Chereads / Dîva / Chapter 7 - Dies Lucis part 4

Chapter 7 - Dies Lucis part 4

Dies Lucis Part 4.

Yhra stared at the limp body of the lady who had collapsed and the unconscious child who lay right beside her.

What was she going to do? She wondered. The boy who normally helped her had run off into the forest in a bid to protect them from getting hurt by his fiery nature. Nak was still on bed rest as ordered by her and who knew where Sica had run off to.

In other words, she was on her own. She picked the child and placed him in her tent and then picking up a spare tent they had for someone who had been there before her, she stared at it in wonder. She did not know whether she was allowed to touch the tent or not but then decided to use it since it had been left in her care.

She set it up with little difficulty and grabbed a huge shawl that had come with the tent and laid it on the ground. After the preparations, she carried 'her' without difficulty and placed 'her' on the shawl.

The lady seemed to have some wounds on her body but then Yhra noticed something strange. The wounds looked to be healing themselves already. It was not in a rapid pace but it was faster than a human should have healed.

At far as Yhra knew, the lady was human and showed no signs of being any other creature which made her wonder what a human was doing in that part of the forest.

After cleaning off the mud on her face, Yhra sighed and took off the worn off boots that Wara had been wearing when she noticed how blistered her feet were. She gasped in horror to find her feet in such horrible conditions. Her ankle was swollen and it was throbbing angrily.

'Where on earth had this lady run from?' Yhra thought to herself. 'She certainly must have run a long way for her feet to get this bad'. Yhra took some soothing and healing ointment that helped magical creatures with their aches and blisters she had stolen from Sica and applied it on the lady's feet.

She stared at her feet for a while, not knowing what to expect but eventually left to her hut to tend to the child as she remembered seeing some dried blood on his face.


Yhra squeezed out the cloth for the last time, watching the liquid that had turned red with blood rush out of the cloth. She poured out the water that remained in the bowl and wiped the child's head one last time before sighing.

Taking a bite out of the meat she was previously boiling, she wondered where Sica was.

'I hope he's not gotten into any trouble with the humans again…' she thought. Her mind wandered to Fjammi. She wondered if he was okay and had not been entirely consumed by the Dies Lucis as Nak had been.

She chewed slowly as her mind wandered to all sorts of things. "Could you have not failed to call me to eat?" A husky yet out of breath voice spoke from behind Yhra.

She turned to glare at the man. It was Sica. His appearance was disheveled as always. The front of his shirt seemed slack like it had been pulled on harshly.

Sica noticed her glare and chuckled nervously when she reached behind herself.

"I am late yes and I had left without your being informed but I think I have a pretty good explanation for th…" he trailed off as Yhra stood up and made her way to a little table in her tent. She reached underneath it and Sica gulped. His face paling with fear as Yhra approached him.

He closed his eyes as she thrust her hand forward and then… nothing happened. He only heard her soft voice say. "Eat."

He opened his eyes to find a steaming bowl of meat and stew in front of his face. "Take!" Yhra said impatiently and he did, wolfing the food down as he had actually been hungry.

Dropping the spoon with a satisfied sadness in his eyes, he glanced up to find her preparing five more bowls of stew. He counted in his head and knew with a certainty that there should have been only three more bowls left. Before he could think any further, a tiny whine and a whimper came from within her tent and Yhra rushed inside immediately.

Sica followed suit with confusion and curiosity. Yhra was not that much of a kind soul and Sica was a bit excited to meet who she was housing in her own tent.

It was then he noticed there was another tent right behind Yhra's. He stopped and then started for the tent. His pace quickened as he thought of the possibility of who could be in the tent.

"It could not be…" Sica whispered breathily. He threw open the curtain and looked hopefully inside but his face fell when he found the place a bit empty save for the human who lay on the floor.

She seemed to be in a deep sleep and Sica turned to leave but something caught his eye. He turned around with the same urgency he had used to enter and bent close to stare more carefully at the 'human'. Her hair seemed to have caught his eye.

The dark purple shade of her hairline and the way it blended into the darkness of her hair that was neither brown nor grey but a mix. An odd color, Sica noted to himself.

He reached for a lock of hair but suddenly, he heard a loud screech that sounded too close to a ptica's screech.

One ptica was not a problem. The problem was Sica was sure he had heard multiple.

He rushed out of the tent to find a stressed Yhra and a pale Nak battling what seemed to be an endless flock of the pticas. A sudden bright light had Sica lifting his arms to shield his eyes as Fjammi appeared from nowhere.

"DUCK!" was the only warning he gave before the flames burst from his body and set the birds ablaze.

Unfortunately, the pticas seemed to be endless and after the third frying session, they seemed to have tripled in quantity and were obviously beyond angered.

They let out unified shrieks and circled around them like a tornado, kicking up the wind and making it difficult to see when Sica noticed a figure in the midst of it all.

With their arms raised, the person cried aloud with a strong force. "STOP!"

The pticas suddenly paused before focusing on her and with another unified shriek, gave chase after the already fleeing figure.

'Is that not the human I just saw in the tent?' Sica asked himself before following after her.

He did not have to run for long before he found her with her palm raised and sucking the pticas into a vortex placed at the center of her palm and then lighting it up into a blazing flame after the last of the pticas had entered.

Sica stared with complete shock and fear running through his veins. He immediately turned and ran like a fleet of banshees were after him when in his mind it was way worse.

Humans practiced sorcery. Some of them went into deep dark forbidden parts of it but that. That could not have been sorcery. That was something else.

But whatever that was, it definitely was not human.