Inside the guild building sitting at one of the tables was akane waiting for William to finish his test
"Did he really die it's taking too long "
"I had forgotten to talk about the test. Well, I think it's going to be all right."
Akane starts tapping her feet on the floor as if she is anxious.
A few minutes later she looks to the side and sees William coming towards her.
- I finished the test now it's hand this to Camilla
Dis William when he sees akane
- Don't you think it took too long?
- You have no right to complain while I was suffering you were here relaxing
Akane faces William and says
- It doesn't matter what I was doing just let's go to Camilla
"How annoying I was a little worried "
At the counter Camilla sees William and Akane walking towards her.
- Oh! It's over you were pretty fast compared to the others
- Series why don't you say that to that person over there
William looks at Akane
- Take the examiner gave me this and said to give it to you
I hand over the medal to
- Thank you, I will immediately make your certificate of
- Right. I turn to Akane
- Ready now just wait a bit and
- Let's take our first mission
A little while later Camilla goes back to the counter and says
- Here is your certificate
- Thank you camilla
- You are welcome
I take the certificate and look at it. It looks like a card with a picture of me and my name on it.
- where is she. I look back and akane is no longer there
Near the quest board there was a girl looking from side to side
- Um which mission should I take to get started.
- Yes that same kill two gray wolves
When akane was about to take the mission a hand over the mission
- Hey wait are you thinking of taking this difficult mission right off the bat
Akane looks with a serious face at William
- Yes that's right and it's not that hard
- It's not hard for you I don't even know how to use mana yet
- It's a good opportunity to learn so
akane takes the paper from mine with one hand and with the other she grabs me by the collar and drags me along with her
- Wait wait don't keep dragging me so I can walk alone
- Yes, but you will start complaining, I'm too lazy to argue
At that moment I realized I have no free will as long as I continue to be this girl's servant.