Chereads / THE CHOICE: My King or My Knight? / Chapter 10 - All the King’s Women

Chapter 10 - All the King’s Women

Hours. Hours and hours we talked and drank and ate finger food from sterling silver trays that were walked around the chamber by straight-faced servants.

Eventually we spread out and were allowed to stand around down on the floor with the other nobles, chatting. But everyone was so tense it just gave them more space for nerves. Emory was delightful and funny and subversive, and I adored her. But at some point she was called aside to have her turn speaking with David.

I found myself alone in the large chamber, sipping wine and watching people, feeling weary. I hadn't slept well the night before and now that the initial adrenaline rush of being here had worn off, I just wanted to lay down in my sweats and watch funny cat videos.

I didn't even have a phone to look at, so I was just standing awkwardly by myself in a corner trying not to yawn.

Luckily Ash caught sight of me and came to join me, standing at my side, one hand on his undrawn sword.

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