This novel/ story revolves around a female lead named Noel, an aspiring novel writer. Together with her co-worker and director, they plan to work on a book. Noel being the head writer of the novel encounters different problems in deciding on the plot and ending of her story. She asks for advice on what else she can improve. But no matter what she did, her story was always rejected and disapproved by her director. Wanting to see more sparks and colors in the plot and the characters themselves, the director decides to order Noel around, especially in the novel. She strives to do her best to at least show the director the purpose of the book she wants to publicize. On her way home, she recalls what her best friend told her, to write what her heart says. And a while later found herself in the middle of a battlefield, she realize that she was inside her very own novel.
This novel is Pg 13 above–with a maximum length of 2000 and a minimum of 1000 words for each chapter – focusing on romance and fantasy. Although the author believes this story is also associated with a slice-of-life genre since the book started and took place on earth and is currently experienced by writers and artists. This is the first novel the author would publicize, have a happy reading journey with this book called "The Voice Before Us"