~at the Emily Family household at 7:59 am in the morning~
Crystal p.o.v *puts Breakfast on the table for everyone* My p.o.v *gets out of my bed and makes it putting on my purple and white top and white and purple skirt putting on my white and purple socks Brushs my hair putting it half up and half down putting a light red ribbon around the ponytail tieing it up into a bow around my hair closesing my school bag opeing my curtains in her bedroom and than opens her windows grabing my school bag and goes downstairs eats her breakfast than goes up into my bathroom and brush my teeth before going back out of my bedroom and downstairs and picking up my school bag and putting it on my back putting my purple and white shoes on grabing my car keys and goes outside with Charlie and sammy unlocking my car open the back door for sammy and charlie to get inside closing the door and goes to the drivers side and gets inside putting my school bag on the seat next to me putting on the seatbelt putting my car key into the car ignition* Charlie p.o.v *puts her seatbelt on* sammy p.o.v *puts his seatbelt on* My p.o.v *turns my car keys starting my car up and drives to Charlie and sammy school*
~at Hayley and Michael High school~
My p.o.v *parks my car at my school and turn my car keys the other way shutting my car down pulling out my car keys grabing my school bag and opening the drivers door and getting out of my car putting my school bag on my back shuting my door and locking my car up putting my car keys in my school bag and walks over to Michael and Mark and Simon and Fredrick and walks inside with them* ~after class at lunch time~ (alittle makeout happeneds here) Michael p.o.v *behidn the school with Hayley and pins her to the wall of the school building kissing her lips with so much love* My p.o.v *kisses Michael back* Michael p.o.v *moves his hands to her ass and picks her up still pining her to the wall and kissing her* My p.o.v *rapes my legs around michael body still kissing him*