As Jin faced an unexpected ambush, a world away, the tranquil Putou district, nestled in the northwest of Shanghai, basked in the soft orange light of the afternoon sun.
In stark contrast, a horde of Blood Slaves descended upon the scene, relentlessly pursuing a group of terrified humans in the distance.
The prison, a solitary one-story structure, dominated the landscape, stretching across the entire area.
Unlike the bustling central city of Shanghai, here, the gap between each building extended well beyond a hundred meters. This expanse was interspersed with lush trees, lending the entire area the appearance of a rural town frozen in time.
The fleeing group raced down a narrow road, their destination firmly set on the prison.
Its formidable walls and barricades were their only hope, as the surrounding one-story structures appeared abandoned and fragile, ill-suited to withstand the relentless onslaught of the approaching horde of Blood Slaves.