Long ago. Billions of years back. There was heavenly being called Etusy. He was a powerful overwhelming mighty being wandering in space. It said that the earth was passed unto him. But that is history even I don't know.
There were waters trees grass, animals. The earth was fruitful, but there was no particular intelligent being. He decided to use the animals, and what he saw on earth, to form different beings with the traits of animals in them. But a more advance one with more intelligence, to maybe inhabit and rule. And so with each animals, and sense of imagination, he formed us immortals.
He formed many of us. Half spiders, snake human, dragon humans, etc. But with each he made, they had this particular look that didn't really look animal like, but more human.
"Human? Was with you Immortals and calling your self human." Mandy asked.
"You thinking human defines you. It actually dose not. Human is just term used to define specific looking. And since the immortals have a vast rage of beauty and was related with one common thing. The word human couldn't be fully used. In fact you humans are called Niiddomans. Meaning some thing that's powerless. And useless. Al said after making a cringed face.
"I mean that's why we call you hu-mans." Right." Al said still cringing.
"Anyways since the more he made, immortals, they had this particular look, he decided to make 4 main immortals, and group them in 3. Magical, Semi magical and Non magical. Mermaid, vampire, Warewolfs, and others, where under non magical and semi magical Depending on their types.
Elves tree witches, fairies, gorgons, and most of all witches. Are the magical. Immortals are bind by one thing, which is magic. So you can't say there are Non magical. But some immortals, have rather super abilities, like vampires.
The Immortals, ecology, is vast, and varies from different angles. Becoming more complicated and twisted, along its rhythm. As the immortals, biology is eloquent, to the ecosystem it self. The immortals, are the ecosystem.
"Wow that's, a lot to take in. Even though, I'm quite confused how this has to do with the ecosystem, but okay."
"The Immortals where created out of the ecosystem, and made to rule over it. That's why, that's why. Uhggg. As I explain you will understand."
"This animal like, beings actually their called humanoids, or Sornaicants, the most ridiculous name. And the human like, are called Hunamats, They mated, so did nature or plant called Sordon did the same. They all mated with them self, over time to form different creatures. By the way, Sordons, are also known as creatures.
"So Vera you're saying that the half animal things, E.g Centors. Where formed out of mating? That's why they are half."
"No they were created animal like. To be half animals, and a creature. And so most of the creatures, not all of them, though had human like features. If he created them the same as the animals, plants, and nature, he would just be creating more animals and nature. So when he noticed this similarities, of human features, he decided to create Humanats, and the 4 major, Immortals. Creating a whole different species, of intelligent beings, in a vast way. They where his favourite, cause this where really the beautiful immortals. Get it.
And Mandy just nodded.
"Although the centor story is quite different. A point in time horses where like a trend. Many people had it for things like plays, raw materials, games, travelling, rituals, and so on. Having a horse was like, was like a....,"
"Was like a flex." Mandy pitched in.
"Yes. Whatever flex means yes." Al said and continued.
"They were used for way other things. It was a pride thing then, to have a horse. But the most of all was war. Horses could run very fast. They were best for war. And because of this the tribe of heaps assigned by Etusy himself to watch over and rear horse related stuff. Where always having problems.
Even with their Pegasus unicorns horses and so, where always getting stolen and looped. It got so terrible, to the point of their lives being at stake. The last straw, was when a whole different tribe asked to be the new tribe of heap.
The tribe of heap obviously did not agree so it caused war.
To win the war and protect themselves, and their horse relations, they used the Pegasus and unicorn e.t.c. for weapons, and support and donkeys for load, and they morphed with their horses, with the help of some witches and went for war, and they won. They where their horses now. They couldn't steal neither could they kill them. They became the best war men. Second after warrior elves. Because of this they refuse to turn back. And remain centaurs for generations.
So that's the story. it quite ridiculous that it all started because of a trend.
"Well on how ridiculous it sound. I hate to admit it. I think I will kill to have a horse or pony."
"I know right Manandra. Anyways, they mated with each other to form double Humain and breeds. Which Sordon can switch to Hunamants, Hunamants could, switch to Sornaicants, Sornaicants to Hunamants, and so on. Which is where animals like and plants like, could switch to human like, or the other way around.
Example a centaur mated with an elf.
"Wow how did that happened?" Mandy asked in casual disbelieve.
"They are witches okay. And their off spring will not be either an elf or centaur but both. They can turn to a centaur or an elf. They like to stay in their dominant form, or body. Which most likely, father's from. Actually
They are the four main immortals, we have the Tersidies, Which are dominant and commonly seen. Which are also called Hunamants, and they have recessive species next to them. Which are also called Hunamants also. E.G fairies and elves etc. With the sharing species of cat humans, Solidates and merrimets. All kinda in the fairy and elf family. And the remaining two main immortals, Sornacants, and Sordons.
"What are Merrimets and whatever you called?"
"Merrimets are kind of like gemmini witches. They need solid touch of pure magic cause they cannot generate magic on their own. But can generate magic from magical enchanted things. like, Picxey dust. Mardan crust, or bilton germs. For basic things like to make their wings work. And other parts of their body and things, to also work. They are usually specialized in a particular thing each. And they control weather and seasons.
Well which brings us to fairy and elves. One of the dominant Hunamants, in the vast economy of immortals. Under the four main immortals. I'm not sure I can explain all about the immortals. Like I said, its vast. But I'll try and give you a good understanding. Lets dive in.