Chereads / Life Of A Pirate Lord / Chapter 1 - And all things went up in flames.

Life Of A Pirate Lord

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Chapter 1 - And all things went up in flames.

The year 1763

Location: Beiniholm (A small village on the outskirts of Iceland.)

The smell of burning flesh and ash filled Magnus's nose. The sight of the blood-filled ocean embedded in his mind as the corpses increased in number. Houses, ships and taverns went up in flames.

He stood up from the small corner he was hiding in and ran toward the town centre. The smell of blood and flesh only intensified. A group of black and red uniformed soldiers with weapons came toward him.

When he was certain they hadn't spotted him, he turned to his left and into the open field.

He ran as fast as he could, trampling over the bodies of dead children and women. He spotted the large cottage house at the end of the large field and thanked the

Gods that his house was spared. He pushed back his red hair as his golden eyes caught a glimpse of his mother standing by the window.

The night was almost over. The dark, purplish, smoked-filled sky turned brighter, welcoming dawn as it drew close.

He rushed up the front steps of his house and barged through the door, where he was greeted with his mother's torn dress on the ground and her kneeling with nothing but her undergarments on.

A hunting knife was pressed at her pale throat. Tears, both old and new, streamed down her face. Her crimson hair was dragged back by a man in the same black and red uniform as the ones he evaded.

"Magnus, leave!" His mother screamed, horrified by his appearance.

All the young boy could do was stand there like a statue, and stare ahead in shock. His mother's cries continued to echo around the house.

A million different dark thoughts went through the sheltered sixteen-year-old boy's mind, but as soon as the pale, bald uniformed man slit his mother's throat ear to ear, that was when he finally snapped.

Without a moment of hesitation, Magnus grabbed his late father's hunting rifle and started shooting without aim. The soldiers who were focusing on his mother, were now focusing on him. He hit two uniformed men in the head before reloading and shooting aimlessly again.

The soldiers yelled before firing their weapons. Magnus was able to dodge, cutting corners in the dark house and running up the stairs to his bedroom. He locked the door, the soldiers firing their weapons.

Magnus fired back but the gun made a clicking noise, indicating that he was out of bullets. He looked at the window that seemed to be miles away and decided to head for it, but before he could reach it, his bedroom door burst open and the uniformed men opened fire at close range.

The bullets hit his body at tenacious speed, not allowing his brain to process what was happening.

When his body finally hit the ground and he laid in his pool of blood. Did his brain register that their time was up and that he'll join his mother up there soon? He could barely make out the words that were coming out of the soldiers' mouths, but they sounded french.

They shoved his body to the side, not caring in the slightest about his pain. His eyes barely focused on the puckle gun they placed by his window.

The window had the best view of the nursery, and Magnus could only pray that the children went out quickly.

With one last strangled breath, Magnus's soul finally left his body and his life was now gone


The disturbing images of burning flesh and dying people plagued his mind. When the images became intense and he couldn't take it anymore, his body jolted up and he was awake.


Just how was he awake if he had died from the many bullets that lodged into his body? His eyes adjusted and he started taking in his surroundings.

The walls were a brown colour, and the patterns made it seem like he was inside a cabin. The smell of spices and meat filled his nose, causing his stomach to growl in hunger.

He inspected what he was laying on. It was a white covered bed with a thin blanket placed over him.

He removed the blanket and made his way off the bed, confused as to what was going on. He headed toward the door, running his hands over his torso. He opened the door and was now face to face with a pink and orange fairy.

Her pink hair was long and pulled into a ponytail.

Her dress was mid thigh length with short sleeves. Her orange eyes were large and had diamond shaped pupils. She wore a pair of heeled boots. "Well well, you're finally awake." She said, a large grin plastered on her face, a single tooth sharper than the rest coming into sight.

Magnus only stared at the fairy, barely able to form any words. She started flying around his head, the corner of his vision sighting two people sitting at the kitchen table.

The kitchen was a tiny room. A large mirror was directly in front of him and by the front door.

He saw himself and his brain short circuited before adjusting itself, and processing what he looked like. He barely looked the same. He was smaller in height and weight. His skin was paler and his eyes were large and green paired with red lashed.

His hair was down to his back and neon red. He still had some muscles and you could still somewhat tell he was a guy, a problem he already had back home. A problem that seemed to follow him.

"I'm glad you're awake." A soft feminine voice spoke.

Magnus turned his head to look at where the voice came from and was met with a beautiful woman. She was tall, had long brown curly hair and tanned skin. She wore a thigh length white dress with a brown leather belt around her waist.

Her eyes were large, hazel and looked extremely kind with long lashes to make them even better. Her bare arms had tribal tattoos that looked like flames all over them.

Her neck had a gold choker with a pearl emblem hanging in the middle. The man who was sitting sipping tea stared at Magnus and silently acknowledged his existence.

He was tall, lean and had long white hair. His skin was pale and he had a deep set of purple eyes. He wore a black coloured knight outfit with a sword strapped to his hip.

"You were pretty hurt, but it seems you're okay now." The kind woman spoke, a small smile on her face and her eyes closed. "My name is Thali Gorna. The fairy is Elvia and the guy over there is Mortale Snowmaul."

"Thanks for helping me, and my name is Magnus Jokull. " He replied, his voice surprisingly rich and soft. Before another word could be ushered, something came crashing into the cabin.

Everyone covered their eyes and coughed out the dust. Magnus's hair was flowing over the place as he used his arms to block the dust from going into his eyes.

Two shadowy figures emerged from the smoke, and out came a tall man with demon wings and a young woman with demon wings. They were both pale and had next to nothing to wear.

The girl had a strapless bra and pants on with thigh high boots, all in black. The male had black leather pants and his chest was bare. He sported a great set of abs.

"Looks like an otherworldly has entered Locrome, and you lot were going to hog him all up." The incubus spoke.

"Lord Barragan won't be happy." The succubus laughed out. They were quick to dive into action, not wasting anytime.

Mortale and the incubus known as Valentino exchanged blows. Magnus was being protected by Elvia, who encased him in a flower barrier. The succubus known as Gia threw powerful explosive orbs at Thali, who dodged them.

"Flame sword!" Thali yelled. A large flame that was shaped like a blade appeared in her hand. She ran forward, zooming past a protected Magnus, who was bright eyed and excited.

She started swinging her blade around, the sound of flames echoing around the cabin. Gia dodged, cartwheeling and flipping around Thali. Thali then changed the flame sword into a flame whip.

She whipped toward Gia's legs and when the whip successfully circled around the succubus's ankles, burning them a bit.The succubus began to panic. "H-hold on!" Gia screeched, her face pale and her pink eyes turning wide with horror.

Thali smirked before dragging the whip forward and running toward the struggling demon. She then wrapped a rope around the young woman, binding the wrist and ankles together. Mortale and Valentino's fight had made it outside.

Magnus watched in awe as they fought under the blue, cloud filled sky. Mortale seemed as if he was dancing. He used the sword with precision, elegance and beauty.

"They're really cool, aye?" Elvia spoke up, a large smile on her face. Magnus nodded his head.

He had figured by now that he was reincarnated in a world with magic and monsters. He would lead a life far better than the one back home. Mortale continued fighting. Valentino raised his palm in the air and a large dark orb was forming with dark matter rotating around it, causing strong winds to form.

The black orb then engulfed Valentino. Thali, Mortale and Elvia looked ahead ready for trouble. "What's going on?" Magnus asked.

"The incubus is evolving." The darkness surrounding Valentino dispersed and outcame a demonic version of himself. He no longer looked completely human. He had large horns, pitch black skin with purple lines.

His wings were large and black with sharp claws at the top. His eyes were sharp and red. He disappeared and appeared behind Thali. With her cat-like reflexes she was able to get away from Valentino.

He wasn't her target. His 'scared out of her mind' sister was. With Thali binding her limbs she was unable to move, making it easy for Valentino to devour her. Magnus watched in horror as the other three watched in disgust.

"Must destroy." That's all he repeated. "Must not fail Lord Barragan." Mortale readied himself but he was too slow.

His throat was caught between Valentino's hardened elbow pit and he was thrown full force back, smashing through the cabin walls and toward the forest.Thali looked at Mortale in shock.

She readied herself, leaping into the air and coming down with a forceful kick to his head. Valentino caught her by the ankle and threw her toward the large tree.

Her back hit the trunk and knocked her out. The demon then turned toward Magnus and Elvia.

The fairy then grew into a young woman and started dashing at light speed toward Valentino, leaving Magnus encased in the protective garden.

She threw heavy punches and kicks, twirling before committing her next attack. Magnus watched as Elvia attacked, noticing the damage she was causing the demon.

She must be the strongest out of the trio, he concluded. She leaped in the air and with her palms open, a bright light started forming. "Thorn Cage!" Vines with thorns attached surrounded Valentino. She then closed her palm and the thorns tightened around the demon.

Valentino wailed as the blood spilled from his body. He raised his arms and ripped the thorns with pure strength. He then punched a surprised Elvia in the stomach, sending the fairy crashing into what was left of the kitchen.

Magnus was now terrified. Was he going to die again?. As Valentino came nearer, Magnus' sanity was hanging by a thread. "Going into thrill mode." Magnus's brain switched off and his pupils started to dilate.

His hair started to glow bright red and his eyes were glowing too. His body started to move at light speed on his own. He punched Valentino in the face, causing the demon to stumble backwards. He then leaped in the air, spun and kicked the demon's head downwards, making Valentino lose his footing.

He recovered quickly and shot an orb at Magnus who dodged then roundhouse kicked the demon back. Thali, who woke up, and Elvia could not believe their eyes. Was the kid possessed ? The demon summoned a large sword and started to swing at Magnus, who dodged quickly.

His mind was focused on nothing but the attacks. Magnus went backwards.

With an open palm a ball of electricity started to form. The beam got smaller before it turned into a large blast, taking out Valentino and leaving no remains.

Everything went back to normal and Magnus fell forward, Thali was quick to catch him, her own injuries hurting a bit. Mortale with a hand in his head came from the corner and looked around confused. Thali smiled down at Magnus who was sound asleep in her arms.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and all she could think of was the fact that....

There was so much in store for him.