the light is dimming. I am floating aimlessly all around with no clear sense entire body is moving with the flow without any direction at I loss myself in the void. regaining my long lost consciousness I try to adapt to this vast loneliness. time passes or does it ?
with in the vast emptiness I awaken at a place which attracts my very being.
GOD. do they exist? for all those questioning I at last have found the answer. yes, they do. since I am right in front of one.
I was taking rest in origin when I spot a white mass on close it was I soul. oddly enough a soul shouldn't be here since they are handed by the cycle of reincarnation. I brought the soul closer and on looking through its karma I realize that the soul had just enough positive and negative karma to neutralize each other and with that he has no karma left. looking through the his life I see he was truly an oddity
every one of his interaction left death and those that didn't were the blessings for all other. he killed many but also saved many. to avoid mental breakdown he persuade novels and animation. he appears to have no desire to either live nor die stuck in between looking for help he reached here