Chereads / Chaos Guide / Chapter 113 - Cedric Schlotbaron

Chapter 113 - Cedric Schlotbaron

CG Chapter 113: Cedric Schlotbaron

Without exchanging a single word, Cedric and his group moved through the rain-soaked ground.

They blended into their surroundings, using moss and mud to hide themselves and the crates they carried behind them.

This was war, and any misstep, even the smallest, could cause everything to collapse and decay in an instant.

But Cedric knew that camouflage alone wouldn't be enough to escape the eyes of the city guards.

A thin, scrawny soldier stepped forward from the group. His pale skin and sunken cheeks made him look more like a ghost than a human.

Dean grinned, his expression causing the other soldiers to feel unsettled.

"Don't worry, my lord," Dean said, giving a light bow before continuing in his eerie voice. "I'll make sure your path is clear."

Cedric gave him a subtle nod, ignoring Dean's creepy appearance that would have made anyone else look away in disgust.

The reason behind this was simple: Dean had a skill that allowed him to stand above the masses in these chaotic times.

In times of hardship, neither looks, wealth nor even a name held any meaning. As long as one had the ability to stand out, they would quickly gain the acknowledgment of the people. But you shouldn't let their praises get to your head.

Just as a man would throw away his rusty sword after it had fought alongside him through many battles, or a woman throws away her broken broom, you will be cast aside all the same. As if all of your previous achievements meant nothing once peace returns and you have lost your use.

Without wasting another second, the group continued to move with careful steps.

Dean, with bags of the sulfur-like substance tied around his waist, strolled carefreely. As if he didn't care about the guards standing a few steps away from him.

The people here all had their reasons for risking their lives.

Whether it was the acknowledgment of a father, the desire for glory and fame, or some deeper, secret motivation they kept buried in their hearts, they all believed this risk was worth it.

Dean didn't wait long as he attached the bag to an arrow. With one flick after another of his bow, the bags all hurled upward.


The yellow powder exploded upon contact, spreading through the wall. Dean moved quickly, his face serious as he watched the scene.

From above, the guards had no idea what was happening or where the attacks were coming from.

Confusion spread as they coughed, their lungs filling with the choking powder.

"Quickly! Ring the bel--" A guard stumbled toward the bell near him, but before he could reach it, he collapsed.

His fall was only the first. Like dominos, one after another, the guards fell, clutching their throats as the powder overcame them.

Cedric watched from his hidden position. He raised a hand, signaling his soldiers to move.

"The powder's effects won't last long," Cedric muttered to himself. He didn't have time to waste. If they wanted to return alive, they had to act now.

When the group reached the sewage gate, which was secured with metal chains, they quickly started cutting through the chains with all their strength.

Once the chains broke, the sewage gate swung open, and with it came the foulest-smelling air imaginable.

The soldiers wanted to gag in response, but Cedric didn't give them any time to think, ordering them to cover their mouths with a thin piece of cloth before entering.

A soldier approached Cedric with a wooden crate that didn't look like the others. Surprisingly, this crate didn't have rats inside it, but five trembling hares.

The soldiers worked quickly; each held a hare and made multiple shallow cuts on them before scaring them into running deep into the sewage.

The creatures twitched and whimpered as blood dripped from their wounds.

The soldiers then released the rabbits, watching as the terrified animals darted into the shadows.

Just as the soldiers opened the rat crates, a chilling sound, scarier than the cries of ghosts, echoed through the sewers.

Squeak! Scrabble!

The rats had awoken too soon.

They had no more sulfur powder, and the guards above could wake up at any moment. What made this whole situation even worse was that they were too far into the tunnels to escape.

Hearing the sounds of the rats made the soldiers shake in fear. They turned toward their young leader, but before they could run away….

Cedric let out a heavy sigh. He shouted with all his might, so his voice would be heard from the entrance, "Fredric, close the gate."

Fredric froze, his hands trembling as he heard the sounds of his young lord. He wanted to argue, to refuse, to do anything to stop his lord.

He wasn't only scared for Cedric and the soldiers but also for himself. How would he return to Helmut and explain that his son had died by being eaten?

He hesitated for a moment longer before obeying. He closed the gate while his hands trembled. Under his breath, he murmured prayers for the souls of the men he had doomed to death, but the prayers mostly focused on himself.

As if by some heavenly sign, once the gate closed, the hordes of rats who were going crazy from the smell of fresh blood surged forward like a living tide that would consume everything.

Cedric looked at the desperate looks on his soldiers' faces. He saw fear, loss, and pain. Taking a deep breath, he spoke quickly, "Your families will be taken care of. I haven't been your leader for long, but thank you for your service until now."


Without another word, Cedric raised his sword and drew it across his throat. His blood spilled freely as he collapsed to the sticky ground. He chose to die by his own hand over the slow agony of being devoured alive.

Some of the soldiers followed in his path, their swords flashing as they fell one by one.


Those who were too late didn't have this chance, as the rats reached them first. Their desperate screams echoed through the tunnels.

The swarm of rats devoured every last soldier in their path within moments. But this wasn't enough to satisfy the insatiable hunger of these small monsters.

The city and its inhabitants were next on their list.