Chereads / Breathe For You / Chapter 14 - Coconut Ice cream

Chapter 14 - Coconut Ice cream

The second semester was well underway so Porchay was over it. He was flooded with a whole lot of projects and had a whole lot of tests coming up and all he could do to stop himself having a meltdown was bother Macau's peace. He walked into the boy's apartment without so much as a knock to find the sitting area and kitchen empty. He was about to call out his name when he heard his boyfriend's voice coming from his room. Porchay plopped himself onto the couch and pulled out his phone to play games while he waited for Macau to finish his call.

Twenty minutes had passed when the boy finally walked out of the room, only he wasn't his normal composed self. His bedroom door slammed shut behind him as he made a beeline for the front door not noticing the boy on his couch. Chay sat for a second debating whether or not to draw attention to himself. He'd never seen Macau so upset and it scared him a little but he took a breath before calling out the boy's name. It came out as a little more than a whisper but it was loud enough to stop Macau in his tracks.

"Shit," he hissed under his breath before turning around, "Chay."

"Is everything okay?" the boy asked still on the couch.

"Yeah, everything is... have you been here long?"

The question sounded a little cold and made Chay's heart drop a little. Usually, Macau went to sit with him and ask about his day but the Macau standing mere meters away from him was nothing like his Macau. He felt a little feral and a little hostile. Chay shook his head, "No."

His response came as a croak. And then he was sniffing and a stray tear made its way down his cheek. Macau blinked at him actually looking at him. Chay was crying and Macau was the reason. Macau hated when Chay cried. Macau swore not to make Chay cry yet there he was. He dragged himself out of his rage and made his way to the boy, mind clearing with every step he took. He knelt in front of the boy just watching as he shook ever so slightly, "I'm sorry," he said lightly placing his hand on his head.

Chay looked up to find a concerned pair of eyes, "Macau what's wrong?"

He couldn't tell him. Chay knew that he probably wasn't going to tell him but he asked either way. Macau wiped away a stray tear letting his hand linger on Chay's cheek, "Nothing...there's just...I need to take care of some things," he explained.

"What kind of things?" Chay pressed.

"The kind you shouldn't be thinking about," Macau whispered pulling his hand away from Chay's face.

The boy caught his hand and looked into his eyes trying to figure out what could have gotten him so upset. Macau was usually level-headed but whatever was happening; whatever he had to take care of was clearly upsetting him, "Is it something dangerous?"

"No," he said looking away from the boy.

"You're lying," Chay said squeezing Macau's hand.

"I'm serious. I'll be fine."

"Will you be back today?"

"I will."

"Promise?" Chay held out his pinky.

Was he really going to make it back? That much he wasn't sure of but he didn't want to worry Chay, "Promise," he linked his pinky with Chay's before stamping the promise and sealing it with a kiss, "I have to go now though if I want to get back early."

"Mn," Chay smiled at him weakly.

Macau gave Chay a peck on either cheek and on his forehead before finishing on his lips. It was a tender kiss that Chay melted into. It was almost as if Macau was trying to take away Chay's worries with the kiss even though he knew that nothing could make the boy stop worrying. Just as quickly as it had begun it ended and Macau was out the door leaving Chay on his couch.

A cold shiver crawled up Chay's back leaving goosebumps all over his body. What on earth was Macau going to do? The boy couldn't think up the kinds of things his boyfriend had gone through, done or seen and he didn't want to but his brain cooked up all sorts of vile vivid images no different to what he'd seen at Yok's bar a little over a year before. He grabbed his phone leaving a quick text for Macau before heading to the boy's bedroom. It was hot outside but Chay was cold. He was shivering so much he was shocked he could walk. A funny thing fear. That's what it was. He feared for Macau's safety and he was helpless. All he could do was crawl into the boy's bed and curl up into a ball praying to the gods, the universe and everything in between that Macau came back.


Macau was sitting in his car trying to compose himself. The last thing he wanted to do was go into this raging. He did make a promise to Chay that he planned to keep even if it was near impossible. He was about to pull out of the parking lot when his phone vibrated.

BabyChay: hurry up and come back. I want coconut ice cream.

He smiled at his phone squeezing it tightly as a lone tear fell onto the screen. He wiped his tears away and switched off his phone before driving away. He wanted to get this done as soon as possible so he could get Chay his coconut ice cream. The usual meet-up spot was Pulse but Nam changed it to a run-down school close to Macau's high school. Nam was a bit of a poet. It annoyed Macau really. Was this supposed to be some poetic ending to their ill-fated relationship? Ending it all where it started? Bullshit.

The boy drove into the schoolyard and was welcomed by two cars parked in front of what used to be the main building. Nam was standing in front of his car while a few thugs stood smoking just a few meters away from him. Macau checked his gun before sliding it into his waistband. He didn't plan on using it unless he had to, it was just a safety precaution because Nam was if anything unhinged. It was part of his poetic charm.

"Macau, you made it!" the man shouted as if genuinely excited to see the boy.

"What do you want from me Nam?" the boy spat.

"I missed you. Didn't you miss me?"

"Cut the crap. What the hell do you want from me?"

The man clicked his tongue and spat before pushing away from his car and stalking up to Macau. He looked the boy up and down before clapping his hands and laughing hysterically. "Look at this kid!" he said to his people, "You've grown Macau," he added, "It's so cute it makes me want to ruin you."

Macau just stood quietly listening to the man's ramblings. "But you see Cau Bear, we have some unfinished business you and I," Nam said going back to his normal less hysterical self.

"What unfinished business?" Macau asked deciding to humour him even though he knew what Nam was getting at.

"What owe me little one. A lot."

"Do I?" the boy asked sarcastically.

Nam struck him causing the boy's head to violently snap to the side. Nam started cackling hysterically when Macau glared at him, the side of his head pulsing a little. He felt a light stream trickling down the side of his head before he saw the huge marble in Nam's hand, "Who the fuck needs prayer beads when you get just get one of these? I love it!" he explained.

Macau smiled coldly at Nam, "This is just like you. Cheap tricks, cheap cologne...everything about you is just so tacky it makes me want to throw up."


Nam rushed Macau again hitting him in the exact spot he'd hit him before. The boy's vision had started dancing but he still wasn't fighting back and wanted to provoke Nam even further, "Just proves my point," he chuckled.

Nam turned to one of the guys standing by the car. He was about twice Macau's size and looked ridiculously terrifying. The Hello Kitty fanny pack around his waist did nothing but make him look even more terrifying but Macau sized him up. He wasn't about to let slip now, "Really Nam? Look at this guy. Do you really think this is a fair fight?" Macau crooned.

"Like you said... I'm a cheap bastard," Nam replied smiling innocently and Macau and skipping back to his car.

The man with the Hello Kitty bag made his way to Macau sucking on a lollipop. Macau scoffed at the ridiculous sight before him, wait until he told Chay about this guy. When he was standing in front of Macau he spat his candy out and stared down at the boy, "Last chance kid, you can still do what you're told to like a good little boy."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Before Macau could finish his sentence he had the air sucked out of him as the man landed a punch in his abdomen. He'd been hit before but never this hard and he'd never heard anything crack in the past. He wanted to curl in on himself and hold his stomach but he wasn't granted the chance before he was hit on the side of his head. If his vision was dancing before there was nothing to describe what was happening to him now. He took a couple more hits before he was completely unable to feel anything. He glared up at the man in front of him still hearing Nam's wild cackling in the background. He felt himself tip but before he was out he could have sworn he heard Pete yelling at Vegas to stop. What was Pete doing there?