"Oh? You're corrupted?" The man asked wilder with some pity on his face
At this time he had put on a pair of pants and was seated on a rock while wilder and the rest knelt before him
They had explained to him that they were corrupted and they lived in the town below and how they have been living in fear of the dreaded members of the temple of jade and their heathenous ways
However all of a sudden they received news that the heathens of the temple had been disposed of by some righteous men so they couldn't help themselves
They had to show appreciation
"Yes your lordship, we are humble and at your service" Snow grovelled as soon as he noticed what wilder was doing he played along
"Do you worship?" The man quickly asked with some intrigue
Normally corrupted weren't worshipers and it was like a rule that no corrupted be allowed to worship without them agreeing wholeheartedly