WHEN I STORMED INTO PRINCIPAL BEAUMONT'S OFFICE, my pale skin was still red and irritated because of all the crying. My period right now wasn't a class, but the first reunion with the Gardening Club, and I couldn't care less. "Tell me what I have to do to destroy that fucking piece of shit. Don't you want entertainment? Then tell me what I gave to fucking do to end that bitch."
She got startled by my state, got up and came to me worried, "Why do you look like you were crying?"
"Because I fucking was!" That seemed to have genuinely caught her off guard. "Tell me, Mrs. Beaumont. I don't care about your blackmailing anymore as long as I'm able to make that asshole miserable and I'll take everything he has on this school if that's what it takes."
Her eyes widened in surprise, but that turned into something darker when her eyes descended to my hands. "Did he manage to piss you off this much?" She held them up, "I don't think you've hurt your hands this much, Amethyst. Why the hell do you do this? And you used your claws his time, are you insane?"
"It was my hands or his face."
Passing her fingers through her hair nervously, she went to her desk, took an aid kit from there, and sat me down to treat me. "Amethyst, if you hurt the same spot for thousands of times, it'll get harder to heal, and it'll actually cause a scar. And you managed to keep cutting above those scars. This can't be ignored, kid."
"Please," my voice cracked and I felt weak. "Tell me what I have to do to beat him. Just… tell me."
She gave me an apologetic look "What happen?"
I felt my throat burn, "He offended me and my parents. For you to understand, I've never felt this horrible even after Brandon, Anna, and their group bullied me and called me an orphan. That mean wolf knew exactly where to strike, and he did mercilessly. Even blaming me for being… for being abandoned," it was impossible for me to look at her in the eyes, or I would break it.
But she did it either way. She lift my chin, making out eyes meet, and the second I blinked, the tears fell again.
"He have to pay for it. I won't let it slide," I muttered.
She caressed my cheeks, "I'm sorry-"
"Don't!" I stopped her. "Please, do not pity me. It'll make it all worse. Just… tell me."
Sigh, "You already know about him being the top 1 student in both physical aptitude and intelligence, and being so involved with everything despite being a troublemaker. So, that leaves, at this moment, with the Talent Show." I made a disgusted face. "I know you don't like it. The teachers told me what you said about it," why can't they keep their mouths shut? "But since he first came into Montanari until now, Khan Winters has taken the 1st spot on every talent show of the year, both the one in the beginning and the one at the end of each semester. And he takes pride on that!"
"Damn it. Why is he so damn social?"
Chuckling softly, she put the rebel of my hair that had fallen on my face, behind my ear. "I'm rooting for you. Khan Winters is smart but his troublesome personality and his arrogance have been causing me head aches since he first came here. There were a handful students that had such a big ego generations before, such as the Minister of Death when he studied here and even the infamous Madoc Vaughn. All of them, like Khan, were reasonably condescending, given their outstanding strength, but the only reason none of them ran wild like Winters does, is because from the beginning they had a rival on the same level that could take their shit and give them a beating."
No way. Was my dad arrogant like this? No fucking way. My dad was always sweet, I can't imagine him being such an asshole like this bitch. There's just no way that's true.
I gulped, "So, from the beginning, you wanted me to intended in making me his rival."
"To be honest, I kind of already knew way before now that you would probably be the only student who could actually take Winters on. He's not a bad person, but his personality is horrible. And as I knew you had a terrible temper and anger issues, I imagined that if I were to put you on the same environment, you would bicker from the get-to-go. Especially because he would be hostile to you right away, for being a vampire," and she's says that while smiling?
I gasped, "What a mastermind."
It was an offense, but she clearly took it as a compliment. "I only made you come now because now I can easily use your graduation and your dream school in college against you."
"Psychopath. That's fucked up!"
"But it means that I'll help you on beating Khan. I know you can easily top the scores, but when it comes to those competitions events, he's always the best at it. I don't want that to happen again," it's funny how he managed to anger this ancient fae to this point and just with his arrogance.
What a walking nuisance he is.
"I know you have a mercenary-like mindset, so, to make you feel more happy on working to get the top one in the Talent Show, tell me a price. I'll pay you to do your best," what?
I gasped, "Are you for real?" And when she nodded, I felt as a smile appeared on my lips. "Can I say whatever price I want?' A nod. "Now, that is dangerous. So, how about, 20k crowns?" It's the same amount of the premium price the winner of the Talent Show gets home, plus three presents. "That way if I win the Talent Show, I'll get twice the price of the winner's present."
She seemed surprised by how she arched her eyebrows, "And here I thought you would ask for 100k or something. You are surprisingly humble. Can you believe that those Princes and Princesses that go here have asked me before why is the winner price so cheap? They wanted it to be 250k at minimum."
My eyes almost popped up, "Are they insane? If 1k is already enough to live alone, I can't even imagine what the hell I would do with that much money. Although it is an attractive amount and I do love money, I'm not greedy. But I'm still shocked, especially because in the market you can even buy a fucking house with 200k. It's not a price you should win in this stupid Talent Show. That's just absurd. They have no idea of the actual importance of money in the life of someone who doesn't have parents that make billionaires look poor."
"I like that on you. Don't even let such an attitude infect you. And yes, I can easily pay you the 20k if you do your best next week. To make it better, I can also pay you 20k per each test you get the highest score on. But that will have to be our secret, or, again, I can get into trouble and they could accuse me of being biased towards you," which she clearly is.
More 20k into my account. I can live for months with just that money. I think I found myself a gold mine. I'll be a millionaire at the end of the year, damn it. It's worthy loosening up and being in danger of people getting suspicious of me. Then I'll be able to wipe my alligator tears with my millions of crowns. "That sounds really attractive. If you had told me this yesterday, I wouldn't have gotten so mad."
"Then, do we have a deal?"
"Hell yeah. But what does that wolf do in the talent show?" I can't phantom anything at all.
"He sings. Sings and play instruments, he's annoyingly skilled at it. Usually he sings two songs. One with his twin, and one alone, but as Dante never necessarily participates, the number is considered solely Khan's who is signed on the Talent Show. And while in the past years only some of the members of the Debate Club also participate it and lost, this year they all refused to so Khan Winters could shine alone. Something like that. They all treasure him a lot, for some reason I'll never understand."
Her frank words made me laugh, "Finally someone who gets me. But alright. If he has a tradition of singing two songs, with one being a duet with Dante, I'll outsmart his by singing 3 songs."
"That's the spirit. Although I should advise you to have more prepared under your sleeves, because knowing his hunger for always wining, if he hears that you will sing one more song that him, he'll probably sing 5 just to have the upper hand."
Insufferable asshole. "Then I'll prepare 7. But mainly I'll go with 3 and if the worst happens, I'll improvise sing the others. Any other tips?"
She finished bandaging my hands and sat down in front of me, "Pay extra attention on your stage clothes, he always go ready to kill. He knows how to use his beauty. And use your telekinesis. Khan's powers are fire, being able to tell if others are lying or not," or, so that was true… "he can fly without wings like his father, and he also doubles in power on full moons."