Chereads / Reincarnated as a Phoenix / Chapter 222 - Chapter 200 – Shifting

Chapter 222 - Chapter 200 – Shifting

---Happy Easter everyone! Despite it being late, I'm using any excuse to throw AI in by this point...



Having just returned to pick up the phoenix kiddies from their play date with the dragon Esmerelda, Aesa include since she was in the capital as well, the silence looms all around... Well, it's not that silent because we're all having lunch in a crowded café, my point is that it's slightly awkward around us.

'Should I bring it up or not? This really isn't the time for bluntness… or is it?'

Despite the wife's ailment now being cured and her eyes are honestly as beautiful as the endless ocean, this thing with Zeki has made us both seem unsure how or what to say to both of them. It seems like a sensitive subject, no?

Thankfully, Zeki ain't having none of it though, speaking with mouthful of food really spoiling my appetite. Still going to eat my sandwich regardless though.

"Erk, are you two really not going to ask us how it went!? You freaking made us go to that stupid purple dragon's palace and now you're showing no interest at all?"

"*Sighhh*… you're right kid… how did it go?"

Just mimicking my wife's trademark sigh and facepalm, pay it no mind…

"Erk… just ask brother instead. You two have bored me now"

'He… or she? Ah, Zeki really is insufferable at times'

"Uh, it went alright Ikarus… except from the fact Esmerelda doesn't really know her mother that well either. Apparently, she was left abandoned in the woods too. At least we know the reason for it now"

"Yeah, apparently that stupid mother of ours heard something from the oracle saying any kids she hatched would only end up being killed if raised by her. Some bullshit prophecy crap like usual"

"I don't think she's stupid though Zeki, all she wanted was us was not to end up dead. With everything else the oracles said, it would've been really risky to ignore"

Zeki scoffs from Ariza trying to be realistic about this situation, can't say I blame either of them really. Unlike most of the future stuff, I think I can see the small connection to this. If the other two phoenixes hadn't ended up abandoned, then the likelihood of them meeting Petra would've been much smaller, or delayed as even the wife wasn't brazen enough to charge headfirst into a mother dragon's lair.

Maybe that in turn would've made Petra's mindset a little different because she never would've had the experience of basically caring for those two when they were younger? No idea on Esmerelda though, this of course is only a theory though…

"Now that we've shown an interest kid, have you two not realized something about your sister's eyes yet? This is something you normally would be good at noticing Ariza"

"Uh… they're blue Ikarus… wait, really!?!"

"Erk, she's just looking at the status screen orangey and brother, why is that a big deal?"

'Okay, hearing the same exact thing for the idiot really makes me want to hit myself'

Almost like he's trying to avert her gaze in fear of getting a migraine, Zeki eventually clocks onto the fact nothing is happening but still doesn't seem to understand the meaning behind this.

It takes a painfully long time for him to get what's we're hinting at, even with Petra basically staring at him trying not to facepalm. He is stupider than me, that much will never need confirming.

"So… sis can see now, so what? All she's going to do is spend more time looking and messing with orangey"

As much as what he says is pure stupidity, it does hold a certain element of truth. Something I've already noticed despite the little time Petra's had back in the world of the onlookers, she really couldn't care less about all the beautiful surroundings and only wants to fixate on me. Tis a blessing and curse.

Despite all that, he's really starting to piss me off now especially considering his tsundere attitude towards something big. So much so, I couldn't care if I end up saying something offensive now…

"Hey kid… outta curiosity, how did you look back on Earth and would you turn back if you could? None of us have a clue how you used to look"

Before continuing further, I get a little nudge from Petra basically telling me I should probably stop. I'm not going to though… I'll still try and be careful about this, but with Zeki, it's kind of hard not to.

"To go back to that muscular ripped, dark-haired body I had back on Earth, compared to this feminine piece of shit orangey? It should be pretty obvious… the normal phoenix guy body is okay I guess"

'The fact my lie detector doesn't know what to think says it all really'

"You know… it's funny you should say that kid. It turns out, when we were off getting Petra's godhood sorted, we came across something pretty interesting"

Unfortunately, being married means no fun so Petra can't help but start to nag while I'm trying to conceal my evil grin. Well, it's less nagging and more about putting me in my place…

"Heh, if you're going down this route Ikarus, you'll have to show him your original body as well. It's only fair if you're going to do this… doubt he'll believe it if you don't show some proof as well"

My wife, the epitome of wisdom speaks total sense! That wasn't the nagging I was expecting… I'd rather not show him 'Brooklyn' but it puts me further in the right… I think? I've got dirt on him so it's only fair if the stakes are evened a tad.

Anyways, quickly changing form and losing the preferred features I like, excluding the horns of course, those annoying things can fuck right of, I turn back into the long brown haired 'guy' still at our table in this café. Ah, it's a good thing I'm not wearing anything tight or extremely feminine today, I need to focus more on the idiot right now though.

From Zeki himself, I can already tell there's a mixture of wanting to mock, curiosity and slight fear in eyes, like I know something I probably shouldn't. Still though, he hasn't said anything further just yet, Ariza looks damn curious on why I've gone through with this change though.

"You see how I look kid? Before you decide to say anything at all, just remember me and Petra have both seen what you actually look like. I can teleport you over there real quick and you can even show Ariza if you want"

"Uh, they have Zeki's Earth body? Do they have mine as well?"

"Sorry Ariza, me and you weren't so lucky. Only Ikarus and Zeki's survived apparently"

"That's okay I guess… I don't think I'd want to go back to being blonde really"

While Petra and Ariza seem a little down about not being able to do what I can, Zeki's look has turned more into a pure fear with an ever so subtle touch of acceptance now. Hey, if he hates that old body, then so be it but, the way he's gone about this doesn't seem healthy, right? Especially now considering all the gender bending sentencing he has to face; he can't hate it that much. I'd love for Ariza to read his mind one day to seriously see if this is all an act or not. It definitely feels that way.

"Fair play orangey… what are your demands? You know this ever gets out; the cow will never let it go"

Even though I was seriously considering just teleporting us over there to regain his body quickly, minus paying the bill first… freaking Asmodeus looks like he hasn't eaten in several weeks but… ah, distractions! I mean; this has pissed me off quite the fair bit.

"Who the hell do you think I am Zeki!?! I'm not blackmailing you or anything like that! It was a genuine question, do you actually want your original body back or not? It'll only take a moment"

It may seem I was going down an evil route but I'm generally trying to be helpful… to an extent. Huge planets or not, if this is case of actual gender dysphoria like Ariza kinda has, I was trying to help! It's not my fault this idiot can't be honest with himself!

"Erk, why the hell would I want that back orangey!? Where's the punchline, threat or demand? You obviously want something from me, if it's more shitty boob sentencing, then just say already!"

"*Sighhh*… Ariza, can you do me a favour and just read his mind one second? I can never tell if he's purposely being a tsundere about this or if he actually wants it back"

At least now I can see why people might get the wrong impression when I do that forced reluctance thing. Zeki's a much more complicated character then any of us could ever understand.

"Fuck no! Brother, if you read my mind right now, I promise I'll never speak to any of you ever again... I'm being deadly seriously orangey, I'm good. Thanks for the offer but I really don't want this shit. That's for real"

At least that puts an end to all that, I think? If Zeki really doesn't want to get his original body back, no point forcing it on him. It's not like the enhanced version of him beats the other anyway… it would be weird to see him walking around with black hair though. I'm going to stick with him because it's obvious that suits Zeki more than her.

By the looks of it, Asmodeus most likely knew of Zeki's past already and Ariza really couldn't look more puzzled if she tried. Maybe I'll give her something to go off on… hopefully, the idiot can just tell her the actual truth someday. It's not like anyone really cares, those huge breasts of his will still get mocked regardless.

"Fair enough then kid… you should know Ariza, that body he had was pretty cute all things considered"

"Uh huh, I knew it!"

"Heh, yeah Ariza, you could just gobble him up, Ikarus is definitely right. Curled up in a ball with the cutest, silkiest black hair you could imagine"

Even though you may expect Mr Obnoxious to get angry from this, he does but it's greatly faded behind that face of pure redness he has. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who hates compliments around here.

"Erk, I get this shit enough with the cow, can we just go already!? Actually, scrap that, you two are paying for mine now since you had to go there…"


"Ah, home sweet home… minus the cultists, I'm happy to be back Petra"

"Heh, same Ikarus… you really shouldn't call them that though"

Back at home, wandering the streets like a bunch of lovestruck idiots, we roam our town like nobles looking down on the commoner scum not fit to worship the feet we stand upon. Minus the obnoxious bit, the town always develops and new buildings come into sight, someday this place will be a city spanning the course of all three of the islands. Not sure what to think of that, that just means more worshippers, doesn't it? We've not even been back a few minutes and news of our return beckons throughout the streets.

Honestly… I don't think both of us know what to do right now. There's obviously the explicit couple stuff we can do but, shouldn't we wait at least until later on tonight? Keep it more a late-night routine rather than just going to screw every second we get… Petra's making it difficult though.

The gaze is getting less and less subtle, almost like she's wanting me to say something on it. Don't get me wrong, it's not creepy or anything like that, maybe to normal people it would be but I like it! It's just… damn woman, look at something else for a change! I'm not a piece of meat… our town might as well not exist right now.

"We need to set some ground rules Petra. Just because you now have your sight back, doesn't mean you have to ONLY look at me. The sky, the birds, the ground, your own breasts. I dunno, just stop staring!"

"Heh, what was that Ikarus? Come again?"

"Oi, don't play dumb with me, I know those eyes all too well! I don't even want to know what filth is flowing through your mind right now"

Instead of getting a response this time around, all I get is a stupid happy grin proving I was correct. Sometimes, I swear she's the more masculine one in this relationship… that truth hits too close to home.

Funnily enough, a little memory comes to mind on something that happened last smut session, something that may explain why Petra's being a little more fixated in addition to regaining her sight. Huh, maybe I can try something different for a change…

Going in for the kiss but trying to be a little forceful about it. Unfortunately, it doesn't work as well as intended with the roles quickly reversing once our lips lock together…

Basically, I was trying to do that stupid romantic thing of nudging the lady to the wall, placing one of my hands against said wall and doing that stupid cliché you might have read in a comic once or twice. The demanding guy coming onto the reluctant woman sorta thing.

Except, Petra goes straight into the kiss before I even have the chance to flaunt my authority… I don't freaking know what it's supposed to imply! Normally, the brazen guy is supposed to be like that though.

"Heh, you trying to take the lead Ikarus? Just relax and show a little more confidence, it'll shine through"

"S-Something like that… I g-guess"

Once again, still kissing against the wall, her hands start to wander all around me to putting me off a little, mainly because I should be the one with wandering hands! Plump, firm, round and juicy, this should be my show yet I'm always the one ending up being the girl. I'm not complaining about it, and that's the complete problem! I should want to be a little more assertive, I need to try and force it out…


Despite already splitting up with Aesa since she's gone home for a little R and R, wouldn't surprise me if she's gone to go spank the monkey honestly, she surprisingly gives me some encouraging advice. Maybe it is time for a little Ikarus development!

"…O-Oi, hands by your side"

Surprisingly, me moving her hands away and placing them on her own actually shocks Petra more than words can imagine. I'm going to grab your bottom for a change!

"Heh… fair play Ikarus… did Aesa tell you to do that?"

'Fuck! She's onto us! What do I say?'


'I need specifics Aesa! Shit…'

"…It's n-nothing like that Petra… it's just, I remember what you've g-got on down below. You better be starting to struggle already"

And another surprised reaction from the new and reborn dominant Ikarus, strutting her stuff around making Petra smile like a real dope… I hate how unnatural this is for me.

"Heh, that I am Ikarus. You think you can help me out then?"

Thankfully, that entire whispering exchange wasn't heard by anyone else and has continues to made Petra smile like a dopey idiot. I swear, she purposely does this to make it harder for me! The way she does that sexy quiet talk as well… she's the problem!

Anyways, still kissing by the building wall and trying my best to avoid the awws that keep flying past every person who witnesses our stupid love, Petra now decides to try and get even more hands on, aiming for my breasts.

I want to say I karate chop her hands away but honestly, it's difficult when I have a tendency for groping. I'm pretty certain people walking past can't see what's she holding but if they can, I really couldn't care. We'd have done this back at home regardless.


'Are you trying to be mean to her or something Aesa? Why would I want it to end?'


Reluctantly taking Aesa's advice, I make sure all this stops when Petra tries to use her tongue… I hate my life at times. 

"S-Seriously Petra, that's enough. Hands down"

Getting a little feistier and moving her hands a slightly rougher, she finally gets the message, presents another surprised face but quickly turns into a happy smile again. It's not like I'm ending the little make out thing we've got going on, just that her hands aren't allowed to wander right now!


'What the fuck Aesa!? E-Erm…'

Even though I want to say I ignore her advice, Petra's hands start to try moving upwards again so without even realizing, I may accidently swipe at her bottom a little.

Not too hard or rough, just enough so she gets the message, the moment is completely spoiled when I can't bring myself to continue any further after just randomly spanking her like that. Her hands did completely stop though.

'I can't believe I just did that Aesa! Why did I ever listen to you?'


Looking back around in the most subtle way I can imagine; my jaw nearly drops when Petra's face can't help but blush all over, does my wife have masochistic tendencies or something? Eh, maybe the thing she's got on may be contributing as well, I guess the spank was pretty weak but still!

'Whether that worked or not Aesa, this isn't going to become a habit whether she wants it or not…'


Thankfully, no awkwardness was recorded after that little incident, so after a tad more kissing with my hands only doing the exploring for a change, we set back off to roam the town and honestly just find a way to pass the time. We'll probably visit the park soon and get dinner afterwards, just boring couple things really. I guess you could call this a hobby? Procrastinating and loitering around…


Speaking about Petra like this to Aesa while I'm alongside her really is pretty difficult. Sure, nothing bad is being said but it does feel like gossiping or something. It seems like the wife wants me to take the lead though for a change.

'Are you actually trying to turn me into a wife beater now Aesa? Why would I need aspect?'


'A body modification, huh? If I end up green or looking like an ogre Aesa, you won't like me when I'm angry…'

"…I'm activating aspect one sec Petra, pay it no mind"

"Okay Ikarus?"

Anyways, deciding to activate aspect despite my best judgement, a faint glow begins to envelope me while most of my body begin to grow. I swear I'm turning into a shape shifter with all this body morphing shit I've been doing recently.

My height grows a little and my overall body gets a touch wider as well, that's not even close to what the main noticeable difference is though. I'm just freaking thankful this hoody is oversized as hell basically covering the two ever-growing mounds of flesh. Yeah, these are my boobs so look elsewhere pervs!


---Liked both images so you get both lol.


Eventually, they do settle down to a size, not comparable to Zeki's but still big enough to be noticeable. Why the hell has aspect turned into such a pervy ability though!?

Oh, I'm yet to mention my choice of clothing, even at the café I was wearing this getup. You see, why wonder around in an uncomfortable enchanted corseted dress when my stats no longer can be doubled? As much as the kimonos as comfortable as hell and Petra likes me in cute shit, I brought a few hoodies back for Earth so you best bet I'm going to wear them on occasion. Don't ask why I've got on a skirt, thigh highs and a choker on as well… I may have grown into liking this stuff a little.

It's definitely not the most queen like outfit you can imagine as well, but I couldn't give two shits about our people so screw them! Even looking like this with the extra horns, the looks from people we pass is always of awe… I might go full on slutty emo next and see if that gets any disapproving looks. Knowing my luck, it'll probably become a trend so not a great idea. Find what look Queen Ikarus has on today and the entire town will follow suit.

'Aesa… this might be the worst upgrade imaginable to this. How am I supposed to focus on fighting when these two things are in the way!?'


Lifting up my hoodie to confirm, the faintest of a six pack outline can be seen giving me mixed emotions. On one hand, muscles might be the best part on the human body, excluding breasts of course. On the other, they're so small, it's pathetic! Female giants suck!

"*Sighhh*… I guess that helps a little bit…"

"Heh, what's the problem Ikarus? Presume that's the upgrade to aspect, thought you like bigger boobs anyway"

The funny thing is, of course Petra's going to be interested in any body change coming my way but seems to be purposely looking away now... I kinda regret taking the lead.

"Oi, don't you start wifey or I'll give you another smack in a minute. That has never been true… I like mocking bigger chests. Smaller boobs, like mine and yours truly, are always the best way to go!"

Threatening to beat the misses, and then saying the wife has small tits… what has Aesa turned me into!? I don't even know anymore...

"Heh, you always have such a way with words Ikarus. You've activated aspect remember? Are you trying to put me in a coma?"

'Urgh, stupid logical Petra!'


"Thank you! It's a shame Aesa's definitely not off doing something rude Petra because, she'd tell you how it is! Aspect needs intent so I can give you a smack if you need it"


That gets the wife to quieten down, grinning madly like she's really enjoying the stupid power dynamic shift. I really have no idea how her mind works at times, think it's more just me being an idiot that makes her happy rather than the masochistic nature. Who really knows with this loveable pervert though.

Anyways, still walking around before we inevitably go home and decide to screw, something catches my eyes just as we're about to go find the park we something relax at. I hate people at times…

"Oh, for fuck's sake… the faster we go to the heavens, the better. Why do we even bother with these idiots Petra?"

"Heh, maybe you were right about them being cultists Ikarus… this really isn't great"

Two concrete foundations stand proudly right in the centre of the town market, both of which have legs slowly being built upon, consisting of some sort of building material but being coated in a layer of gold. I'm basically describing the start of two statues being built.

"It's the two queens! Quickly, make sure you get all their facial features correct"

"Queen Ikarus is rocking horns now!? Make sure you get the shape down perfectly!"

"Get the elves! Their memories are normally perfect when it comes to this sort of thing"

The group of builders working on the statues stop all progress when seeing us, a small crowd starts to form all the while I'm seriously debating whether we can continue to keep living here. This isn't even funny anymore! 

"What the hell is the meaning of this!?! As if Marcus would allow such a waste of resources!"

The black-haired politician protagonist actually seems to be within the crowd, even though I can't see him, he's definitely in there somewhere.

"Believe me Queen Ikarus, I tried to convince them otherwise but this was entirely funded by your church. Apparently, people have been donating vast amounts for this project and I couldn't exactly turn down the building permissions"

"We wanted to make it out of solid gold but the evil minister wouldn't let us!"

"Yeah! If it wasn't for the queens favour of him, we'd have kicked him out of office ages ago!"

"We probably wouldn't have; we'd have rioted though if a compromise wasn't met though!"

"*Sighhh*… sorry Petra, but can we go do literally anything else now? I've had enough with all these idiotic cultists"

Even when being called idiots and cultists, our civilians just happily smile like being insulted by me is some kind of blessing. This love of theirs is really starting to get unhealthy, we may be past the point where needless threats of death are useless. They'd probably see that as some kind of reward, like a death cult or something. I'm sooo over this already.

"Heh, of course Ikarus. I'm presuming you want to continue from earlier on? You weren't as bad as you thought"

Oh right, I was apparently trying to hold the pants in our relationship getting advice from Aesa. I guess we can turn this into something sexy, just anything to forget about these stupid statues being built…

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