Chapter 3 - Episode 3

Federica dancing, sweeping in the kitchen. Grabbing the boxes to put dishes, utensils, luxury things for the dining room, the living room.

While the stepsisters are fighting over one of the precious dresses.

Throughout the day the teenager cleaning the glasses, the tables, things in the room while she continues dancing.

In the end she grabbed a fruit called a strawberry. Then she was cooking something important for tomorrow, which would be the day of the event.

The stepmother came to the kitchen.

-You're almost done, you're ready - When the stepmother saw the girl while she was cooking.

-I see I'm preparing dinner with your proven diet -During the day the heiress works hard to prepare the diet.

Well, I see that you have everything under control.

I can't believe how quickly you made that list, don't leave a positive attitude, everything is ready for the dance - The one with a bad attitude told him

-Dancing can be tedious if I thought that too, but I feel like having it for my father makes me feel closer to that time, it's just a party. It's the shareholder ball my father said it's an opportunity for everyone to be part of the kingdom. I feel that it is my responsibility as a person to be there and make that happen - She told him about her father's ideas.

-It's not fantastic - The stepmother answered her something

-Yes, it's fantastic. I have a good feeling about and I'm talking to myself it's not the first time or the last time to talk to myself ok stop it it's getting weird. – Federica told her something.

In one night the teenager is already going to bed, while grabbing her cell phone, putting on the video call like Skype or Zoom, talking with Aunt Claudia.

-Hello Aunt Claudia- writing Federica.

- hello how are you- writing aunt Claudia.

-I'm not calm, not so bad- writing the heiress while she is very tired.

- what happen? – Aunt is very worried about her niece.

"I just spent all day cleaning" she told him the truth about her.

- And did your stepmother help you? – Aunt is thinking about something bad between her sister-in-law and her niece.

-No, she was busy buying her clothes – On the same day the one with a bad attitude took her daughters to buy clothes, clothes, but she didn't buy anything for her stepdaughter.

-And her daughters? – writing aunt.

-buying her clothes for a change - writing the blonde.

- I understand - At that moment Aunt Claudia is happening something about her sister-in-law.

-You will come to the dance – writing the father's sister

- I haven't closed the deal in London yet - the heiress tells him something.

-I miss you – Cinderella misses her only family so much.

-I love you too, but you will go to the dance - The only family will be forced to say that her niece is going to the most important dance.

-I don't know if I don't complete my homework I won't go – The millionairess writing to her aunt.

- why not? – She asked him.

-she gave me a list of tasks, I finished with most of them, but I still lack the appetizers they are exceeding - While the one with a bad attitude forced herself to a very long household task to the poor thing.

- rest ok we have a long day tomorrow and I'll see you soon. Good night my love- her aunt fired her on video call.

-She hung up the video call- While she finished the video call, she went to bed.

While Aunt Claudia is already thinking about something bad for her niece. She is already going to prepare to go to the airport to buy a ticket to go to the heiress house of her niece.

Federica is grabbing my favorite hook because of my father, tomorrow will be a great day.

In the early morning the stepsister grabbed the teenager's cell phone, deactivated the alarm, stole the teenager's favorite hook.

In the morning, the teenager continues sleeping while the photographer's car arrived, who is together with Rex, a prince and his father.

"Father, ¿what are we doing here?" the prince thought something strange.

-Here we inspected the place now it is ours - the prince's father told him.

-and this has nothing to do with your fascination - said the calm.

-that I married one of the daughters of Peru, it was a suggestion, I do them all the time, you don't have to do anything, just meet the girls, although marrying one would facilitate the transaction for some of the shareholders of this obsolete company. He doesn't know it tonight at that party it's not just one it's a dance, dresses, pompous, masks whatever you can imagine, I thought it would be better if you spoke now. – The head of the company told his past story to his son.

- It's wasting time - The prince noticed something strange to his father.

-You have something better to do and that's what I thought. Getting out of the car, to meet the heiress house of the teenager. – While the father got off with his son.

The prince is also getting off the car, he is walking along with his father, ringing the bell.

- is waking up, look at the time on the cell phone, to be late again- In the morning Cinderella woke up a little late, but without the alarm.

The stepmother is walking towards the door of the house, she is fixing well, opening the door. Today she did not know that she would come.

-We thought about coming to see the place - At one point the boss saw the one with a bad attitude.

-Come in please - The bad attitude asked him a favor to come to the door.

-This place is yours – The boss told the stepmother something.

-Well you're right – She believes that the house is the owner of her.

"Of course we also wanted to meet your beautiful family" the prince's father told her.

-He is running in the corridor between the living room and the door of the house. – While Federica put on her house robe, she ran into the long corridor between the living room and the bathroom.

-and that– When her father and her son quickly saw her.

-she was Cinderella luckily she has a good day she knows at least she didn't get violent. – The one with a bad attitude lied to them.

-They told me it was very sweet –Before a day the emissary told him something about her blonde.

-It may be, but the doctors said that she is deranged I will show you the place. – Again the stepmother lied to them.

The stepmother is showing every part of the house along with her father and her prince.

The prince's father and the prince have already left the teenager's heiress house.

The teenager is once again cleaning the pictures on the walls while her stepsisters arrived.

-You saw that Adam smiled, he did look at me- The skinny girl yelled at him a little.

I smile and if I don't receive a residual smile, he looked at me and smiled at me first- The little girl said them.

-He only gave you the smile that was left over, Mercedes would pass me the one we tried to get ready for the dance - Cinderella said them and was laughing a little.

-If there is much to do before the dance - The skinny told her.

-why are you wearing that brooch that my father gave me who I think you should give it back I don't like it it's not yours- The girl noticed some of the hair of the skinny girl who stole it.

-You should catch me - The skinny thought catch me her.

-Give me back I want it and you can't make me come back now let's continue cleaning you are a human being river- Cinderella is turning around the dining room table.

-She's a crybaby, in front of me - The stepsister yelled at her.

-girls what's going on - The stepmother came to the dining room, she saw something bad between the girls.

-here throwing my brooch – Federica wants to grab her own brooch.

-matches my dress for the dance – The skinny one wants to wear the cinderella brooch.

-girls in the family we share the hatred of her father, I was going to use it in the valley, honey, you will not go to the dance- The stepmother said to the girl.

- ¿What? – Asked the blonde.

-This place is still a mess - The stepmother was very bad at the girl.

-I was cleaning all day everything in this house is clean – Federica told her about her day.

-Well then I just have to find something dirty - The stepmother thought a bad idea for Cinderella.

-I've been working hard for days you never asked your daughters to help and more than anything in this bed we watched 40 minutes of Pilates classes so I wouldn't say we didn't do anything haha - The girl got mad at her stepmother.

The Stepmother went to the kitchen, she is grabbing a jar of sugar, dumping all the open jar of sugar on the floor.

- why did you do that? – Federica was surprised and asked her.

-The guests will arrive in two hours, clean up all this mess and then you can go to the party. – She said it and her stepmother lied to her something.

-Sister, grabbing the brooch, she is already breaking the brooch. – At this moment the skinny woman gave the blonde a broken brooch.