orc, so I assumed it was clear.

"I was raised to never judge someone by their race." Markus pauses and shows clear signs of lying, hands fidgeting and eye contact diverted. "So I'm not gonna make that assumption about you. What have you been assuming about me?"

I feel slightly ashamed; of course not everyone labels each other so quickly. He might just have a bad family. "Well, a thief obviously, and a human."

He moves his hair away from one of his ears, his face flushed slightly and I see his ears. Currently beat red, his ears are pointed. He mumbles something under his breath, and instinctively from what I know, I tell him to speak up.

"I'm a half-elf, okay? Not my proudest thing to admit."

I practically scoffed at him. "Half-elves are so common, you should have luck just blending in." I wish I hadn't said that out loud, but it was already out of my mouth, and I never take anything back.

"You don't know anything about me, and you have no idea of my life experiences." He practically kills me with that death glare, and I'm reminding myself of the orcs who passed judgment on me.

"It's not easy for someone who was born into a full elf family to be the only half-elf around." I almost cringe at how similar a story that was. He quickly covers his ear again with his hair, making sure the ear doesn't have a chance of accidentally showing.

"I hide my ears so I can pass as a human, so I can blend in with human society."

Embarrassed, I force the amulet into his hand. He seems surprised by this gesture. "Here, just take this back and go."

"Oh no, you aren't getting rid of me now! You hurt my poor feelings, now you have to allow me to come along to make up for it." He tucks the amulet into the bag that's supposedly hidden under his cloak. I consider letting him come along. I could use him as a half-elf shield if the situation becomes exceptionally hostile. "If I let you come along with me, will you leave me alone afterward?"

"That sounds like a deal to me. Wanna shake on it?"

"Absolutely not."

"Well then fellow companion, let's head on our merry way!" He tries to make an attempt to pat my shoulder, but instinctively I grab his arm and flip him onto his back. He slams onto the ground for the second time today.

"That's your warning for the future. Don't touch me." I say, grimacing at the blood that's dried on my clothing. At this point, I'm going to have to just live with it.

He follows my gaze and speaks up, "You need a fresh pair of fabrics? I got someone who could do that for you if you have a few pieces of gold." I check my pockets for my small bag of gold; it's missing. I look up at him, my gaze intense, "drop the gold."

"Come on, I'm just pulling your leg, here take it." He drops the small bag of gold into my hand. The coins shake in the bag with a quick pass toward me. I continue to hold out my hand afterward.

"Give me all of it."

"Now how did you even-" in frustration, he digs through his pockets and drops two gold pieces into my hand. "Realize that you were missing anything?"

"I think I know my own money. Besides, you're not the first person to attempt to rob me. You aren't very clever."

"I think I'm smarter than you give me credit for."

I laugh at this, his face contorts into something of offense. "Oh, that's a good one! when salamanders fly I suppose."

"I'll have you know a witch could very easily make them fly so your logic is completely flawed." A smug look is on his face, I roll my eyes at him.

"It's a phrase commonly said, you taking it literally says something about you."

"I bet that something is good after all these mean things you say towards me." He says this sarcastically. I roughly push him forward, and he stumbles and turns his head toward me, glaring at me and adjusting his cloak worn on him.

Now that I have this chance, I look over his appearance. His disheveled brown hair with ears wholly hidden. A giant tethered cloak wrapped around him, pushed back slightly to show his filthy white shirt and brown trousers. He draped the cloak so it covered the bag he wore. His height compared to mine was relatively short, he must be barely over five feet.

"Come on, I got things to do, and I much rather not stay in these filthy clothes," I state to him, he chuckles at my suffering.

I think about my appearance compared to his. My hair was recently cut unevenly short with my sword. Before getting them layered in blood on the front, I had a black tunic, belted at the waist. The belt around my waist could hold my sword. I also supported a pair of trousers. With the mouth area, I have two front teeth poking out and my height is at the six-foot mark. I can blame these two things on being a part of the half-orc species.

"Well, it's unfortunate to be you at this moment! I believe this is what's called, karma?" He says, and before I could toss him again, he starts practically hopping away. I groan internally but start running up ahead to catch up with him. I practically trip on my feet trying to catch up, but I won't admit that. I have to meet up with the person he's going to bring me to, which I assume to be a tailor.

Oh Ether, I hope it's a tailor!