The Quest- 2

" Henry... You're done , go now and take the money by giving him the diamond", Richard said, looking at Henry. Henry rejoiced and got out of there, but before that the commander went out and asked Amelia to be ready to follow Henry and went somewhere, promising to meet Amelia soon.

Henry comes out of the apartment and rides in his car and starts the engine, Amelia too was ready to start the car and chase after it. Henry pushes the car forward and sets off towards the place indicated by Richard, behind Amelia also following him like an unknown traveler. On the other hand, the commander had also gone from a particular job and Amelia was worried about what work came to the commander in the end that has become more important than this diamond. However, nothing should be more important to him than getting this cursed diamond.

"Hello... Mark I'm speaking Richard, Henry Joe diamond is coming to you... He acquired her somehow... No need to pay a price, make any plan and take that diamond from him... The news should not reach her boss, that diamond is very precious, after she left, I opened a book and got information about that diamond... That diamond is precious... Even if Henry doesn't have to get out of the way, " Richard said, instructing mark on the phone.

"This is common in our business... You don't worry about it at all... Our readers will take care of him well, " Mark said, giving Richard an assurance.

"So I will wait for the happy news that you have acquired the diamond... So now I'm sure I cut the phone, he'll reach out to you anytime, " Richard told mark and then put the phone's receiver down. Richard looked quite happy, but he had no idea that someone was sitting in a chair near him and smiling at all his words, it was a dangerous smile that meant something else, a smile telling that countless corpses were going to be left behind. Richard was oblivious to this, looking at the picture of that diamond in his book, laughing a heartless laugh. Whose voice was ruthlessly clear that he was not hesitating to take the life of his old friend Henry, he did not care what would happen to his family after Henry died, whom he had personally known. Unaware of what would happen to his sister, Richard was lost in his own mentor. What happened suddenly was that Richard turned around from his point and wanted to get the diamond without paying Henry any money, but where was the commander's time to think so much, he entered Richard's body sitting in front, Richard feels shocked as soon as he enters Richard's body, now Richard's body was not in his control, he would get up from his chair and stand near the window in front, it seemed that he was waiting for someone, then suddenly he breaks the glass of the window and jumps down, "come... "Come just a pain scream her face originates from the commander has completed its work had made, Richard falling down the same like watermelon exploded, blood soaked Richard some shocks account to your last breaths it takes.

"No idea where the commander stayed, Henry has parked his car in the parking lot of the building in front and is now entering directly inside the building... I do... The commander would tell if... Do not know where is living... Don't let Henry get out of the house, don't understand what to do, can I go in and see where Henry is going...Or wait for the commander in the car, " Amelia thought in her mind, stopping her car at a considerable distance from Henry's car and keeping an eye on Henry. Only then suddenly she sees in front of her car the soul of the commander who was entering inside the building behind Henry. He stood only with Henry in the lift. Henry comes out of it and moves to mark's office.

"Can I meet Mr. Mark", Henry asked a receptionist sitting at the reception.

"Your auspicious name... Sir", the receptionist asked, looking at Henry .

"My name is Henry... You tell him, he will understand", Henry said, introducing himself to the receptionist.

"Well I'll tell him...You sit down and wait a bit", said the receptionist, pointing Henry to sit on a sofa in front. Henry sat on the sofa, the receptionist picked up the receiver of the phone and talked to mark sitting inside and told him about Henry. As soon as Mark was spoken to, the receptionist prompted him to go in, Henry immediately headed to the room inside to meet Mark.

"Come sit mark... I was waiting only for you... Was there trouble getting here," Mark asked Henry.

"No... Your address was given by Richard, so there was no problem... I have to say your office is great," Henry answered mark's question.

"Thank you... Although it is specially built, precious diamonds are bought here... The mall in the same building also has a show room in which Diamonds are sold," Mark told Henry about the building.

"That means that the expert of diamonds is sent to me by Richard... Just tell me about my diamond, " Henry turned to Richard, taking the diamond out of the suitcase.

"Wow this is wonderful... Just wait a minute,"mark said, looking at Henry's Diamond, and headed to his books shelf and picked up a book, "diamonds of the world." After opening the pages of almost half the book, he was taking out the picture of that diamond from it and testing the diamond.

"You know Henry, this diamond of yours is over 300 years old... Many of these precious diamonds were brought from India... During the Mughal rule, many such diamonds from India were gifted to Turkey, Istanbul and many prosperity states... Its size is approximately equal to Kohinoor and it can peep anyone... Once anyone will be deceived, it is Kohinoor itself... The Kohinoor of our Queen is not fake... Ha ha ha", Mark joked while giving Henry the diamond information.

"Ha ha ha... Ha ha, by the way, this diamond is also from India, " Henry said to mark with a laugh.

"Why isn't that all right... More diamonds were brought from Africa and India, but they also had a bloody history behind them, so they are also called bloody stones... It is believed that a precious diamond belongs to one who has the strength...Slaughtering would have come for these diamonds... Many wars have been fought to get them, " Mark told Henry in detail.

"So how much price can I get... It's pretty much unsurpassed, too... According to whether there is room for some price increase, " Henry asked Mark about the price of the diamond, he was more interested in getting the goods and not knowing the history of the diamond.

"You will get the fair price of this diamond... A million more than Richard had decided, you just have to do one of my things,"Mark told Henry.

"Work... I don't understand anything," Henry told Mark.

"Look what it is, if this diamond is carved a little more, it will shine more, look at the light from the right side, it needs to be carved a little from here," Mark told Henry, showing that part of the diamond in the lamp light.

"Why don't you know more... So what to do now ", Henry asked Mark, looking at the diamond in the light.

"I'll give you its money... All you have to do is take this diamond to my work shop, give it to my craftsmen there, I'll give them all the information on the phone, " Mark told Henry, then headed to his safe, pulled five million pounds out of his safe and headed to Henry.

"Take this five million pounds of yours...But how would you take them?", Mark asked Henry, giving him his blood.


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