The Guidebook for Reincarnated Travelers

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Chapter 1 - Reincarnation


A loud bang could be heard and everything went dark. Everything was dark. Everything will be dark... "Wait, I am not dead?" A man with purple hair said to himself as his eyes opened widely.

His green eyes did not see anything he recognizes. His head moving to the left, then to the right, he would find himself in a long corridor which basically looked like a landing pad. Marble pillows would go down the corridor towards a desk.

"Urgh" The man stood up with his whole body in pain. The pain only hurt more and more as he walked towards the desk. Though there were no wounds in his body, he felt like he had multiple knives inside him.

The purple haired man though made his way all the way to the desk and would see 2 doors. One on the left and one to the right of the desk.

A woman with shoulder length red hair and... a skincolor that looks like all life has been sucked out of her came out of the door to the right. Her eyes had a bloodred color to it, making her look like a zombie... why was she carrying a pile of papers though?

The purple haired man took a step back in shock of seeing this "creature".

"Who are you? What is this place?!" The man asked about to make a run for it. Maybe it was the adrenaline but he didn't feel the pain any more.

Though the zombie women responded with a pretty healthy sounding voice, "Come on, calm down" She put down the papers at the desk and sat down then. "Wyrm Unusual, right? Quite the unusual name"

Damn, that was a bad joke

Anyways, the woman continued. "Welcome to Eden fucker! You want to go on a suicide adventure and explore this world or have a boring desk job here? I don't recommend the later but it's your decision I guess"

"Huh?" Wyrm took a step back in shock. So it's like that... he died? Is this heaven- no. This zombie definitely doesn't look like an angel. Not even a bibically accurate one. Wait- She said Eden...

"Eden? You mean like the garden of Eden? With the apple and shit?" Wyrm asked a bit vague as he himself doesn't know the story too good.

Though this question got the zombie woman to chuckle. "Yeah, I guess that's what most people expect. This world... it's more like hell though" She answered but those last words she answered with an intimidating smile.

Before Wyrm could respond though she added, "Oh, don't worry about it. It is only hell to those who want it to be hell. As long as you don't do something stupid you should be fine. So what is it now? Suicide Adventure or Boring Desk job?"

This whole thing was going way too fast for Wyrm. He needed to respond to her now, right?

His eyes widening, he took a deep breath and released it. "A boring life or an excited one? That's a stupid question" Wyrm would have answered with a smile

The zombie woman immediately understood and sighed. "You all are the same, you know? No one appreciates the work of the reincarnates guild" The zombie said with fake tears in her eyes.

Even though this was not the reaction Wyrm expected, it was something. 'The Reincarnates Guild huh?', he thought to himself.

The zombie opened a drawer from the desk and handed Wyrm a book. It's title being "The Guidebook for Reincarnated Travelers"

"You can call me Kaguya. If you ever find out the outside is too dangerous for you", Kaguya's face shifted from a cheerful one to a tired one, "We always need more people to get this work done"

"Uhh, okay" Wyrm responded not knowing what exactly to say about this, "I might do that in the future" (We all know he won't, stupid isekai protagonist)

Kaguya quickly got back to her cheerful self though, "I was joking. Don't worry about it. I am used to all nighters. Now go through the door to the left and read that book once your are outside" Kaguya pointed to the door to Wyrm's left. The one opposite to the one Kaguya came out of before.

"I see, alright then" Wyrm said as he held the guidebook close to his body as if it was something of high value, "Goodbye then"

As Wyrm walked off, opened the door and wanted to close it behind him Kaguya shouted "Good luck out there, noob! You will need it!" And Wyrm closed the door.

Even though he was slightly annoyed by the way Kaguya called him a noob, he shook his head and tried to forget it. As right now he had another problem.

Wyrm found himself in a room that looks like a standard airport luggage claiming station. Bags were going around in the trolley all with a different name on top of it.

Wyrm looked at a few of these bags until he eventually saw one with a certain name on it. "Wyrm Unusual", Wyrm read out loud. It was certainly weird for a bag with his name to be here but to be fair, after dying and coming to... Eden, this was nothing special"

Wyrm's facial expression changed though as he eventually took the bag and opened it. He pulled out a sword larger than the bag. "DAMN, IT'S HEAVY!", Wyrm said lifting the sword up.

It wasn't a long or greatsword or anything, it's just that Wyrm has some noodle arms not ready to lift this sword without any trouble. But still... a sword?

Was this world really THAT dangerous that he needs a sword? Why a sword? Why not a bow? Would he have to kill people? All those thoughts went through Wyrm's mind as he looked at the blade of the sword, his eyes being reflected on it.

"Fuck this shit. I am gonna think about it when the time comes", Wyrm reassured himself. Maybe this whole thing is a huge misunderstanding. Maybe this sword doesn't even belong to him... still he decided to take it. He put the sword bag into the bag, noticing it went in again clearly, even though it was larger than the bag.

When trying to lift the bag, he also noticed it felt like it was empty which was a happy surprise for him. He then put the bag on his back and walked towards an exit door.

As Wyrm walked through it, he would find himself in a large hall. A large hall filled with people.

These weren't any people though. Some of them looked like zombies, some of them like angels and demon, some of them even looked like fairies.

Though these were the ones that you wouldn't immediately see because there are some... more special ones. A literal block, a fox, a moose, birds flying in the air, people with spider legs, a literal beetle.

Wyrm... did not know what to think of this. It did look weird but in the end but he does not remember this being not normal... or normal. Maybe it is too late to say this now but "Who the fuck am I actually?"