An adamant advocate of justice within the Emorian society, Adelaide de Lanark did not have the faintest desire to change a thing about Egon von Conradie's offer.
All that Egon had asked of her was to ensure the sustainability of the practice. No roof. These were the two words he used when she asked him about the number of coins that he was willing to part with for that purpose.
He must truly be sitting atop one too many mana mines...
That was Adela's newest conviction about the mystifying man who at times seemed as heartless as the stones of Lanark's mountains, and at others, more inclined to the principles of nobility than most gentlemen around her.
She had made up her mind. There was no harm in gathering information while leaving a long-lasting improvement in the infrastructure of her homeland, a revolutionary one at that. The two of them could simply progress in parallel lines.