Table of contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Special thanks to all those who helped and supported and advised the success of this book. My siblings and parents and my friends and encourages , but mostly thanks to the mighty, omniscient God that made this book a successful project.
Pst Joel.
"Please take good care of Dayne. I know you will am just saying it might be hard for him since Kale just died and he has to live with you." I told my best friend. Two weeks earlier we had buried my darling wife who had died drowning during Thanksgiving. We had 2 children. Our adopted son Dayne and our daughter Josette . She had found Dayne 2 years ago at the park one afternoon. Dehydrated and almost dead. We had taken him in when no one knew where he all of a Sudden showed up from and after no one came up to claim him we adopted him legally. I am handing him over to my best friend. " We will. But how about you and Jossie." ''We will be going to Africa. You know I have always wanted to visit. Kale 's dying wish is that Dayne has a mother and that is the reason I am doing this'' . "Sure I understand. Please take care of yourself and Jossie and know that Kale is gone but you will always have a place here in Riversville." "I know and thank you for all your help and love . Tell Tania I am sorry, but the memories of Kale are everywhere and I need my sanity to raise and take care of Jossie properly." We hug without saying anything more than this . I start to walk away feeling Dayne's gaze on me as I refuse to look back. I enter the car, stare at my sleeping daughter and drive out of the compound.
Chapter 1
*The Tigers are ready to take their place in champions sit this year will they succeeded or will the finest shooters . maintain their position in the place for the 4 the time in a row. We can see the star player of the Tigers heading to the basket and shoots it and oh the Tigers win .* I jump up with my best friend as we both hug in victory as Dayne's team wins the match the entire has been dreading since it was announced a month ago . The game comes to an end and Dayne jogs over to I and our friend . " Up tigers " We say and the three of us burst into laughter and share a hug . Since dad and I returned from Africa when we were in middle school, Marquette and I had taken to each other. I started paying the Matthews a visits so at last Dayne opened up to after he realised who I was . He's two classes ahead of us and a celebrity in school. " Thanks for coming ladies .You 2 are my good luck charm." " You are welcome .I have got to go Richie's already looking for me." The 3 of us hug again as she leaves. " I will be on my way too, it's getting late and I will prepare dinner." " Hold on I Will inform the team and walk you home ." I nod . He did and we start towards the house . 4 buildings away I turn to him . " Day why not come in and have a chat with dad you have been avoiding him since we returned from Africa." " Not happening Jos.". "You said you will do anything for me...." " Not this time..." " Bro..." " Can we drop the matter please." My face falls. " Ok bro . Oh that reminds me. Here have this. Audition form from star falls production just fill it and I will take care of the rest ." Thank you so much sis I love you." I laugh " ok,you can bring it over to marq's tomorrow." " I will. Thanks Jossie. " We hug and I go in . My dad is setting the table. " Good evening dad, what you doing? " I hug him ." Hi Jossie , I knew you would be tired after the match, so I returned early to prepare dinner." " Thanks dad you are the best, let me change and join you." Later while we are eating ," Jossie How's Dayne? " "He's fine dad , HEIs one of the basket ball players in school, as a matter of fact he is the star player. You know Riversville won this game because of him." "Am proud of him and you too." "Thanks dad. For every thing." He squeeze my hand next to him and we continue our meal discussing other things.
Pst Joel
After dinner when Jossie had gone to bed. I am not able to sleep. I am worried about Dayne and how he is . After I returned from Africa Rad and I had a discussion on Dayne . He had shot out every one including Rad and his wife and son. Ever since we returned also , he hasn't stepped into this place. Jossie says she's been trying her best to make him atleast visit. I enter my bedroom and sight Kale's photograph. I walk slowly to the bed and pick it up as tears flow down my eyes."I miss you so much Kale. I wish you were here, you would have known what to do. Our son hates me now so much and won't even look at me even in church he avoids me. " I sit ," I love you but God loves you more. It is time to move on and be the best I can be to our daughter. " I drop the photograph and kneel down to pray. "Oh Lord my God, I am sorry. I know I have deviated from your plans this past year after Kale died . Lord Jesus I surrender my all to you. You were the one that sent Rad and Kale to me when I lost all hope. Please I need your help now , I can't do this alone anymore, but let your will be done in my life. I also commit Dayne into your hands pls be with him and heal the bitterness in his heart and let him know that I love him. In Jesus name I pray.
Chapter 2
After the team celebrated our victory at Sussanne 's diner , we all went our respective ways and I returned home to Matthews. What Josie said rang in his mind. I don't know what to say . Since they left , my life has gone upside down. The first problem I faced was that Raymond, who had been my best friend, became a nuisance , not liking the idea of sharing his parents . Unlike sweet little Josette. I cried myself to sleep everyday hoping dad would return for me but he never did. Finally, I found solace in basketball and novels. I slowly shut everyone out . Now he brings Jossie back after 6 yrs. At first , I didn't know she was the one until the day I returned from practice and met them in the living room with everyone. I recognised PST Joel and immediately knew why the new girl is always after me . I felt bad for the way I treated her and made up with her . By then she had a friend , that happens to be Marquette. Ever since we 3 became inseparable. I open the door knowing and glad dinner will be over by now. I start towards my room when the door to the kitchen closes and aunt comes out. Dayne you are back? " Yes aunt." " Welcome home.How was the game?" Thank you. Please excuse me ." Hold on. Rad says to see him when you return." " Will do thanks. " " Your dinner will be ready by the time you return." " Thank you, but no ma . My team and I already had dinner at Susanne's diner. " " Ok then goodnight. He's in the home office." I knock on the door to the library. " Come on in." I enter "Aunt says you asked to see me?" " Yes sir, a minute as I finish this proposal." I sit waiting patiently. " Ok Dayne, here's your examination money . I have already given Ray his. " I accept it ." Thanks sir .Sir, I wanted to inform you that I was called for an audition 2 weeks after the examination at Trane Sonia." " Oh that's great news. Which production . Hollywood?"' "No sir. It's not a known one and you do not need to bother about it dragging your name in the mud . Jossie got me the form. " His face falls . "Okay good night. I wish you best of luck." I leave the library and hear him sigh . I enter my room and bring all my assignments and the form so I can do it before going to bed. 15 minutes into my work I hear a knock on my bedroom door. I am deciding to ignore it when I hear Ray's voice. "Dayne open the door. We need to talk ." I roll my eyes in anger ."Go away RAY. " "Not until I have had my say. Open this door before I break it down." " I will love to see you try . Look if I make any mistake in this form I will tell Jossie it's your fault." I know I am not been fair playing on the feelings he has for our best friend, a title I don't like to use for him and her but I know he would not want to get on her backside."Dayne Pls I promise I won't take long." I sigh knowing he will just call unnecessary audience from his parents."10 minutes." "More than enough." He says and comes in . " Do talk . " I say to him ."Dayne , why on earth are you treating our parents and I this way . " "What are you talking about? " " You shutting everyone out . " " I didn't shut Jossie out did I?" " Dayne that is the point what did we do to deserve it. And uncle Joel too? He was your dad for crying out loud " That does it ." Times up . " " What? It's barely 5 minutes. Dayne what's with you." " You told me to back off and keep away from you and everything that's your. Why are you complaining." " Goodness bro we were kids." " We were 12." " Like I said kids . Please I will do anything." "Will you really? Ok then leave Jossie for me. " " Absolutely not. She's your sister for heaven's sake." " Not by blood. So no deal? " "Of course not , do as you please. If you want remain a sadistic, childish immature, person all your life. I won't ask again." He leaves my room . I consider his words then puts it aside.ofcourse I am not sadistic . I hiss and continue with what I am doing.
Ray and Dayne are done with their papers and Dayne has gone to his audition 2 days now. As Marq and I leave starting practice she asks, "Hey Jos you know when Day will return?" " Yeah, today. I will be going there now. " " Can I tag along?" " Sure you can . Come on." We hail down a cab to take us to uncle Brad's. We meet Raymond playing tennis with the wall . "Hey brother . " "Hi Jossie. How do you do ?" " Am good.Is Day back?" "Not yet." " Ok oh yeah lest I forget, meet Marquette, the 3rd person in our trio. She's also Richie Wright's sister ." "Sister to Richie. A pleasure to meet you .I am Raymond Matthews." "I know as Dayne's the best in basketball and racing ,so are you in tennis and swimming. It's an honor to meet you in person.You are my role model in swimming." "I'm flattered and beautiful. I wish we could just go on but your friend will be back soon and that will cause a lot of problemsā¦" "Oh really. I didn't know I am such a problem bringer." "Hey Dayne you back." "Oh stop being a hypocrite Jessup. I travel a day and you are already speaking ill of me behind my back . I hate you ." He goes inside and I turn to my friend. "What in the
the world was that. " "That's Dayne at home, Jossie . He behaves and treats us with so much hatred." "You've got to be kidding me. A sec." I go after him and stop durking at the entrance to his room. "Will just go meet your new best friend and leave me be?" "You are my best friend. you and Marq , Ray's our brother. You know we're more like cousins." "Not blood related. ""Fine, have it your way. I am leaving. " I turn to leave but he takes my hand . "I'm sorry. That's uncalled for. Iā¦ am jealous, ok. Ray has everything and it is like I was about to lose you to him too. " " You cannot be serious. What on earth will make you think that ? " " He is in love with you." He says and I burst into laughter.
I knew all these were in my head the moment Jossie started to laugh. " What? You are kidding right? Jesus, Dayne what on earth gave you that ridiculous idea. Even if he does it is as a sister not the type you think. " She says with laughter. "I am sorry. " "It's ok . So how was your audition?" "Great, I made the lead role. " " Congratulations bro. We have got to celebrate. My superstar brother.May I have your autograph please." I laugh . We both go down stairs deciding to celebrate it at Susanne's diner. We see Marq and Ray playing ball. Jossie clears her throat and they look up. "Breaking News. Our friend and brother played the lead role and is on his way to becoming a super star ." Marq cheers and Ray congratulates me. "Well we thought this is called a celebration. Susanne's diner." "Yeah." She turns at the entrance. "Ray, come on. Join us ." "I wouldn't want to imposeā¦." "You won't be." I leave the matter alone to please Jossie. I can't be the only friend she will keep either way.
Two months later, I go to school to see Marq and Jossie to break my news to them . I see them coming out of history class. They sight me and waves me over. "Hi ladies." "Heyday. This one you are beaming with joy , what's the good news." "Can't I just be happy to see my 2 favorite persons." They roll their eyes knowing me too well. " Ok yes I have news. I have been granted admission to study at MacPherson University on sports scholarship." My friends squeal in joy . " Congrats bro." Jossie says hugging me. "Yeah we are happy for you." That's Marq. Jossie sight Ray and calls him over. "Where do you think you are going. Come over here. Now spill . I have been granted admission into Los Angeles city college. That is great. Right Dayne ? " " Yeah congrats Ray." "Yeah I heard about your sports scholarship too. Congratulations." "You heard. What's the meaning of that?" "I hurry to make corrections. I was with the team when the call came in , I came here first." She smiles and hugs. I know she isn't mad anymore. January the following year Ray and I both left for the airport to go to school. Jossie and Marq see us off . I hug Jossie knowing this might be the last time I will see my sweet friend. She pecks my cheeks. Then blush. "Call me when you land and take care of yourself." "I will. I promise. You too, Jossie." I feel tempted to kiss her but she's a good girl and I know she won't appreciate the gesture. Meanwhile it will make not looking back harder if I start this with her .
It has been 3years since Dayne left . He didn't call like he promised. I am worried, because we haven't been able to reach him either. Marq and I graduated last year from high school and I traveled to Africa to study. I am in my second year now. Marq joins Ray in his school. Since the issue with Dayne Marq and Ray got closer and now they are in a relationship and I am just a third wheel. That's one of the reasons I chose Africa. I return home today so I can surprise everyone after all this time away, but I received the biggest shock of my life. I ring the doorbell and a woman comes to open the door. " Hi how may I help you?" "Excuse me. I am in father's house. So the question is how may I help you and what are you doing in my mom's apron. " "Oh my goodness you must be Jossie. Joel has told me a lot about you. Sorry please come inside . " "Joel !!! Come on down. It's your daughter. My dad comes downstairs in shorts. "Jossie oh my God . My daughter." "Good evening dad . " I say hugging him. How are you my darling?" "Fine . Sir who's she?" "Your step mum to be . " " Sir ? Since when. You never mentioned it all these while." "I Will let you talk she says taking my dad's hand . She stares at her lovingly and she returns to the kitchen. "I return home to surprise, only to meet a new mom and her wearing my mom's apron. No heads up at all." My dad sighs . "Am sorry Jossie, that I didn't give you an heads up. I wanted it to be physically. As for the apron I got it for my wife." Well that hurts . "I will never agree to this." "You don't have a choice. Don't be selfish I can't do this on my own anymore." I look at him. " I shouldn't have come home." I pick my bag and leave. I hail down a cab and go over to Marq's. I hear her and Ray discussing how they are going to spend the holiday together at their favourite city away from everyone. Richie taps me. "You back!!" "Yes hi Richie." "They've been saving towards the journey for a while now. Mom and dad even contributed. Will youā¦" "No, I won't want to mess up their plans . I just dropped by. " I turn to leave . "Richie did you know dad isā¦" "Planning a wedding? Everyone in Riversville does. " I stare at my friends and nod. "Are you ok?" "Yeah sure just that no one seems fit to tell me and I am the one getting a new mom. I beg to take my leave. Bye." I hail a cab for the 3rd time in 1hr. There , I put a call through to my roommate who offered to spend the summer on her family's island. "Hey Kierra." "Daddy's girl. Are you home?" "Yeah but please, is the offer still standing?" " Yes it is. Why? Are you coming?" "Yes I will meet you up in school." "No, let us meet at the airport in Spain for our first landing rather than you coming all the way back to Africa." I agree and we are to meet the following day at 12 CAT. That's better than all this.
Pst Joel
It's been 4 days since Jossie left the house in anger . I have tried calling her but it isn't going through. I fear she might have returned to Africa, but decided to check with Marq and Ray first . I see the 2 of them on the pouch at the Matthews and I immediately know Jossie isn't with them.Ray sights me and calls out to Rad. "She didn't come here . At all." I rub the back of my neck . I did this all wrong . It must have been a surprise to her and I acted like a jerk. "I just called Richie . He said she had come to our place that day but left.Let me try her on whatsapp call. It goes through."Babe, where are you?" " Hi best .How is your vacation going?" "How did you know about that?" "I was at your place when you were planning . How's Ray ?" "Stop changing the subject?" She screams as tears fall from her eyes . "Are you crying? Hey, we weren't discussing anything. What's the matter?" "Where are you? Your dad and the entire community are looking for you .Where the heck are you?" "Silicy . I came to spend summer with my roommate. I am fine. Hey I know what you are thinking. It's ok I am not going to do that . Dad is getting married and you are going on vacation so I thought rather than be bored I should take Kierra up on her offer." "You got us worried Jossie." "Sorry dad. Am sorry for the way I acted. It's fine, just be sure that is what you really want." "I am. Thanks." "Ok then don't do the wedding in my absence oh . Jandro and Kierra are going on a tour. I will call you when I return. Bye dad I love you and everyone present." We cut the call. I know it is more than just a getaway and from the look on everyone, it isn't just me.
It's been 5 yrs since Dayne left and 2 since I found out I am having a new mom . Jandro and I are in a relationship and Kierra is doing her housemanship as a medical student. I am in my final year, and one day Jandro comes to pick me up at school and he has a surprise for me . We traveled to California, Los Angeles and Hollywood. "Oh my God. Jandro . Thank you so much I don't know what to say. Why?" "You said it is the anniversary of the day your brother left and that he loves acting . I thought bringing you here will make you feel better." "It does thank you very much. I'm forever grateful. " We join the tourists as the tour guide takes us around. Then I sight a group of people gathered together. "That looks like a concert. " I tell Jandro .." please let's stop by. " "As you wish ." We join the crowd. The voice I hear makes my head snap up in surprise. Dayne I think. "Dayne !!!" I called . His gaze meets mine and I see him flinch. "Oh my God
Dayne." I start forward , but I feel strong arms holding me. "Calm down ma'am. I think you are mistaken . That is the popular Dayne pierce. You wouldn't want us to be harsh with you , do you?" "Let go of her this minute ." I hear Sandro's angry tone and go to him. A man walks up to us. "I am sorry sir , but she's disturbing the concert." Realization dawns on me when I look up and he just ignores me and looks straight in my eyes as though daring me. " You know, you can tell your boss that retribution is real." I walk away stomping my feet . He always had his way of bringing my emotional part out ."I can't believe this " Alesandro catches up with me. "Jossie please calm down." "I am calm honestly. Just that I can't believe Dayne can actually, intentionally not return home. We are all worried and he's here doing what. He changed his name and follows that slut and who knows everything in a skirt ."You do not know about that. " "You won't understand, I know my brother. Please, I appreciate your kind gesture, but I can't spend a minute more here." "I understand Cara . Come on, let's go. Where to ? ""The train station . I need to let everyone know that he's ok. Though I am not keen to. They won't be happy. It will break their heart." "I will drive you . Come on, let's get going.
Pst Joel
Jossie had called about 2 hrs ago that I should please come to Brad's place that she has something she wants to tell us. I arrive there. Marquette and Richard are also there . "Does anyone know what this is about?" "No." We hear a vehicle park and look out. Jossie climbs out the passenger side, says something to the other person and walks in. "Jossie." We all greet her. "Good evening sir and ma. Sorry for disrupting your programme this way. It's just that I have something to tell you that can't wait." She sighs and I know that whatever is coming isn't going to be good. " I saw Dayne earlier today." " Wow. Where, how when how is he?" "Where , Hollywood, when; this afternoon, how he is ; he seemed fine. The point is I don't think he's ever returning here." "Why will you say that?" Ray asked the question in everyone's mind . "First, he changed his name. He follows everything in skirt and he didn't even do like he knew me before and had some guys throw me out of his concert." Marq stands up and wants to sit by her , but she gets up ." Am fine, just disappointed. " Marq's hand drop ." I just came to tell you. I have to go now, if I want back in time to the hostel ." " Stay overnight and leave in the morning." " It will be going to evening by then daddy . Meanwhile the person that drove me is waiting for me." She stands up to go and Marq and Ray does too. They see her off . A young man gets down from the car and opens the passenger side for her as she gets in. "She doesn't seem okay." Rad says to me that evening. "Jossie?" "Yes did you see how she reacted when Marq tried to sit with her? It is like has put a barrier between them. " I nod " I don't know what to do. She doesn't even come home often anymore. I have been praying for her though ." "We all are . Ray says Marq is worried but I know God will help us all especially after today "
Dayne .
Since the concert earlier, I haven't been Myself after seeing Josette . I saw the hurt in her eyes as it met mine before she was taken away. This is all my fault. No it isn't, she's the one that all of a sudden shows up in my life. I didn't invite her. "Darling?" I hear my lover calling. My partner in sin. Kelly Parker. She and I have been living in deliberate sin. The sin of fornication. "Sweet I have taken care of the press. They bought the story of the crazy fan thankfully. " I flinch as I hear Jossie referred to in that manner." I will be out in a sec. " I stare at myself in the mirror. As much as I don't like this, it also has its own advantages. Riversville will now know I am not worthless. Too bad she had to go through that . Maybe it's for the best . That will stop her from getting worried about me. I wish she will have life in abundance. "Sweet you sure you are good" I step out and take Kelly in my hands . "I love your curves. You are so hot ." "For you alone sweet ." This makes me feel that I am special to someone. I remember Josie's blush at the airport , but pushed it aside and kissed Kelly .
We are at the airport. Alessandro, I and Kierra. We are having lunch before our flight is ready. As we are discussing a shadow falls on us . "Cara, 2 people are staring at you." I look back and see Marq and Ray. Those are my childhood friends. Excuse me. " They nod. I walk up to them it is then I see Ray holding on to her. I bid and he release her . "I am sorry. It's ok . I am sure will bring him back " "I know, that isn't the reason I am here. I came to apologize for shutting you out since Ray and myself started seeing each other. Dayne left and I did that. You have every right to not forgive meā¦" " Don't be silly. Of course I am not mad .You will need to spend time together. Am not mad at you. Stop the water works . I love you best. I promise to come home more. " I hug the both of them. We hug and I see them to the parking lot. Then return in to join Jandro and Kierra. We board our flight as their family's jet transports us back to Africa."
Part 2
I am now a graduate. I started my own event planning and catering establishment. God is blessing the works of my hand. Today being Thanksgiving, everyone's at the community beach . Dad, Libby ,Tony and I. Oh yes Tony is my brother. Dad and Libby already has a son. Uncle Rad and his wife , Marq ,Ray and Richie. In the afternoon Marq and I excuse ourselves to take a walk around the beach. "Remember how we come here with Dayne after school?" "How could I forget the good old days. " I answer her. "Don't you think we are going too far? I heard that this parts is a private property." I nod . "Yeah but something's familiar. Like I have been here before." We keep walking until we reach a building. Now I remember. I and Dayne came here with my late mom and dad. Mom's family owns this part of the beach. "My grandparents owns it. Dad says they are dead and my late mom was their only child so it must be in my dad's care . " " Ok ?...But what is this place? " "CKT. Christian kids theatre . That is where Dayne and I learnt acting from. My mom ran the place before she died ." "I have heard of her . Kale Jessup. You must have really missed her when she died . "I don't have much memory of her apart from this place. But you are right." " What do you want to do? " "I want to reawaken CKT. I just need dad's support." "If you need anything, am here . " "Of course. Thanks." I start back towards everyone. "Dad , uncle Rad , I have a vision. " "Let's hear it. " "CKT, I want to reopen it. As we were going we came across the building. I thought I can keep mom's legacy and memory alive and being a part of Riversville it won't just end like that ." He nods so what's the plan." He asks me. "I will bring someone to check it after Thanksgiving and see what needs be done to bring the building to a workable state after been abandoned for years." "I am proud of you Jossie. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I will give you property documents when we get home. " I hug my dad . "Yes and we want to also . So if you do just ask ." "Thanks uncle Rad. " I cannot wait for the following week as I finally give myself a goal. That night , I inform Jandro of my plans and together we lay it at God's feet."
Pst Joel
It's been 2 months since Jossie told me she wanted to reopen ckt . I have been visiting to see how I can help with her plans. Finally,it reopens last week . I am here to check on her and encourage her ,but God has filled the place with children and teenagers. I sight her talking to one of the teenagers. She is a natural, just like Kale. I smile at her memory. Since committing everything to God and letting go, I could think of her and still be happy not feeling guilty and I could move. At Least I am married and blessed with a son . She sights me and walks up to me. "Good day dad." "Hi Jos. I see things are picking up very well." "Thanks to you and everyone. We are looking forward to Christmas for our first play . " "That is great Jossie . Your mom will be proud of you. How about Marquette and Ray ?" "They are at work , though they promised to come around in the evening." Dad nods .
I return home after another fruitless effort of trying to see Kelly. I am beginning to feel alone again just like before . Though it is nothing like what loosing Jossie felt like. Kelly had decided to end our relationship all of a sudden. We didn't have any fight and I have been trying to get in touch with her so we could discuss whatever the problem is, but she has been avoiding me. I walk towards the fridge aching for something strong . It is then I noticed a parcel on the breakfast table. I pick it up and sit to open it . Dear Dayne . It states in Josie's handwriting. I open it as fast as possible. It seemed like an answered prayer.* It's been a while right. Growing up I never thought there will come a time when I can't just decide to pay you a visit but here we are . Especially after LA. Anyway, I didn't write to settle old scores . By gone are gone . I want to tell you that Marq and I reopened CKT and I thought you might want to be present at opening night if not for anything for my late mom , your mama Kale. I hope to see you there , all our other friends from then will be in attendance. Good bye . Marq sends her regards with Ray. Kindly accept our token of love.* Your friend Jossie. I hug the letter feeling like she's very close to me. I open the gift. I find all our childhood yummies. I smile. I also see a painting of the 3 of us which I know only one of us does that , Marq ,then a toy I know Ray cherishes so much. Their thoughtfulness really touch me. Intake a bottle of beer and go to the living room. "Oh Jossie I am sorry." I thought her name is Kelly. " I glanced up at my assistant. " It is. I was not thinking about her but someone else." I see disappointment and disapproval in his eyes.``It's not what you think. I am not a cheat. " I see relief in his gaze. He begins to walk to the fridge when I ask. "Mart do you - is it true that Jesus is a forgiving God?" "You know Jesus, boss?" "Oh yeah. My first foster father was a pastor and I was even a member of the choir and the church's pianist before I left home a few years ago. I ā¦.." I slipped away . "I lost my faith in God after the death of his wife mama Kale and he took my little sister Jossie away to Africa. By the time they returned, I had lost myself. Jossie and I remained good friends . I got admission into MacPherson and never returned home. '' By the time I got to this point in my story , the emotions I had buried comes to the surface but I promised myself not to cry. "Remember the crazy fan at the concert 3 years ago. " He nods , "That's Jossie. '' Surprise shines in his gaze . "She was telling the truth then" I nod and he touches my shoulder. "To your question ,yes Jesus is a forgiving God and he is ready to take you back just like the prodigal son in the bible." I bow my head , staring at the invite. "You are right it is time to return home. " "Am I loosing my job ?" " Do not worry I will set you up with someone , I promise ok ? That is if I decide to remain home. Thanks for everything Mart God bless you. " We pray together and the peace of the Lord returns to my heart and I am happy.
It is the opening night. People fills CKT 's auditorium from all over the seven districts under Riversville and some of my friends from school . Kierra promised to come too. I am on the lookout for Dayne ,I really hoped he would make it. He is the reason I put it on mom's birthday. Marquette walks up to me. "Do not worry Josette everything is going to be ok. See the auditorium is full and people are even outside. " I know which is the reason I said it should be done on the beach instead of the auditorium the seats are been arranged as we speak . I didn't tell you about this , but I had sent him an invite and some gifts you guys had gotten him the year he left home. I am looking out for him . It is a surprise for Ray." Marq hugs me excited. "He might not come, you know that, right?" "Yes , I do , but I am grateful for your thoughtfulness. " "Ladies, it's time. " I walk up stage , as I introduce the play and it begins." Our return play is titled *Season of Miracles using the story of Esther and Joseph as a case study." After the play , I am tallk g to the kids when and pray with them " . I can't believe he missed it. This is too special for me ." "Cara!!!" I turn smiling as I hear my boyfriend's voice."Querido." I call going to him . I throw my hands around him as he hugs he lifting me off the ground. I laugh . "You are here . You made it . " "Yes we did. " I hear Kierra and I turn to her. "I am so happy to see you. Thanks for coming and Querido thanks for the customs. " " You are welcome . I couldn't just stay away I know how much this means to you." I hear Marq clearing her throat so I turn , only to see everyone right behind me." Everyone meet Kierra and Alenjandro Rossi. Kierra was my roommate in school back in Africa ." "Nice to meet you." "Guys my dad and step mom. Meet Tony my little brother." They greet . I introduce Marq and everyone else. We return home. They invite me over to Silicy for Christmas. I accept willing. I also plead to take Marq and Ray over . It will be a nice place for their honeymoon.
I had arrived later than I intended to. The play was almost over when I arrived. I watch Jossie admiringly. She fits the role well just like mama Kale. She looks happy. I decide to wait after the play, so I can get the chance. After the play , I start towards the back stage when I see her turning to a guy and how the guy hugs her . I felt glued to a spot as jealousy hits me . As I am waiting for my chance my phone rings. Caller ID , Kelly. I pick the call ASAP. "Kelly for goodness sake, where under the skies have you been, Why have you been avoiding me?" "Dayne I am pregnant." Happiness bursts inside me. "That's good news. Kel . Return home. Let's get married and raise our child together. " "That is not my home Day , it's yours. As a matter of fact, children aren't an excuse to get married. It will just ruin all our lives." "We can work something outā¦.." "No Dayne, I am sorry." She drops the call . I go outside and start back to the city but right now I'm going to get my family. *Please wish me luck." I turn and leave the studio.
It has been two months since I heard I am going to be a dad, and ever since I have been trying to contact Kelly in order to convince her to return to me. I receive a mail today from an hospital. Kelly aborted the child and had them contact me. I drive to her apartment to confront her and find out she already sold it . I return home. I open the other envelope Jossie sent that day . Hoping for someone, something to calm me down. I open it but what I meet surprise me.
We invite you to come celebrate with us as Raymond Matthews and Marquette Wright are joined together in holy matrimony.
Date: Sunday 17 November.
Time:9 am prompt.
Venue : Community church.
God bless you.
I am surprised, Ray and Marq . I always thought that Jossie and Ray are the ones that will end up together . This is a huge surprise. 17th November , that is this weekend. I will go and will use this opportunity to fix everything that I have done wrong so far. I put a call through to Martins ,though feeling bad since it is his day off, but I need him to help me with gifts . "Boss, is everything okay ?" " Sorry Mart, I know it is your day off , but I really need your help. " " Sure what do you need?" " My brother and best friend are getting married this weekend and I am clueless on what to give them." I hear Matt laughing on the other end of the phone. "I and Mary are visiting the mall later today . You can come with is so we can decide something together." "Thank you so much. Which mall , I will meet you there. " "It's somewhere around our place . I will text you the address." I thank him and go in to prepare.
Today is finally the day I have seen coming since I introduced Marq and Ray to each other years ago. Their wedding day. It is a happy day for the whole of Riversville . Alessandro and Kierra arrived 2 days ago to help with the preparation. Right now, we are in the church and the couple is taking their vow. I am besting Marquette and I am also their wedding planner. " I now pronounce you man and wife." The clergy says and the entire congregation rise clapping ,it is then I sight the unmistakable face , despite his attempt in disguise, I know that face anywhere. My long lost brother. He didn't see me . Dios, I think . Thank you for this chance. I see him leave the church and it took all of my willpower to stay put. I don't want him to leave but I have to stay atleast till the church is over. I pray in my heart for him and I feel a peace settle in my heart concerning the issue . Then I hear , Rivers High . Our high school. Thank you Lord Jesus.
After the reception , I drive over to the school. I know one thing for sure . He is in the basketball court or the running court . I head for my old locker and check for something suitable to w ear. I jog outside and see him there . But his back is turned to me. I bounce the ball to get his attention he turns to me and his whole face lights up in a smile. He runs to me and throws his hands around me , slightly lifting me off the ground.
Seeing Jossie is like a light after days in a dark tunnel. I couldn't help but hug her. " Hi bro . " "Hi Jossie , I was just gathering my wit to come meet you . " She laughs . "Thanks for coming , Marq willl be very happy. Can I have a game before you leave?""About that, Iā¦" All of a sudden , I begin to feel nervous . She stands too. "It's okay, you know you can talk to me ." I look at her face and I see the trust and sincerity that I missed while in the city. " You will want to sit down. After you and dad left for Africa when we were kids , nothing mattered anymore. Mom was dead and you were gone. I felt soiled , that I probably have something that makes people not want to be around me and Ray's childish behaviour then didn't help matters." "But you two were best of friends before mom died." "Yes , but he hated the idea of sharing everything all of a sudden. Looking back I think I understand little Ray better You weren't the little girl anymore and everyone wants your attention. It wasn't like before. School , my practice and your other friends were on the way . So after I gained admission , I convinced myself you and Marq will be better off without me and decided never to come back. " "Los Angeles episode?" " Oh , I am really sorry about that. I didn't like you seeing me that way , I thought it will make you hate me . So I struck first . Josie please forgive me." She pulls me close to herself as I cry. "After that day, I didn't know what to do, something snapped in me as you turned your back and left the concert angrily. I knew I had lost you too and so as Marquette. " "Then what happened , let it all out , you will feel better." "Kelly happened, the lady that was with me on stage that day, she was my lover." "You are in love with her?" Josie asks in surprise."No not that one , my partner in sin of fornication. Shortly before you sent me the IV to the opening night, she ended things between us and I felt alone again. It is then I knew God is calling me back home and with Kelly around I won't obey . I attended the opening nightā¦" Her gasp stopped me . "You came ?! I thought you missed it . " "I would not miss that for the world. While I was waiting for the opportunity to talk to you, her call came in . She said she was with my child." I see that she's about to say something butā¦I know exactly what it is. " No I am not a dad , Kelly killed my child , I found out yesterday. She killed my baby Josie . My blood." She pulls me close again letting me cry on her shoulder." I am sorry Dayne , you have gone through a lot. I am sorry, I didn't know, I probably would have been able to help you feel better . Please do not cry." After about 10 minutes. I felt better , lighter, having let out all the weight on my chest. " Welcome back to the body of Christ brother.What are your plans now?" "Depends. Do you think mom , dad and Abba Joel will have me back?" "Of course bro . Oh God , I am so happy. I guess the game will have to wait till later . Right now I want to go break this news ." I laugh ." I hope everyone will react like you" She takes my hand and squeeze. We start out to my parents. " Is there anything I should know?" "Oh yes. Dad got married some years back and I have a little brother from the union . Sussanne 's diner now serves dinner too." " Oh those are really big changes."We keep driving.
We arrive at the Matthews and I see that Dayne is nervous."calm down brother. I promise you will never be alone again. Just be calm." "When did you get so wise." I shrug and we laugh. "I am going in ,to confirm ever your is here , pls wait for me here." He nods. I turn to go then stop. He needs this. "You know what , come with me. This is your home after all. " We both match towards the entrance . I ring the doorbell and Marq opens the door. " Hey Josie . Come on in, you are laā¦." She falls quiet and I know she has noticed Dayne . "Surprise!!" Tears begin to drop from her eyes . "Dayne ? Oh my God, is this really you?" My two best friends hug as they both cry . Everyone has come to the door to check what's up. "You made it to my wedding. How did you know? " "Jossie sent me an invite. Brother " He calls to Ray who comes forward to and engulfs Dayne in a tight embrace. " Mom and dad are in the backyard with Sandro , Kierra and your family Josie." I take Dayne's hand and Ray takes the other as the 3 of us go to the picnic garden at the back of the house. Everyone looked up and fell silent. I can see that Sandro also recognise Dayne . Aunt breaks the silence first . "Dayne son? " I release him so does Ray . "Mummy!!" He runs and goes to hug her kneeling before her. " I am sorry mom. Please I am sorry. " He keeps saying as he cries . Uncle Brad also stands up to join his wife and son "Dayne Pierce. " He looks up ." No ma ,Dayne Matthews , I am Raymond's prodigal twin brother. Abba Joel. " My dad walks over and they all hug Dayne lovingly . Sandro and Kierra comes over to me and I lean into Sandro . "Congratulations on your brother's return." "Thank you querido." Later in the evening after all the reunion , I and Dayne drive over to Sussanne 's diner in Dayne's car. As we enter ,we see Mr Summertree who immediately joins us . "Dayne my boy , you are back. " "Yes thank you sir. Thanks for all your prayers and support all these years." " You are welcome son . Josie your brother's back ." I laugh. " Today is really a happy day for all of us. Marq and Ray gets married then Dayne returns home." We smile. " Ok, other all you want this evening , it is on the house." " Ok sir we sure will." Dayne and I go over to our favourite sitting spot in the restaurant. "I never thought I will sit here with you again. Thanks for coming back home bro." "Thanks for waiting for me. So questions. Who is that guy and lady that we just saw off to the airport." "That is Alessandro Rossi and his sister Kierra. Kierra and I attended the same University in Africa and I met her brother through her. He was the one that took to LA that day. He is my boyfriend." "ohĀ you are really a big girl now . Wedding bells ?" " Come off it ." That night was really fun and I slept really happy for the first time in a very long time.
Ā The week that follows, Dayne always escorts me to CKT and returns me home in the evening. Things returns to the way they before I lost my mom all those years ago. Ray apologies for his role in what happened with Dayne . The four of us become inseperable except for the fact that Ray and Marq are married, everything is fine.CKT is preparing for their Christmas play. Children from far and near are now part of CKT. Mr Summertree though seems sad and distracted and this always gets me worried about him. I tried asking once , he said it is beyond what IĀ understand. 2weeks to the play he goes on a journey. Dad says he has gone to settle his unfinished business in the past. O n the day of the play , I am preparing at home when Libby shows up at my door. " Dayne is here Josie . " I nod , though I am surprised, we were meant to meet at CKT later. I go downstairs. "Hi beautiful ." "What are you doing here?" He suddenly looks unsure of himself. I try to make it right. "I mean we are suppose to meet up at the theatre ,rightto even play to his last time . " "What are you going to do?" "I don't know. Maybe one of the kids should play, I don't know." I feel terrible seeing her in that mood. I remember the fact that Ray also took piano lessons. He should be able to help with this , I want to but since the incident in los Angeles, I can't seem to find inspiration to play. I see her biting her bottom lip. The only sign to know when Josie is feeling down. I put my hand on her leg. She looks up and I say . " It will be ok . We will figure it out. We always do , don't we?" She smiles. I drive to the theatre. She walks up to the kids for last minute rehearsals while I go find my brother. I find him and Marq in the parking lot. "Hey guys . Bro a minute please, Marq can I borrow him." "Of course I need to find Josie anyways." She leaves us. "What's up?" "The pianist cancelled. It took place on our way here. Please play." "I always knew the guy is in responsible. As for who will play, you play. You've always been a better player anyways." "I would have , even if it is just to put a smile on Josie's face, but since the incident in Los Angeles,I lost my inspiration." "You really hurt her that day you know. It almost ruined her. It was around the same time her dad had come home with MIS Libby. Thank God for Sandro and Kierra, but still I think you will be making it up to her if you play today. I wonder when Sandro will arrive the play is about to begin." "Do you know the relationship between the two of them?" He shakes his head pats my back and walks over to some teenagers trying to fix an electrical problem. I go looking for the script so as to prepare .
As the time teach for the introduction, I hear the intro from the piano. I haven't heard such sweet tune since the last time Dayne came to church before he left for school , which means he is the one behind the keyboard. I walk up stage. "Good evening sir and mas, boys and girls , we welcome you once again to CKT, we hope you have a good time like you always do . I know for sure you will since the best pianist in Riversville is playing. I see some of our age groups and other people who know us well stand clapping. Ok , down to the main event. Let us welcome our actors as they present season of miracles." I return backstage and the play begins. After the play Dayne plays a Christmas song. Feliz navidad. We all sing , the cast and crew of CKT come out singing. "CKT wishes you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year in advance in good health and sound mind. We will see you all next year. Happy holidays.
Later that evening, I have been trying to contact Sandro or even Kierra but it is not going through. I put a call through to Dean , Sandro's best friend. "Cara, good morning." "Hi Dean . Have you heard from Sandro? You three were meant to come for the play , none of you made it and all I received from Sandro was, I am not coming Josie. I didn't plead that any of to be present. " "You don't know?" "Know what?" "Kierra is missing since yesterday. So you don't know?" I freeze totally. "What happened?" He starts to explain how she went for her morning jog and never returned. "I am on my way. I want to help." "I will send Ruben to pick you, he should be there by noon tomorrow." "I will be ready. I promise."
It's been 2 days since I heard Kierra is missing. I had arrived yesterday to their Castello and Sandro was not happy to receive me. It's strange, Kierra will never just disappear without a trace. I am really worried about my best friend. Sandro is also not happy. We have been trying her number. A week later, I received a call on my Africa line. It is an old coursemate. "Jossete it's Tamilore. Good evening." "Good morning Tammy. How are things in Africa." "Good. Josette I am calling because of Sierra. She is in Africa with the Ta. I am worried, you know how abusive and dominating Ta is." "You are a life saver. We are all looking for her and we cannot reach her Mobile, I will try her African line but we will be there by 6 tomorrow, thanks. Please keep a tab on them till we arrive. I will be coming with her twin." "Of course. See you tomorrow." I need to find my boyfriend. He has completely avoided me these couple of days. He is always locked up in his study. I have no idea what to do to reach him. Though now I think the news of where Kiera is will finally get him to talk to me. I go to his study and knock, stepping in, I find him with his so called childhood sweetheart together. "Sandro?" I call hesitating. He looks up and suprise enters his gaze. "I don't think I invited you here." Well that stings. "Dean told me. You should have, I have a right to know and help." "You need to stay out of our business. It isn't your concern. We are not the big brother you need to fix or the step mother you don't want." Ok I have had enough of this. "She's in Africa. That's all I came to tell you. I see my help isn't wanted, but if you care for your sister you will get up and join me in Africa. Whether you like it or not you will need my help to get around." I leave his study refusing to cry. My best friend needs me." I book the next available flight and leave for the hotel near the airport.
It is a week since we discovered where Kiera had disappeared to. I had flown there the next morning. My best friend wasn't in a good shape. She was high on hard drugs and bearly recognised us. We discovered she and the TA had a fallout and he decided to teach her a lesson by making her need him. A year ago, he had introduced her to drugs and that was when it all started. I still don't know the reason for Sandro's change of attitude towards me and I am not about to confront him again. When Kiera starts to show signs of recovery, I leave back to my home. I promised I will call from time to time and also visit. I leave silicy a month after I had arrived.
Arriving back at home, I didn't think I could face everyone yet. Sandro's words had cut me deeply and I don't want anyone seeing that, so I go to the ckt's site and stay there. A month after been there ,I hear the unmistakable roar of Dayne's sport car and I know my brother has come for me, this makes me really happy and feel safe. I know Dayne will take care of everything, he always did. Then I see marq and Ray too. What is going on? I climb in my childhood hiding spot for hide and seek. I peep from there. Kieras car arrives too and she gets down with Sandro. I see my friends turn to him anger burning in their gazes. Dayne says something to him and he bows his head. Kiera looks up and our eyes meet for a moment. She starts to walk in and I hide further. Hurt pounding in my chest. "Jossie?" I hear her call. She sounds sober. The siblings had hurt me with their words and action. Her footsteps and others comes in. "I swear I had seen her and she saw me. Jossie? I'm sorry please. I know you warned me about Adam's intention. I am sorry." she call to me. I don't answer, I stay exactly where I am.I hear footsteps again and I hide. Dayne finds me. "Jo." He calls then I know when he sees me. "Babe." "I want to be alone bro." " You have been for 2 months. Did you feel better?" I look away he knows me well. Why ? It isn't just the silicon siblings. Dayne too. Right now I wish I never followed Kiera to silicy that summer, nor date Sandro either. I hear them coming and lean into the only person I can trust right now. Marq arrives and join us. Just the 3 of us again. It felt like the rest of the world is on hold. "Josie you Will be fine. I promise. I will take care of you the way you always took care of everyone." I laugh now tension drain from my body. "You know what best, I'm the mother hen. I do the taking care." The 3 of us laugh. Kiera looks like she's feeling out of place. I stand up andgo to her. "You okay?" "Yes Josie thank God for your timely intervention." I nod. I turn to my boyfriend. "Hi." He looks up. The others begin to file out to give us space. "So do you want to explain what I did to deserve this treatment from you? I just wanted to help my boy friend find the link between us who happens to be my best friend. I don't think I deserved those things you said to me that day." He sighs and sit down. "You didn't. I am sorry. I snapped. I was under a lot of stress. I am sorry to have led you to believing we could be more than friends. Since my teenage years to there has been just one woman for me. Her name is Marianne. She's the one you saw in the study that day. I am sorry." She stands shock stillof . She knew it was probably what was going on but him saying it.... No she won't make him feel bad. "It's ok. I am sorry I reacted that way. We both know our relationship wasn't going to end up with us married. I am happy for the two you and I am glad Kiera is ok. He nods ." Thank you so much Cara. I am sorry I hurt you." It's ok. I am starving though." "I can feed you my treat ." "Sure ok . Let me gather my things." We all drive down to Susan's diner for lunch. Mr summer tree is not back yet. I can practically hear Dayne thinking the same thing. I stare at him and he shakes his head. Kiera calls my attentios . "How far with my brother?" "Nothing, we agreed to be just good friends. He says he has always known Marianne was the woman for him." She swears. "My brother is an idiot. She has always played with his heart and then break. When things are getting better for him like now that he has been announced heir to the throne she will return and he accept her back every time." "The heart wants what it wants. Meanwhile, I knew it was coming soon."