[International Space Station]

 In the Space Station's Panic Room, the General engaged himself in a conversation with the Secretary of Defense back on Earth to assess the situation that was unfolding before their eyes. The conversation unfolded with the Secretary opting not to inform the general public just yet due to fear of the instability and chaos it would have caused. 

Due to the previous superstitions concerning 'alien life forms', it being confirmed by the Space Station would enrage the public since their concerns were not heard earlier. 

 Therefore, the Secretary made sure not to make an alarm just yet, fearing that the media would portray the wrong idea and worry the public even more. "And are you sure about this, General? This isn't some sort of miscalculation or wrong assumption?"

Yes, Sir," the General, giving a full thorough report with the scientist behind him affirming his findings, responded to the Secretary. These signals that we have encountered are large and signify that something is heading in our direction. Most likely for Earth since it's the only Planet with life on it.

"If it isn't too much trouble, Sir, I would like for you to take a look at these images." The scientist argued as he showed the Secretary certain images. The images were taken in different time intervals, showing how the signals got bigger and closer. "These aren't your average solar flares. Look, there are three, distinctly shaped heat signatures and it's pretty clear that these are space crafts, most likely alien life, preferably their modes of transportation. I tried cross-checking them over and over again but they aren't Solar Flares from our sun or any other star. If it were, they would have hit already but these…these move too coordinated for them to be mere Solar Flares."

"Alien life?" The secretary laughed but then returned to his senses, seeing how neither the General nor the scientists showed any signs of humor. " Being up there in zero gravity has made you lose all logical thinking. If what you are saying is correct and those could be alien life forms, then you have my permission to open fire on whatever it is that's heading our way. You are our first line of defense, so do whatever you can as I try and prepare things down here."

 After their orders were given, the General moved to yet another compartment in the Space Station, an area that was dedicated to researching substances believed to alter Human DNA. Upon arrival, the General and those who conducted the research collected all the substances into five large boxes before sending them off to Earth in escape pods, hoping that they will be used for the sake of Humanity's Survival.

" May God help us all and may these things be the salvation humanity needs."."


 "Huh. This is quite strange!!"

"Yeah, everyone else's thinking it."


Repeating their daily routine, Ace and Cherry were on their way to school when they unexpectedly got a view of hundreds, if not thousands, of Military Personnel Vehicles and Aircrafts moving through and over ArkVille.

 Military jets peppered the skies, and Large cargo planes graced the already polluted skies with more fumes. Helicopters of different calibres, builds, and designs flew from one area to another and while all of this happened, most felt bothered and uneasy within themselves.

"Look at this," Cherry showed her brother a video recorded from other countries across the world. "It's not happening here. Every other country's facing the same thing."

"Does anyone have a clear clue of what it is?" 

"No, not even the soldiers," Cherry sighed. "My friend's father's a soldier and she said he and his colleagues were just called in to work without giving them any details as to why the were called on such short notice. It happened in the wee hours of the night.


Still confused, the two made it to ArkVille High where they found other students and school staff looking at their screens, trying to assess what was happening worldwide. Even the most uptight teachers who were against technology being used in education institutes had their own gadgets out, staring at them like children addicted to their screens.


 *Breaking News.*

"Global tension and panic arise as hundreds of worried citizens wake up to find Military Artillery in the cities and suburbs with soldiers setting camp in both private and public property. Millions suggest that these could be forms of New Age Military training while others think that it's a preparation for war. 

"When asked about the strange occurrence, ArkVille's own Secretary of Defense replied saying, 'This is just a training procedure. There is nothing to worry about. Everything is fine.' However, many do not feel comfortable and worry that they are keeping something hidden from the public. More updates will be given as more unfolds."


" Oh, sick. Military training. Yo, they could draft us soon for war." Jason and his friends mouthed arrogantly, getting the attention of most class members, completely ignoring the teacher's presence in the classroom. Ace walked to his seat as he listened to the crazy theories each other students came up with.

"Could this be a trick or a real competition?"

"I think they're hiding something and we need to get to the bottom of it."

"How? If the Army's' determined, they can keep all of us in a loop without any chance of us finding out."

"Guys, this is scary. What if they could be preparing for....aliens." One girl whispered shyly and the whole class burst into laughter, well everyone except Ace. He simply watched as the girl got picked on, reminding him of his own trance the night before. 

'It can't be that, right?' he wondered, getting lost in his thoughts again like he always did. 'Those two can't be…connected with each other. But…what if she's…onto something…' "Be quiet, everyone," the classroom teacher finally spoke, deciding to teach instead of keeping updated with the rest of the world. "If it's anything important, we'll get to hear from the News channels. For now, I will need all of you to hand over your phones and pay attention."



 [Late Afternoon Hours.]

[Location: ArkVille Military Base Research Facility of Human DNA and Genetical Engineering.]


The escape pods arrived, and with them came the Five Crates which the General from the International Space Station placed. 

Upon arrival, the crates were immediately transported inside where their contents would undergo replication for something major they planned. 

"If this works and if the assumptions are true, we will certainly have a fighting chance. This will mark the Dawn of a New Era in Humanity."