Chereads / The Vampire's Priestess (GL) / Chapter 19 - Mystery Funds (1)

Chapter 19 - Mystery Funds (1)

“Do you think this ok for tomorrow?” Kei spins around to allow Nadia a full view of her outfit.

Nadia looks at the woman dressed in fitted black leggings and a sky-blue V-neck to her waist. She wears casual loafers on her feet, and her golden hair is tied in a long French braid down her back. She recalls when Katia spent quite a few hours teaching Kei how to do her hair in such a way and it seems the lessons paid off, as Nadia can hardly tell the difference. Her clear blue eyes stare at her nervously, waiting for an answer and Nadia finally meets her gaze, having been momentarily captured by the view in her assessment.

“I think you look just as good as usual. Why are you worried about that now? You never seemed to care much before. In fact, Katia was distressed that you never asked her to order you clothing. Even as simple as my wardrobe is with my jeans, polos, sweatshirts, and vests, I have variety.”

“Well...I didn’t think it’d have been right to impose in that way. I mean, I was a human kid freeloading on Lowell’s generosity, and I had no money. Those at the convent live modestly, so no one was overly wealthy. I decided I’d simply take what they were willing to give me without asking for more. I couldn’t be greedy.”

“That’s not being greedy though? All the clothing that was supplied to you, they bought with money from your savings. Lowell had one for each of us, a living stipend essentially. He wasn’t rich, but the church received donations from the parishioners and outside sponsors. In other words, he had a budget. Lowell calculated a small sum to be your earnings each week for the weekly chores you helped with and your aid in services. He gave Katia the responsibility of managing it, as she did mine. Though she never had access to the balances. Everything had to be approved by Lowell first, so he knew them of course.”

“Seriously? How did I not know this?”

“You were told not long after you started living with us. I was there when Lowell said it when discussing your duties. Do you really not recall?”

“Um...not really. To be honest, I wasn’t really listening. Hearing I could stay and wouldn’t be killed was enough for me. I kind of tuned him out after that.” She chuckles with a silly wink.

Nadia laughs lightly. “You’re special in so many ways Kei.” She smiles to herself. “Well, to remind you now, you had savings and so it’d have been perfectly fine for you to use it to get what you wanted. All you had to do was ask, but you never really asked for anything, huh?” Nadia reflects on that point. “Well, I suppose I can understand your hesitation, but now that we’re independent adults, control of those funds is in our own hands. Meaning you don’t need to ask anyone. If you want something, you simply have to buy it. No approval needed.”

Kei watches as Nadia opens a pouch hidden deep in her suitcase, which has yet to be unpacked a week later. She pulls out a cellphone and wallet and hands it to Kei. “This is the latest model Droid V smartphone, already loaded with my number, Katia’s, Lowell’s, and my father’s. He insisted you have it and said to tell you that if you ever needed anything, not to hesitate to call.”

Kei holds the device in her hand. It’s about the length of her pointer finger to her wrist, is thin, has a clear protective case around the back, and protective film on the front. “Wow, so this is a cellphone? I’ve never even held one before, since I was a kid and obviously technology was limited at the convent.”

“Yeah, it’s nothing extraordinary. I don’t care for them much myself, but they are important for keeping in touch with those I care about and emergencies. You and Katia are my only contacts.”

“Not your father?”

“If he wants to speak to me, he knows the number. I have no reason to speak with him currently, so why should I bother keeping his number? Besides, I couldn’t forget it if I tried....”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Nadia shakes her head dismissively. “It doesn’t matter. Anyway, Katia got a plain case since she didn’t know what you’d like. When we go shopping, you can pick up one you like, along with a whole new wardrobe.” Next Nadia shows her a card. “This is your account card. It’s linked to your savings, as well as a newly opened checking account. There’s only 1000 Vampir in it for now, but you can transfer over more easily through the mobile app on your phone, which can also make purchases just about anywhere, so your card is just a backup. I’ll help you access it tonight, besides assisting with the rest of your phone setup.”

“Wow, it seems you’re so knowledgeable about all of this. Though I’ve never seen you use it?”

“I didn’t make use of it much, but I came with my own phone and account card. My father gave it to me and said that I could use the card to buy anything I needed and the phone to keep in touch. Though in the end, it was all just a formality because there was nothing I needed more than him, and no matter how many times I called, he didn’t answer. So, I tossed them. Katia found them and took over their management until the time came to return them to me. She did before I left, along with those items for you, instructing me to give them to you when I felt you were ready. Since we’re starting at Uni tomorrow, I figured it would be a good time. It seems she upgraded my phone to the latest model as well, though I don’t know why she bothered.”

Kei knows there was a lot to unpack from all of that, but Nadia spoke about such sad things so casually. It seemed wrong to bring them up, so she focused on something else. “Well, I’m glad you have the same model as me, because I definitely won’t be able to get the hang of this alone.”

“It’s not that difficult, honestly. While V City’s models are more advanced, even London had to have smartphones, right?” Nadia sees Kei’s smile fade slightly, and she realizes she unintentionally drifted into a blacklisted topic. “Anyway, I’ll have you handling that like a pro in no time, don’t worry.”

Kei smiles appreciatively. “Thanks Nadia, I’ll be trusting you to do that then. I’ll need help with this banking stuff too. If I’m left to my own devices, I’ll probably bankrupt myself in a day simply because I input the wrong numbers. I’m not as smart as you are, Nadia, you know?” She laughs lightly as she berates herself so casually.

“Don’t talk down to yourself like that, Kei. Your intelligence isn’t a factor in how well you can manage adult life. I’m simply more familiar with it, but once you’ve learned, you’ll be just as good as me, got it?”

Kei can see the slight frown on Nadia’s face and realizes she’s upset that she said that about herself. “Yes, I understand. Sorry for saying such things.” There’s an awkward silence between them for a moment until Kei finally breaks it with a question. “So, speaking of numbers, how much do I have anyway?”

Nadia chuckles. “That’s something for you to know, it’s your money.” She sighs lightly. “Alright come here.” She sits at the round glass table and beckons Kei over. “I was going to do this later, but why not just do it now? That way I can sleep soundly without worrying you’ll go bankrupt.”

Despite having just called herself out for it, Kei feels annoyed by Nadia’s suggestion of her incompetency and pouts. “I wouldn’t be that stupid.” She sits in the chair next to her and hands her the phone. “Have at it, Einstein. You have my permission to do whatever you need to.”

Nadia doesn’t reply, but she smirks slightly at her cheeky response. She then gets to work, explaining and showing Kei various things on the phone, as well as helping her set up the phone’s security.