Chereads / My Life In A World Of Magic / Chapter 6 - The love of a mother.

Chapter 6 - The love of a mother.

It's been one month and 2 weeks since I came to this garden and I have nearly achieved what I set out to do.

He was able to form his mana core with the aid of the pure and dense mana in this place.

"If you're able to form a mana core that has different elements orbiting around it, then you can receive my legacy." The Supreme Archmage said to him.

During his time here, the Supreme Archmage has been giving him and it has been of great aid to him.

After forming his mana core, he sat down in meditation and saw his mana core, it was glowing different colors of light with tiny mana cores of different elements orbiting around it.

"Strange. He said that my mana core will have different elements orbiting around it but it has mana cores of different elements orbiting around it. Is it good or bad? Maybe I should ask him about it." Edward said when he saw something strange with his mana core.

" Mr Supreme, my mana core has tiny mana cores orbiting around it and not elements orbiting around it. Is it a good thing."

Nothing was heard for a very long time until a loud laughter resounded.

" Hahahaha... what a fortune. Who knew that the person who is to receive my inheritance will have the perfect mana core talked about in legend.


Edward was stunned by what he heard. " Legendary perfect mana core. I have the legendary perfect mana core?!

Those it mean that I use magic easily. Hahahaha. I guess my luck still hasn't run out. All I have to do is practice enough and get stronger so that I can protect myself and those people I deem close to me."

"Little one, I will give you my inheritance and I will give you unlimited access into this separate world. The creatures in this place will be under your control and you can take them to the outside world when you're strong enough. Do you accept?" The Supreme Archmage said excitedly.

Even if he didn't ask, Edward will never refuse such generous gesture. He was definitely not stupid.

"Yes I accept."

Three words that expressed what he felt at the moment.

After that a dazzling light fell on him, the light cleansed him and removed all the impurities in his body. As thag was happening, magic related knowledge was being imparted to him.

The scene lasted for a while before, the light receded. Edward was lying on the floor completely devoid of strength and his body was covered in stinky black substance.

"Little one, I have done all I could for you. I have imparted everything I know to you and I helped cleansed your body which is something that's supposed to happen every decade when you attain a new level.

Go to the pond over and clean yourself, you will leave after that. Your people must be worried about you.

Your future is boundless, grow strong and one day I will hear about your name in the boundless universe." The Supreme Archmage said and his voice faded.

It took Edward some time before he could muster up strength, he walked into the pond and took off his clothes before sinking in.

When he came out, his body was filled with strength and he felt like he could go for many days without rest and he won't be tired.

"Before he left, he said that I can leave here and come back anytime I want but he didn't tell me how to do that.

Do I think about it and see what happens?

I will think about the forest I was in before I was teleported here."

He closed his eyes and he felt his body move briefly when he opened his eyes, he saw the familiar scene of the forest he was in and right at the spot the massive magic circle was but it was no longer there.

"So I can go to the separate space without the teleportation circle. That's very nice and convenient for me."

The bush behind him rustled and someone came out.

"Young master Edward is here." A guard of the Reiss family shouted after seeing the young master. They have been looking for him for more than a month but they have seen no trace of him, only for him to appear in this place. The guard was sure he had searched this particular place several times but he didn't see anything.

Bushes could be heard rustling as many people ran towards the location the shout came from.

The first to arrive was Hughes and Marron followed by Lord Reiss and Dark hand. Hughes and Marron's emotions were in turbulence, so was Lord Reiss. The past months have been a month of torture for them.

They had speculated the worst happening but nothing of sort happened as Edward could be seen standing in front of them safe and sound. Edward's mother is the person in the worst condition of them all as she couldn't eat or sleep. She spent every single minute waiting for the news of her don to arrive but nothing seemed forthcoming.

With an unsteady step, Lord Reiss walked towards Edward and checked his body for any sign of injury.

"My son, where have you been? Did anything happen to you? Are you okay"

When Edward saw this, he felt warm in his heart. He felt sad for putting family through such a bad experience but no one could blame him because he didn't do it intentionally.

"Father, so many things happened but we can't talk about it here. Let's go home first and I will tell you everything, mom would have been extremely worried by now."

" Good… let's go home then. Everyone went back home. Hughes and Marron follow me." Lord Reiss ordered and took Edward with him. Hughes and Marron trembled and their faces turned dark when they heard what he said but they had no choice but to comply.

Dark hand followed behind with the rest of the guards.

Edwards' mother could be seen standing in the front of the house with guards and a maid behind her. She got the news that they have seen her son and she couldn't wait to see him.

When she saw him with her husband, she could barely hold in her emotions. She ran to him and gave him a big hug. Tears poured out her eyes which saddened Edward.

Lord Reiss could only sigh at the scene. He knows how much his wife loves Edward and she would do anything for him. She would normally find it difficult if she didn't see Edward in an hour but her son disappeared for more than one month without trace. She was very heartbroken.

Edward felt like he did something very bad, so when she hugged him and started crying he didn't say anything. He only brought his little hand to her head and stroked her hair lovingly.

"Hic… hic… hic. Eddy where did you run off to. Why did you make mommy worried about you? Don't you love mommy?" May sobbed as she hugged Edward, wetting his clothes with tears.

"... " Words were stuck in Edwards mouth. He didn't have anything to say.

Lord Reiss could only shake his head when he saw this. Though he was very emotional when he saw Edward he has almost recovered by now. He is waiting for Edward to explain to them what happened to him.

" Honey, he just came back. Let him rest first then he can tell us what actually happened. I'm very sure what happened was not his doing besides we have the story of Hughes and Marron. We have a general understanding of what happened so give him time to rest." Lord Reiss said, trying to calm his wife down.

Reluctantly, she stopped hugging him but she still held on to his hand. She will definitely not let go no matter what anyone says to her.

Edward could only smile when he saw this. Both in this life and in his previous life, both parents have loved him unconditionally but the love his mother in his present life fills him with happiness.

When they got into the house, the other guards left, leaving Lord Reiss, his wife and son with the shaking Hughes and Marron.

May followed Edward to his room and helped him wash up instead of his personal maids.

The two maids were very happy to see their young master back. They experience how the mood in the house was when he disappeared and how their madam will come into his room everyday and cry her eyes out.

They were always saddened by it and they wanted to do something to cheer her up but they knew that nothing will make her happy except the news of her nine year old son being found safe and sound.

Thankfully everything ended well and their young master is back home in one piece