Magnus stared down Mr Custard, a menacing look on the chocolate's own face. "I suggest we carry on with our tour." The twist stated, darkly. Magnus held his ground, as did his crew. "Let's keep moving." The chocolate twist said once more.
The crew remained holding their ground. A young boy then fell before him. Welt marks and bruises covered his exposed arms, and his neck had chain pattered bruising. Magnus crouched down, holding the kid. "Hey kid, don't pass out on me."
The kid could barely hear the words coming out of the redhead's mouth. His lungs felt stuffy. Elvia moved past the crew, and began to inspect the young boy. They flipped him on his back, and Mr Custard had just about enough.
He moved his hand foward, which was a grave mistake on his part. Mortale and Amane simultaneously cut his arms off, whilst breathed fire over his body. He was burnt to a crisp, eliciting screams from everyone around them.