Edgar would desperately look around for something to defend himself with yet his inaction had delayed him for too long. The Knight stumbled to his feet, looking around to the chaos of battle that surrounded them. He had very clearly sustained a significant injury after falling from horseback... Barely able to remain stood up.
In that moment Edgar prayed thanks to the Gods.
Edgar knew what he had to do, picking a sword from a near by corpse he would approach the warrior. In that moment, he thought to himself... Was he really about to murder this defenceless warrior? After all, at least in Edgar's eyes, the man seemed to be unable to continue fighting...
Then he thought to himself...
Would the northerners care if it were him? No, they would likely have struck him down, even if he were defenceless... He supposed that it would only make sense to give this man the same treatment.
So, with blade in hand, he would approach the warrior who had by now turned to face him. He had regained some sense of his surroundings in the time it took Edgar to decide on an action, drawing his blade in an attempt to defend himself against the approaching man. Yet, he was still clearly not fit to fight...
Despite that Edgar would strike first, throwing a series of attacks towards the knight...
While he would successfully block the first few, his reflexes were dull and his body weakened and eventually, he would faulter. Unable to withstand the sheer quantity of attacks that Edgar had thrown towards him.
The result would be Edgar's final attack getting through the mans poor defence, slashing him with incredible force in the leg.
The Knight would let out a guttural groan in agony as the force from the impact broke his upper leg, sending him straight to the floor he had only just pulled himself up from. This time, Edgar wouldn't hesitate as he towered over the knight. With a swift blow, he would strike the mans throat, ending the scuffle.
He then proceeded to fall to his knees, completely exhausted...
Once more the sound of hundreds of thundering hooves became dominant and this time Edgar wouldn't be able to defend himself...