Chereads / Mordred's Rebirth / Chapter 98 - And Everything Turned Black

Chapter 98 - And Everything Turned Black

[Vanis Hectus]


That was the only word that came to mind as I watched the clash unfolding before my eyes.

Pieces of black roots fell everywhere as Mordred and Asphodel engaged in a battle that was starting to look one-sided.

Bloodfire enveloped his sword, arcing across the battlefield as he wielded it with a mastery that surpassed mine.

I had seen the Commander take on Asphodel once, and it was a fight I would never forget.

Now, as I lay on the ground before the massive Tear, immobilized by the agonizing pain of my shattered knees, it felt like I was watching the Commander fight again.

But this was different.

Mordred dodged every attack thrown at him by the daemon, laughing maniacally as each deadly punch or root sailed past his body.

It was as if he were toying with Asphodel.

Watching him fight was like watching the Commander and me fighting the daemon together.

Every slash, every thrust, every parry—his moves echoed the swordsmanship that the Commander and I had spent years perfecting.

But something was wrong.

Mordred never stuck to using one set of skills. He seamlessly switched between the Commander's techniques and mine with uncanny speed, bordering on insanity.


That was what disturbed me most.

I was witnessing our skills wielded by a madman, twisted by the Madness driving him.

The Commander's skills, once symbols of awe and reverence, now terrified me in Mordred's hands.

The skills I had mastered, the ones that elevated me to the position of a Paladin, now filled me with disdain.

The Madness of the Haema Incarnus is unlike any other form of insanity.

It is a twisted freedom, stripping away guilt, remorse, loyalty, and morality—everything that makes us human.

It liberates and damns you, making you a monster who would watch the world burn.

It makes you feel nothing: no fear, no pain, no love.

Just nothing.

And feeling nothing is the greatest exhilaration.

How do I know this? I had accepted the Madness before.

It was the only way I could've stood a chance against the S-ranked Paladins guarding the Saint.

The Madness consumed my soul as I tore through those who stood in my way, and I felt nothing.

It was exhilarating.

I still hear the deranged laughter that escaped my lips, echoing through the blood-stained halls.

By the time I snapped out of it, I stood in a sea of blood and Bloodfire, with him before me, consumed by the crimson and black flames.

The words he spoke as Bloodfire burned his body brought me back to my senses, silencing the whispers of Madness, but they returned as soon as he was gone.

Those whispers haunt me to this day.

Watching Mordred fight Asphodel, pushing back the daemon with his insane laugh, I couldn't help but wonder.

Did I really look that deranged back then?

Blood flowed from my wounds, wrapping around my legs as my strand healed my shattered knees, removing the blood spikes.

After accepting the Madness, Mordred's mastery over blood crystallization and Bloodfire had reached unprecedented levels.

Combined with the skills he copied from me and the Commander, he was possibly the strongest warlock in the Shield right now.

And yet, his combat experience seemed far beyond his years.

I became a Paladin at the age of fifteen and served the Order for five years until I killed the Saint. After that, I was a Deathwalker for another five years.

I have ten years of combat experience and Mordred's experience somehow surpassed mine.

It was as if he were a highly experienced fighter in a past life.

I shook my head. No, that's impossible. Something like that only happens in books.

I grunted as my strand reconstructed my knees and closed my wounds with surgical precision.

"Artemis. Has the Commander arrived?" I asked, trying to stand.

"Yes, but Minerva has locked him in his office," she replied, her voice uneasy. "Vanis, is this the only way?"

I nodded grimly. "The only method we have."

"Is there a way to bring him back?" Artemis asked in a worried tone.

"Mordred has the high ground. Asphodel will either be destroyed or flee," I replied, hardening my gaze. "The Abnormal will likely flee into the Tear."

Light particles floated around me, healing any remaining wounds and strengthening my body. "I will take on Mordred when that happens."

Switching channels, I said, "Minerva, can you hear me?"

"Yes?" she responded uneasily.

"As soon as Asphodel enters the Tear, teleport the Commander and Unit 21 to my position. They are the only ones who can bring him back," I instructed.

"But Vanis—"

I cut her off. "You're not in a position to give your opinion, Minerva. It's either that or I kill Mordred."

"Very well," Minerva conceded.

I nodded. It felt strange to see Minerva like this.

Turning my attention back to the epic clash before me, I narrowed my eyes at the deranged Mordred.

"I'm going to smack you back into your senses, child."


[Back to Mordred]

I could get used to this.

Bloodfire danced around me, its crimson and black flames singing a deadly symphony with each slash at Asphodel.

The Abnormal focused on defense, but my blade sliced effortlessly through its thick, rooty body.

Black ooze gushed from the numerous wounds, and the intense Bloodfire hindered its healing, if only for a moment.

But that moment was enough for me.

Delighted laughter bubbled up as I weaved around the daemon, combining the sword mastery of my uncle and Vanis in an intricate, deadly dance.

Each swing was meticulous, and calculated with no wasted movements, only death-dealing precision.

A single small cut from my blade is fatal.

Sparks and Bloodfire flashed as Asphodel blocked my downward slash, releasing a shockwave of ardor and flames.

Numerous black roots shot toward me.

I squealed like a child with a new toy, my blood tentacles unfurling to slice the roots from their tips.

A bundle of black roots erupted from Asphodel's shoulder, forming a giant fist that swiped at me.

"Bro, you are full of surprises!" I giggled, dodging the fist and unleashing multiple slashes in seconds, reducing it to rooty fish finger looking thingies.

Quick as lightning, I grabbed them and flung them toward the Abnormal's face. "Try this! I heard they're a delicacy."

Leaning forward, I rushed at Asphodel, swinging at its torso. It leaned back, black roots bubbling from its waist.

Just as my attack missed, I turned my sword, slicing into Asphodel's leg.

I leaped back as a smooth black blade obliterated the ground where I stood a second ago. The roots in the Abnormal's arm twitched.

"Oops," I stuck out my tongue.

Rocks and snow erupted as Asphodel dragged its blade through the rocky ground in a powerful upward slash.

I leaned back, the blade's tip a mere inch from my nose. A wisp of black energy glowed on its edge.

"Shit." I jumped aside, barely dodging a wave of black energy that sliced into the valley wall, causing a massive rockslide.

I zipped around Asphodel, firing multiple Vortex Bloodlances from behind.

Roots swatted the crimson spears, but using Kay's footwork and Vanis's sword skills, I rushed forward, avoiding and slashing the roots, burning them with Bloodfire.

In a blink, I reached Asphodel's back and stabbed. The white blade plunged into its flesh and ignited it.

Quickly, I splashed some blood and jumped back, avoiding the roots like a monkey as Asphodel's back burned with crimson and black flames.

The Abnormal turned and unleashed a wall of black blades and roots. I blocked and parried them all, laughing hysterically.

I could see every attack!

The force of the attacks ripped my skin and chipped my flesh, but I felt nothing. It felt awesome!

It was purely ecstatic!

Powerful winds whipped across the landscape, shockwaves echoing through the valley as we fought before the Tear.

A fun spark entered my mind, and I suddenly leaped forward, letting the black blade pass through my body with a funny-sounding squelch.

Asphodel's distorted voice echoed in my mind, "You are truly insane, little prince."

Giggling at my warped reflection on the daemon's head, I said, "You have a really shiny head! Hey, wanna know a secret?"

I leaned in, my grin widening. "I put a bomb in you."

I immediately detonated Blood Grenade and a crimson explosion followed, Bloodfire blowing me off the blade and slamming me into a rock.

Getting up, I examined my wounds and whistled. I have a gaping hole in my stomach and burned hands.

I sniffed my sizzling and cooked arms. "Man, that smells delicious."

Asphodel emerged from the smoke, a gaping hole in its body covered in Bloodfire.

Without wasting a second, I got up and entered my Triquetra state.

I was beside the Abnormal in a flash. "Pal, I'm injured, so gimme a hand," I said, slicing off its arm.

Using one of my blood tentacles, I grabbed the arm spinning in midair and rammed it into the healing hole.

"How about that! You precious little rooty bitch!" I exclaimed with absolute excitement.

I plunged my sword into Asphodel's foot, pinning it down. My blood tentacles rose and plunged their crystallized tips into its body.

Black ooze splashed over me, my uniform sizzling, the smell of burning skin wafting into my nose.

Huh. Black ooze from daemons is kind of corrosive.

You learn new things.

The whispers in my ear grew louder as I looked at Asphodel's faceless head. "Enjoying the Mordred Special?" I asked, channeling the power of Haema and forming a Blood Nova in my palm.

"This is quite the pinch," Asphodel remarked. "I hadn't thought this through."

Tilting my head, I said, "Of course, you didn't, you dimwitted roots and sadism for brains!"

"I believe it's time for me to take my leave."

Offended, I replied, "You ain't going nowhere, mister!"

Asphodel turned its head. "And you're coming with me."


Numerous roots erupted from its back, rushing toward me. I jumped back but was slammed into the ground.

A black root twisted around my legs. Before I could react, the roots engulfed me.

"Oh well. I guess this is it," I muttered, catching a glimpse of Vanis rushing toward me, hand outstretched, calling my name.


I smiled. "Ay, Vanis. You look really hot!"

And everything turned black.