It's been around two... well... maybe three years now... I don't know anymore... To be honest I stopped keeping track a long time ago. Well, no matter how long ago it was, it doesn't matter. Our world is in shambles, taken over by what once was a solution to our world's problems. y'know, pollution, global warming, all those types of things people tried to warn us about. While I don't know all the details myself, I know one thing is for certain. In the end, it was too late. It was ourselves that caused the end of the world. We tried to solve our own problems after it was already too late. So... what's left of the human race... no... what's left of all life, which there isn't much of, tries to skim by, day by day.
I've been on my own for a good while now. like I said, I haven't really been keeping track of the past few months. I've ran into a couple people every now and then. sometimes I even run into groups, but i try to stray away from those for... reasons... Most people tried to stick together when all this started, I tried the same. It was okay for a little while but eventually there was turmoil in the group, which was bound to happen with the conditions we were in. Most of the problems there were solved but like all groups I've witnessed, it fell... It's depressing really, seeing communities fall apart. All the hard work they'd put in... Just gone to waste... The hope that someday humanity will get through all of this and come out victorious is the only thing that's been keeping me going as of late... but... Does it really even matter if we keep pushing forward? Does it really matter that the human race makes it to the light at the end of the tunnel? Maybe it's better that we don't make it... Maybe the world and all it's wonderful life would be better off without our infestation of a race.
I wonder how it feels to be one of those... things... Can you even feel it? Are you still even conscious when it takes over your body? If you are, are you even the slightest bit in control? No. There's no way you'd be even a little in control... If one of those things does as much as scratch you the tiniest bit, it's over... I've never seen anybody survive even the slightest bit of contact with one of those things. They're so... creepy... Their bright, blood red, glowing eyes... Their dark skin with white and purple bumps that resemble the night sky... Their elongated limbs and... And their teeth... They're so sharp, sharp like the edge of a knife after just being sharpened.
They don't do anything except... lurk... and hunt... I've heard stories of some different types of them but... those just gotta be rumors... right? There's no way they could... evolve or something right? I don't know. I don't know much about anything anymore to be honest. Hell I don't know if I can even still speak anymore. It's just... It's been so long since I've had to speak. I mean, there's no one around here... Where even is here? It's crazy to think you can travel for so long and go such long distances to the point where you can't even recognize where you are anymore. From what I can tell... I think this is... There's no point. It doesn't matter where you are in this world. It just matters that you're surviving. It just matters that you are alive and not a Shadow.
It's calm here, camping out in the wilderness. Surrounded by plenty of trees and bushes. Not a sound to disrupt the quietness of the peace in the woods. It's... it's almost too quiet... no... no something's off. Something isn't right. For some odd reason I.... I get the feeling I'm being watched...
and there it was... staring at me... with its red eyes piercing into mine. Is this it? Is this the end of my story? Is this the point where my non-eventful life comes to an end? No. No it can't be. I won't let my life be taken by some... some creature...
*Shadow Screeches*
(The shadow lunges towards him but misses and is stabbed through the throat)
??? - *heavy breathing* J... Jo... John..?
John - K... Kieth..?