BILLIE : You reached the entry gate? I hear crowd noises.
ARIZONA : Yup. I am here. I knew there would be a bunch of people taking place in the race. But damn, this is too many.
BILLIE : There are more than 500 people participating in this competition. And you are in search of one in this big number.
ARIZONA : We also have at least two months to search for that one person. What was his name again.....?
BILLIE : (Sighing) Bad Habits. Remember the name, Arizona. If you don't remember his name how will you even find him?
ARIZONA : Umm well-
(A loud screech followed by mic tapping from the speaker surrounding the station was heard, where the contestants were waiting. Everyone's attention turned towards the noise.)
SPEAKER : Hello ladies and gentlemen! This is Roller, your commentator for the Void Game organised by the Apex Industries. Thank you for joining us in this live radio session. We are soon going to commence the biggest competition in the history of mankind!Stay tuned!
??? 1 : Hey, who do you think that dude's talking about?
??? 2 : Probably to the people that will listen to that speaker while we are rubbing our asses inside that void. Don't worry about them, Close Eyes.
Close Eyes : Hmm. I don't like that name. What person is even named Close Eyes?
??? 2 : Can't do anything about it. If it's for the money, I am ready to be called poop. And it's not even permanent. Just go in, grab the kid and come out. So stop the fucking wimping.
Close Eyes : You are telling this because you got a better name, Eight Lie. It sounds cooler than some... fucking eye that is just closed. I mean- why?
Eight : Shut your crying ass.
(Meanwhile, away from Close Eyes and Eight Lie, Arizona was being constantly stalked by someone, unknown to him.)
ARIZONA : Was that the commentator?
BILLIE : Looks like it. Well, I can't talk to you from now on, Arizona. You would have to carry out things on your own from now on. Good luck, Arizona. I will wait for you on the other side.
ARIZONA : Alright, Billie-Bill Bill. I would, surely.
BILLIE - And yeah, before you hang up...
BILLIE : Promise you would return.
(Arizona raised his eyebrow. He giggled.)
ARIZONA : Yup, I would. (Smooches the phone.)
BILLIE : (Giggling) Pervert. (Hangs up)
ARIZONA : You are rude. (Keeps the phone in the bag.) Phones won't work in the void, I don't know for sure but I can bet. So I need to look for that man and kill him as soon as possible. What was his name again...
Shit on a stick! I forgot his name. Shhhooot. I just talked about him.... Oh yeah, Bad Manners! No... Ugh...
(A hand tapped Arizona's shoulder. He looked back and saw a woman with white hair. He looked her down and up. She smiled at him.)
??? : Hello there.
ARIZONA : Genera- forget it. Who are you, miss?
??? : Well, I can't tell you my real name, of course. But for my game name, it's Goldilock. (Offers hand shake.)
ARIZONA : (Shakes hand) Oh hello there, Miss Goldilock. A rather unique name I se-
(Goldilock pulls Arizona towards herself. She grabs his head and gets her lips closer to his ear. She whispers -)
GOLDILOCK : I see what you did in the locker room, Arizona.
ARIZONA : (Steps back calmly) ... And?
GOLDILOCK : I am thinking what would happen if I tell everyone here what you could do with the cube you have kept near your junk.
ARIZONA : Chill out, miss. You could tell the whole world what I can do with this cube of mine. I won't give even the smallest fuck in my collection of fucks.
GOLDILOCK : Oh I see.... You don't mind your weapon being revealed. What if I.... You know.... Tell about a guy you are here to take the head of...?
(Arizona takes a step back.)
ARIZONA : You... Know his name?
GOLDILOCK : Bad Habits is the name.
ARIZONA : (Relieved) Yeah! That name! I always forget it! Thank you so much!
ARIZONA : .... Anything else?
GOLDILOCK : You.... Don't mind your secret target being exposed too? What are you?
ARIZONA : Tell everyone and I will still kill him anyway. So your wish.
(Goldilock stood silent. She was out of ideas to do the thing she wanted to, or so did she thought. She had one last card in her deck, and she gambled it.)
(She took Arizona's hand, and placed it on her breast. Arizona was flabbergasted.)
GOLDILOCK : Look, boy. Accompany me inside the Void, and I promise I will gift you something. Right now, you have just experienced what you can get if you help me till the end. Yes... I will give you a night on the bed with me if you agree to come with me.
ARIZONA : .....
GOLDILOCK : So, what do you think...?