At 7:00pm on a beautiful Wednesday evening, a queer occurrence happen at the Xinyanzu Hospital of the Daixan city.
At little girl with gorgeous red hair was born.
When she was being cleaned up, the head doctor, Dr Xai, walked into the room with a worried expression on his face.
Dr Xai said 'Mr and Miss Wei Li, I... have something to say....', and he asked with an alarming tone, 'Which one would you like to hear first?.
This left a worried look and the couple's faces,
as his wife was worried Mr Wei Li gained his composure. He and the doctor went out of the room to let his wife rest, so Mr Xai took him to see his child's DNA test.
What he saw left a shocked expression on his face.
The DNA test that had been asked for by Mr Wei Li showed that the child had neither his or his wife's DNA.
He had a talk with the doctor and decided to raise the child. After he had informed his wife.
The next day, They left the hospital.
This is where Hituraka's story began....
Writer's note:
Sorry it is so short I have exams but after it I will try to increase the length of each chapter.