Chereads / Reincarnated to a fantasy world as a girl / Chapter 9 - Chapter Eight: Like little red riding hood

Chapter 9 - Chapter Eight: Like little red riding hood

Kylexsis POV

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened, surely by the looks Sebastien portrayed when he studied me in the red cloak showed how much of a sentimental value it was. Or perhaps I was just overreacting and overthinking it... perhaps. Nonetheless, he said nothing about it, that hesitant emotion from the depths of his eyes, replaced with a motionless look. Sebastien had me tie my hair down to cover my ears and still pulled the cloak a little bit further over my head to hide my face and hair completely.

" Kylexsis, don't take off the hood unless we are in the safe walls of the shop, there I can guarantee your secret would not be in danger." Sebastien informed me as he led me through a shortcut that led to the market." Although, it won't be an absolute shock if the news of a halfbreed was here in town got out, however -" he turned to look at my hair and eyes knowingly." Your appearance will ignite wonders, you know what I mean."

I nodded silently.

He sighed and continued on, faster this time." Avoid conserving, you don't speak much like like a Vladimirian. Or any person from the continent of Vladimiria, that being said, halfbreeds are hardly from Vladimirian. And try to avoid eye contact, anyone will notice your kind by the look of the glow your eyes emits at times."

I nodded again. Seeing that his words got through to me, he burst out of the narrow shabby pathway and into the small bustling market of Lockheed.

It was bustling indeed. The grounds were dusty and a bit muddy at some parts with a couple of portholes filled muds that splashed every time a carriage passed over it. The middle was free for horses and carriages passages but each sides were occupied with open shops and stalls of so many variations of food stuffs and trinkets and other buyable things. It was not as colourful but is was quite lively, people of all sorts came to purchase with handmade baskets in their hand and some had shawls over their head to protect from the warm sun. Some vendors would raise their goods up in their air and shout enticing words to draw stray shoppers to their trolley or stall to purchase for a good price. Children ran around and giggled...a lot, chasing dogs and clucking chickens of different colours. And yes they intrigued me too, I don't think chickens were blue in my world.

I took a deep breath and drew Cerulean closer to my chest as I followed through with Sebastien afraid of losing him, Arya still held my other hand in hers dragging me eagerly.

Calm down, Lexi. We are just shopping for some clothes, nothing is going to happen.  Calm your  rapid heart beats, and keep your head low. Cerulean's voice said to me.

I looked down at the top of his head and took in a deep breath. I was not that great around crowds, it wasn't a phobia but I just always had this feeling that someone was watching me somewhere my eyes couldn't reach. I was anxious, yes. This would be my first time walking through an extremely busy and noisy crowd like this ever since I got here.

Nonetheless, I tried my best to obey Cerulean's words and calmed my heart beat, deciding to take in more of the scenery around me. As we walked on unnoticed, I couldn't help but spot a small food stall with little boxes of different things lined up in a straight line of fours. My hand squeezed my purse subconsciously, I did promise myself that I was going to help them with food. I had three gold coin left with me, surely I can bother to spend one gold coin, I'll learn to get more no matter what it took.

"Sebastien-" I called coming to a halt just a few feets behind the stall.

All four pair of eyes turned to look at me, Sebastien, Arya, Clovert and Cerulean." What is the matter." Sebastien asked looking concerned, I watched his eyes discreetly search the crowd before turning back to me.

"Oh, nothing serious I just wanted" I trailed of not know exactly how to tell him. Eydis insisted that I shouldn't bother, yet I insisted otherwise, I really wanted to help. I loved helping. They say the saddest person is the kindest, I don't not know if I can consider myself kind but I really wanted to support them. They did invite me into their family after all." Well, I saw a food stall and I was wondering if I could treat you all with one gold coin worth of food."

Both Sebastien, Arya and Clovert eyes widened at my words. Cerulean looked smug."'s about one month of food maybe two if we use our resources right..." Sebastien began to say, eyes staring indistinctly at me. Eventually he snapped out of it and shook his head as if to wake himself up." No, you mustn't Kylexsis, thank you really but we do not need you to spend unnecessarily on us. We will manage just fine. However we do appreciate your offer, you are kind."

"I'm glad you think so but this is not up for debate Sebastien." I scowled looking kicked." I'm getting groceries end of discussion."

"Gro-groceries?" He tilted his head in confusion to my word.

I rolled my eyes and pulled Arya's hand towards the stall." Come on, Sebastien. I don't know anything here so I suggest you pick something you would need." I called over my shoulder as I stood at the front of the stall and studied the edibles on display.

"Kylexsis, please, you shouldn't waste on us, you done enough good in our boring lifes." Sebastien tried to talk me out of it, quickening his pace to catch up with me.

I sighed and gave him a look of annoyance." I hardly think it will go to waste baring that it is entering your stomach. If you don't choose what you need them I will choose for you, there is no escaping this Sebastien."

He looked at me for a moment, his eyes assessing, searching. I didn't give in, I knew what he was doing and there was no way I was going to give up due to his reluctance. Eventually he sighed and ran a hand through his hair." I'm afraid we have no time to spare on food shopping. You can give Arya the gold coin and she would run along to mother and call her to buy the things herself. Does that sit comfortably with you?"

"I... yes. I suppose it does." I agreed with a curt nod and let Cerulean down so I could get my purse from the inside pocket of the hood and fish one gold coin out of the purse.

Arya held it in the air as she studied it under the the sun, a wide grin spread across her features." Take it straight to mother, do not take any detours and don't let anyone see it, are my words clear?"

"I've got it, zeymah-da, I promise." She said and then rushed off towards the direction we walked from.

"Well, shall we Kylexsis?"he said taking me hand and dragging me through the crowd.

Striding through the streets ever so urgently that I had no time to take in the surroundings like I wanted. However, my eyes caught a clothes shop with colours of plain materials hung on display. It roused this feeling in me, during the time of my hardship on earth, I took tailoring as a means of making an extra buck, however I loved it. The act of sewing and cutting and measuring actually put my mind to ease.

As we walked Sebastien gave me a short lecture when I had asked how all the money worked. He looked shocked at my lack of knowledge but brushed it off eventually. I learnt that, about 400 copper coins makes 100 bronze coins. 100 bronze coins makes 25 silver coins and 100 silver coins makes 1 gold coin.

Sebastien walked for a while silently and swiftly until he came to stop in front of a wooden building. The upstairs had large long windows that showed the inside of the room filled with clothes on hangers. My eyes fell on a wooden welcome sign just over the porch that rocked with each gentle blow of the wind, a small writing of blue at the bottom that read The Rosemary's accessories. I turned to Sebastien and asked." Is this the place?"

"It is." He nodded with a troubled frown on his lips." You will find no better clothes shop in Lockheed than the Rosemary's accessories."

I nodded, letting myself study the frown on his slightly darkened lips. He didn't seem the most comfortable to be standing before the shop, his hazel eyes studied the building with disdain and his feet thumped rapidly on the ground. I opened my mouth to ask what the problem was but he got ahead of me first." Well then, shall we? I would like to keep this as quick as I can, hopefully the Rosemary's won't be around."

He ushered me towards the front door and opened it up for me like the gentleman he was. A bell over the door jingled as it was opened, Sebastien led me into the warm atmosphere of the building.

"Oh, hold on please I'll be with yow in a moment." A light female voice said from behind the open door that led to the counter.

I hummed and busied myself with taking a look at the dressess that were hung on hangers and folded on tables. All looked very... medieval, ancient, not what I was used to seeing on any woman. I didn't know just how well I was going to get along with wearing any of these. The dresses were either to puffy, or too....too.....too that even a word? Nonetheless, it was like the Victorian era came to life in front of me.

Soon, a woman with curly red hair tied in a messy bun and grey eyes stepped out of the room and walked to the counter. Her eyes seemed to sparkle the moment they landed on Sebastien." Sebastien! Gods! Wa a most pleasant surprise to see yow 'are, hew are yow?"I shot a brow at her accent, it sounded almost...

Norfolk? Cerulean completed and I shrugged.

"How are you, Shay?" He counteracted with a slow grin." I see you're settling fine today?"

"Aww, yew know hew tha' ois." She giggled waving her hand at him. I would have to admit she really was pretty. Red curly hair with some strands falling over her rosy cheeks, bright grey eyes and a formidable figure that wasn't hidden under the pale blue dress that complemented her skin."  Wa can I get for yow today? Madame Eydis needs more materials? I hev the usual out back if you'd like them now."

"Oh no, actually I'm not here on my mother's account." He told her gesturing his hands towards me." I'm here for her."

Shay finally noticed my presence in the room, and when her grey eyes met mine for the first time a low shocked gasped left her lips at the sight of my green orbs." Y-yow have green eyes."

"Yes," Sebastien answered for me." Lexi here is a lone traveller, she's staying at my residence during her time here but right now she would love some new clothing."

"Yes." I chimed in with a smile, taking of the red cloak to reveal my silky black hair knowing well enough her next reaction.

The moment she saw it her jaw loosened and dropped at the sight of my locks." Yer...yer's..... it's..... it's black!"

"You wouldn't mind keeping this to yourself would you Shay? We want no attention for now. Please?" Sebastien asked looking straight into her grey eyes.

She flushed at the eye contact and looked away clearing her throat. There was no denying it, I'm sure she was utterly smitten by Sebastien charms and he was either ignorant of her feelings or just plain stupid not to notice." Well....okay then, yow wait here and I will see waa i can get yow. I hev suffin tha I think will suit a woman of your caliber." She said with a smile, her face was set in her business face as she excused herself and disappeared behind the curtain again leaving both Sebastien and I to the calming silence of the shop.

Sebastien gave a loud sigh and moved to lean on the wall, a pensive look overcoming his face. His muscular arms and legs were crossed and some strands of brown fell over his eyes as he stared ahead. He looked like a model, and if anyone from earth saw what I saw now, they'd jump in. I removed my eyes from the sight and stared blankly at the dresses folded in the shelves for display. They looked so old and uncomfortable, the material from this far looked itchy and rough, I didn't think I could survive wearing them for a whole day.

I took in the decor of the place next. To the left was a black door that had a carved label of Rosemary in cursive and to the right were two other doors closed shut. There was a counter in front with a path to another room blocked by brown heavy curtains with a red wavy pattern.

Silence greeted us and rolled along as we waited for Shay to show herself. I fidgeted with the red cloak in my hands, and resisted the urge to tap my foot against the floor in impatience. Sebastien didn't speak but he would glance at me some times as if to check if I was alright.

A few days ago I had though that if I died I would burn in hell. Like literally burn in hell with hot flames licking painfully at my skin. But here I am, in another world, in a clothes shop waiting to see what ever horror the woman would bring for me to try on.

"So," I began to say having had enough of the tedious silence that stretched between us" what do you think she'll bring for me."

He shrugged." I don't know, but Shay has good taste you don't have to worry. I'm sure she would bring you something that would fit you well."

Yeah but it wasn't the fitting that was the problem but the type of dress. Ugh I need help, Cerulean.....

I'm here....

I found myself smiling at him. I wished I could converse with him through my mind link but I just didn't have an idea how to. I mean, ever since he told me about it I had been secretly trying to reach out to him but it wasn't working. I felt like I was missing something, a big picture of how it all worked.

You are missing a big picture, Lexi.....

The snort I gave drew Sebastien's attention to me. He gave me a questioning look and I smiled sheepishly at him." Sorry, just talking with Cerulean."

"More like I'm the one doing the talking and your berating yourself on how useless you are because you can't mind link." Cerulean scoffed begrudgingly and rolled his eyes.

I gasped." Cerulean don't you-"

"What do you mean you can't mind link?" Sebastien asked turning his whole body towards my direction as if to give me his full undivided attention." Everybody can mind link with their daemons."

I flushed in embarrassment and looked away mentally cursing Cerulean's tongue. He can really be a dick at times can't he?" Um....well I don't remember how it works so...."

"Really?" he said rather incredulously" It's not that hard, you know"

"So you say but no matter how hard I try it just doesn't work." I complained pouting my lips in frustration." I hear Cerulean's voice but I just can't send my own message across."

"Well that because you're trying too hard. You're trying to will yourself to do it and the mind link doesn't work that way." Sebastien shook his head." You see it's just like a toddler learning to walk, if you believe in yourself you can do it. Okay, why don't you try to imagine the string that ties both you and Cerulean together and reach out to it, imagine your minds connected as one just like when you connect when riding him, and just talk to him. Come on.."

"Wait, you mean I should do right now?" I asked

"Yes, come on no time like the present."

Sighing, I took a deep breath and leaned against the wall closing my eyes. I did as he said imagine that bright golden string that connected us, however, I found four. I imagined myself connecting with Cerulean's on the level in which we did when I rode him, that beautiful sensation of us being together and one and so I spoke. Cerulean? Cerulean are you there please tell me you can here me.

Loud and clear I copy Lexi. Cerulean replied with a short chuckle. Congratulations.

"I hear him." I gasped releasing a proud chuckle, my eyes still closed as I relished in the feelings of our connected minds.

"What? so quick?" Sebastien gawked at me when I opened my eyes to see his expression. He looked impressed." Well, I mean you are a halfbreed....maybe it's in your affinity to learn fast."

"Roight yes sorry for thur wait." Shay finally emerged from behind the curtain, her smile as bright as ever as she found my gaze. "Oi couldn'' find out which exact size your waist was so tha' took moi a while. Thur dres is just roight around thur curtain, you'll find that on a stool. There's a mirror if you'd like to see yourself." She hitched her thumb towards the curtain.

I nodded with a grateful smile." Thank you, Shay." I turned to Sebastien and handed him my cloak. He gave me a small smile and wished me good luck. I resisted the undying urge to rolled my eyes, he said it as if I was going for an audition, I was just trying on some dress goddammit. I nodded to his words and walked away behind the curtain with Cerulean.

The room was as plain as it could get. The walls were cream and brown. A large body mirror stood at the fallen left corner, there was a couple of clothes of different dull colours folded on shelves and hung on hangers. Some unused torn materials were discarded on the floor and by the right to a window was the rusty old sewing machine. It  was outdated and in need of some repairs. The outfit Shay left me was on the stool surely. I picked it up and examined the piece. It was a rose colored peasant bodice renaissance corset and beside it was a dark grey skirt the went down to the ankle.

"This is too medieval for me to comprehend." Cerulean murmured in distaste for the outfit and looked away to the other colorful ones that wasn't completed.

"It's not that bad." I mused trying to lighten the mood. I trailed my finger down the corset to take the worth of the material. It was hard and rough like I had expected. My skin was prune to bruising at the slightest harsh contact, there was no doubts that long hours spent in this clothing would bring bright shades of red to my pale skin but right now I had no choice. It wasn't my style nor my colour but the contrast was good and dull enough not to drag any unnecessary attention to me or the Broywnes. Shay picked well.

" Don't tell me that you are actually considering buying that!" Cerulean complained staring at the dress like it was a complete monster. I watched in amusement as he stalked closer to it and sniffed the dark grey material of the skirt. He recoiled and wrinkled his nose in disgust." It smells like dust, it could be itchy, Kylexsis I don't think I like the colour or the-"

"Cerulean this isn't a mall that I can just gradually chose any type of clothes I want for a party." I cut him off, dropping the clothes and pulling off my hoodie and decided to leave my tights on." The clothes are very normal and it won't draw attention to me. It's exactly what I need. Stop complaining I'll take it."

Cerulean grumbled and fixed me with a sour look. I laughed silently at his childish behaviour and began the struggle of putting on the corset. It was a bit easier to wear because the fastening was at the front, the corset tightened around my waist rather uncomfortably and making it look thinner that it normally should. The material was rather itchy on my skin but the texture was bearable.  I would have to survive.

I took a look at myself in the mirror, an excited smile curving on my lips. This was what it felt like, to be in a real medieval dressing, I've done cosplay lots of time, I crossed dressed with Clarke but it wasn't as exciting as this was. However, I felt my excitement died down at the remembrance of the friend that I left behind. Shaking away the thought, I turned towards Cerulean and did a little twirl for him, this was my life now.

"Well? What do you think" I asked with a grin awaiting his words.

Cerulean looked me p and down side to sides,  his cute face turning into a scowl." I hate it."

I rolled my eyes." I'm buying it." I grabbed my hoodie and walked out of the room careful not to trip on my dress. I was used to wearing these since I cross dressed. Sebastien and Shay were hitting it off. Her face was a deep shade of crimson that surely wasn't unnoticed by Sebastien, his smile was sweet and charming bringing about a warm atmosphere around him. I studied him too. He was handsome, smooth skin and hazel eyes that I realized changed colour depending on the light, slightly darkened pink lips, tall build, he could easily pass as an Abercrombie and Fitch model.

Cerulean cleared his throat loudly interrupting their banter. Shay whipped her head towards my direction and Sebastien studied me with a raised brow. A sheepish smile curved on my lips as I twirled for them to see." Well? What do you think?"

"My! Yow hev a very thin waist!" Shay exclaimed enthusiastically with a grin.

I flushed not knowing whether it was a compliment or a flaw." Um....t-thank you. I guess."

"Thur dress suits yow very wal miss, I assure yow." She reassures me, clasping her hands together and letting her eyes examine me in the dress.

I turned to Sebastien with questioning eyes. Something glistened in those bright hazel orbs of his, an emotion i didn't quite get from the distance we stood apart. After a few minutes of looking, he cleared his throat and smiled awkwardly finding my eyes with his." You look beautiful, the colour suits you well I daresay."

I smiled brightly at his compliment releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding. I guess I wanted to look the part and blend in more than I wanted to be invisible. I didn't want to seem too much like an outsider. I was tired of that kind of life." Thank you."

I'm beginning to think these people are plain blind. Cerulean scowling voice said to me through the mind link.

Now you're just being preposterous! I shunned him through the mind link and walked towards Shay and Sebastien. I felt proud of myself for having easily grasped the perks of the connection. It felt pretty easy like I had done it a lot of times. Well basically, I think I had done it a lot of times. I could feel the tendrils of Cerulean's annoyance pooling out of his body, he's been snappy since after we left the house.

"Roight wal will yow be taking that dress with you?" Shay asked me in a professional tone.

I shrugged and smoothened the skirt with my free hand." You both said it suits me, I'll have to take it. How much can I bargain for the this?"

"That is prized for a total of 50 silvers." She deadpanned.

My eyes popped open. No, this was no different than earth. I only had two gold crowns left, I didn't need to over exert my spending than I already have. I guess I really needed to find an easy paying job that would get me money in no time." 50! Don't you think that that's a little bit over the top with the prizes?"

"This is thur best shop in lockheed miss,

i'm afraid thur prizes will hev to be high for thur dresses to live up to their worth." Shay shrugged looking a bit sympathetic." I don't make the prizes, sorry."

"Damn roight she doesn'' make them prizes. this shop be thur most pretentious clothes shop in thur whole of lockheed, thur accessories here hev to be quite expensive." A nasal tone of an elderly woman said from behind me. We all turned to look at the person who stood before us. Short, plump with red cheeks and copper curls. There was a pipe in her hands and a couple of freckles dusting her cheeks. Her clothes was a clean yellow and a grey corset that tightened around her waist and bulged out her bosoms.  She walked closer to me, grey eyes squirting as she studied me closely.

"Um.....hello" I said.

Her nose wrinkled as she let her eyes study my face, her eyes eventually widened the moment her took in my appearance fully." Well well well look waa we hev 'are. Shay yow seeing this correctly there is a damn halfbreed in our midst." She exclaimed in surprise, chapped lips dropping.

Hearing this Shay gasped and stepped away from me in shock. There was a look etched in her face and her breaths were unheard. I bit my lips and cursed inwardly. Damn this woman!!

"What?" She gasped again a little too dramatically, her eyes darting towards Sebastien and then me." You're a halfbreed?"

" but please don't let the word get out." I pleaded. I had already brought enough attention as it is to Sebastien's family I think I had done about enough for today. She stared at me like I was gold, her grey eyes scrutinizing every detail of my face making me want to cringe away where no one would see me.

"Doon' worry dear, tis alright. Yow won't be thur first halfbreed shay and i hev come across." The woman laughed out loud waving me off, her grey eyes brightened. I frown at her finding myself a little bit confused. I looked down at Cerulean, his cat eyes watched the woman wearily then turned to find Shay staring at me like I was the most fascinating creature she'd ever seen."Lockheed is a town at thur outskirts of Astrydye  and most travellers stay here for a time before moving on. Faey, Elvin, Goblin, and so many more. although thur halfbreeds that come here would stay on thur down low, I  met about two before yow. thur shocking thing is your features dear. Black hair and green eyes that's gold."

My frown deepened as I found myself touching my hair, combing it gently with my slender fingers." Why is it so rare."

"Dearie, it is rare for faeys to hev dark hair

when all thur dark faeys had been gone for years.Though it is  not uncommon for an elvin to hev dark hair baring tha thay normally have thur usual fair hair and blue eyes." She explained slowly then pointed two finger towards my eyes."And thur green eyes, now that is just wisdom. It's waa that signifies. Green means wisdom. Faeys don't get green eyes, nayther does elvin or any other creature. one with green eyes holds great wisdom. And now to hev thur

combination....that is gold."

"Don't worry Lexi your secret it safe with them." Sebastien chimed in moving from the spot he stood leaning on the wall and joining my side." I wouldn't have taken you here if I knew your identity won't be safe for a while."

"Oh!" I said raising a brow and flushing in embarrassment for obvious reasons.

"What about Shay? She seemed shocked to find out what Kylexsis truly was." Cerulean said making everyone simultaneously look down at him. He was sat by my leg.

"Oh, i'm sorry daemon, i've only come across

one halfbreed before and he wasn't quite dark. His hair was a bit of a mauve shade and his eyes were a brilliant blue. Forgive me if my

behaviour displeased you, i was just shocked

on how a halfbreed ken hev such rare features." Shay said in a sweet tone and topping it off with an apologetic smile.

"Well, a rum halfbreed with a rum daemon." The copper curled haired woman mused with a flustered expression written boldly on her face. She cocked her head to the side and racked Cerulean with scrutinizing eyes. I felt Cerulean's irritation and discomfort regarding her stare but he screwed up his pride and stood still."  Hmm i've never seen a lightening tiger before, but anyone with a brain will know hew one looks like from thur given features the books gave us."

Shay gasped in surprise looking at the he woman before crouching down to get a better look at Cerulean." A lightening tiger? are yow sure auntie? He seems rather haardy-daardy."


"What that supposed to mean?" Cerulean snapped standing up. His back hair rose in frustration and his claws elongated slightly.

"He's in his neutral form dearie, trust me he is powerful, especially thur blue ones." The woman remarked taking her eyes off him to settle them somberly on me." Listen girl, Lockheed might be a resting place for all travelers but that ain't completely safe. I suggest yow conceal those eyes, tha glow gives every thing out."

"Thank you for the warning." I said with a genuine smile.

"So fifty silvers,give or take. Noo bargaining." She continued" Waa do yow say, luv."

I looked at Sebastien with questioning eyes hoping that he would give me more than a shrug this time. He pursued his lips in thought and looked straight into the greys of the woman smiling, unwavering eyes. It was like they were having a silent battle through the eyes contact that took relatively more than a minute. Eventually he gave a defeated sigh and moved those eyes to mine." You have no choice Lexi, you'll need new clothes to blend in and I don't think whatever...that is would do you any good." He told me giving the hoodie in my hand a weird look, then let his eyes drop down to my air force ones." And we'll, even if I don't know much about female shoes from other empires I believe you are going to need some boots."

I looked down at my shoes. He was right, I did need new shoes. The white was now covered up with mud and the shoe laces had gone brown from dust and black dirt." Um, I-I guess I'll have a pair of boots but the cheapest one you have."

"Splendid! Elwein!!" The woman said with a satisfactory grin. With a click of her fingers Shay stood at attention and a white fluffy toy poodle emerged from the half open door that had the Rosemary words written on it." Shay goo ahead and bring her thur cheapest boot we've got and elwein" she pointed to the dog as Shay shuffled away into the opposite direction" be a dear and get this lovely lady a complimentary ped from moi office, would yow."

(Ped means basket)

"Certainly, Master." The toy poodle spoke. It was male, he gave a shallow head bow before moving to do as he was told.

I crane my neck to stare at him. Master. He must be her daemon." Is that your daemon, Miss..." I asked the woman

"Rosemary. Mrs Rosemary." She ammended in a ridiculously pompous tone." As in the Rosemary's accessories."

"Right." I said managing a polite smile." Mrs Rosemary, is that your daemon?"

"Aye. Elwein is his name. A loyal little dog he is and thur most elegant in all of Lockheed." She replied in a matter of fact tone." Been with me for seventy years of moi life."

My eyes snapped to her face in astonishment. Seventy years she said? She was seventy years? I blinked repeatedly to check if my eyes were playing tricks on me or my ears were. Other than her stature being short, plump, her features were equivalent to that of a twenty year old woman. I decided to ask Cerulean's through the mind link to which he answered that the average humans could only live up to about two hundred years, there were some cases that some had gone beyond. They weren't immortal, they just aged rather slower than the normal humans I was used to. Or I used to be.

"This is thur cheapest set that i could find

for a total of 15 silvers." Shay announced as she walked back onto the threshold with a pair of boots. It was black with golden buckles all over and a small heel. It was perfect. She handed them to me and looked at me expectantly with the same gaze as Mrs Rosemary.

"I'll take it thank you." I said already having pondered everything. Even if I didn't like it I couldn't afford to be picky so it didn't leave me much of a choice but to accept it. Having one dress would last so long before it got worn out, I needed other options but the dresses here cost more than I was willing to spend. I was already one gold crown and a few silvers short. And I started with four at first! Taking a deep breath I began to think this through. I had good tailoring skills, if I could just manage to spend a couple of coins on some materials then it would do me quite nicely. However, there was no way to find a rental sewing machine. I didn't even think that they rented stuff at this age. But if I could just find a place.....I would have to ask around. I would have to ask Sebastien. I needed it. And so..." Um, how much for your cheapest corset?"

"Moi cheapest corset....." Mrs Rosemary mused and took a deep puff of smoke from her bronze pipe ." I'm pretty sure tha would be about 7 silvers and 100 coppers. Would yow like it?"

"Yes please." I nodded placing a gold coin in Shay's hand at the same moment Elwein emerged with the expertly made square shaped straw basket and handed it to me. It was a light carton brown with a folded red cloth at the bottom to provide soft padding. I smiled kindly at him, I seem to be doing that a lot." Thank you, Elwein."

"It is no problem, My Lady." He said formal with a head bow. I flushed at the sound of the title he'd used to address me, Cerulean snorted in disbelief beside me, God! The people here sure do exaggerate a lot. Shay soon appeared by my side again with a black corset folded neatly and my change of about 75 bronze coins and 36 silvers laid on it. She helped place the corset and my hoodie and my new boots into the basket and covered it with the cloth while I pocketed the money." anything else we ken get for you?"

"That will be all, thank you, Shay and Mrs Rosemary." Sebastien butted in before I could speak, helping my fix the cloak around my shoulders and pull the hood way over my head." We must get going, I'm afraid we have passed lunch time."

"Sure but remember girl, find a way to cover

those eyes of yours. yow stand out too much,

yow and your daemon." Was Mrs Rosemary last advice to me before we exited the shop.


Right now I was halfway through going broke. 1 good coins 36 silver and 75 bronze coin was all I had left. I needed to find a job and fast, but what shocked me was that a dress, boots and a corset had cost me this much, and the worst part was that it wasn't enough. I needed at least two more dresses to go with this one I had on, I could manage the clothes I had before. I needed a sewing machine, anywhere, anyone, where could I rent it. I was desperate that I  had asked Sebastien about it.

"A sewing machine? What for? Do you know how to sew." He had asked in pure curiousity, cocking his head to the side.

"Um..." I tired not to stutter as I racked my brains for a reasonable explanation to tell him because for some absurd reason, straight up lying did not sit right with me." I-I guess, I mean, I feel like I can. It just feels kind of right, and if I can actually somehow make clothes then I wouldn't have to worry about buying more when this one I have on wears out. So do you have any place that I can go to rent a sewing machine."

"No, I don't, but you don't have to look. Mother has a spare one that she hardly ever touches again. I'm sure she would let you have it for the time being."

"Really?" I echoed, my expression brightening.

He nodded with an amused smile probably at my behaviour before he gestured his hand towards the street." Let's go, I can ask mother about it when we get back to the house."

"Yes, but just one stop please." I said grabbing the sleeves of his clothes and leading him through the streets of busy people till I spotted that shop that sold cheap materials for sewing. It wasn't the best nor was it what I was used to nor did it have a better quality than the one I had on but it would have to do. There I purchased a yard of red, blue and orange to go with the plain black corset. I wanted to explore the town more and take in the obsolete surroundings but Sebastien thought against it. It would increase the rate of being discovered easily, Mrs Rosemary had been alive for 70 years so she might have seen something that made her warn me to conceal myself. He told me that until we could find a way to do that, I was better off in the shadows.

I let Sebastien take my hand in this rough and long tanned ones as he led me through crowd. My head was kept down all the way to avoid eye contacts and Cerulean was hidden under my red hood. His hand was warm and in a way comforting as we weaved our way through, I was never much of a fan of big crowds, it brings out my society anxiety much too much. I could already feel my stomach churning with nausea and my head spinning from the sounds of many things happening at once. But Sebastien presence made it a bit bearable, made me feel like I belonged for once in my life.

It was only hours ago that I was ready to leave this town in despair and anger, but here I was now, safe and treated well by a family of strangers I had just met only yesterday. They accepted me so easily that it felt  too seemed strange but neither Cerulean nor I could sense any malicious intent in them. I guessed that could put my trust in them for now. And then there is the case of this cloak I was wearing, this cloak....

"What the matter, Lexi?" I had noticed we had stopped when Sebastien asked me that question. His weary hazel eyes found mine, before looking down at my other hand clutching both the basket and the cloak tightly probably giving it wrinkles." You don't like the cloak?"

",no,no, It's beautiful it's just-" I paused for a moment, unsure of whether to bring this up or let it die from here on.

"Just what?" He prompted stepping before me to probably hide my face.

"It's just that I have a feeling that there is more to the story of  where this cloak originated from." I completed taking in a careful breath.

Something quick flashed in his eyes." And you would like to know? Of course you would." He let out a dry chuckle when I bobbed my head. There was a melancholy gleam in his eyes this time, something that I hoped wasn't caused by me. He sighed and looked away before dragging me along with him along the road." That cloak belonged to my late sister. Tiya"

I stopped dead in my tracks, also stopping Sebastien too. Even Cerulean bumped into my leg and made no attempt to hide his grumble. I blinked once, blinked twice, as everything began piecing together." Oh, Sebastien, I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up."

"Don't." he waved me off with a soft smile" she died a long time ago when I was eight. She had a disease that we couldn't cure due to our poor financial status. She was also a rare sight too. Dark brown hair that looked black under dim lighting and the same hazel eyes as mine. She was nice and beautiful, like you. I guess seeing that cloak on your shoulders brought back the image of her smile that I thought I had once forgotten. It's one of the reasons why my mother likes remind us of her in a way. She's see you in her, a rare kindness people hardly ever have again. We always help the helpless, it was a lesson we all learned from Tiya. So I am sorry about this morning, we shouldn't have let our fear drive us to do that to you, I hoped you would stay a bit longer."

I grinned cockily." And I plan on doing just that, and maybe I'll forgive you if you get Eydis to let me use the sewing machine."

He let out a low husky cackle." We'll see 'bout that." He mirrored my smile." Hey, you do like the cloak, don't you?"

"Oh, I think it is magnificent, Sebastien, thank you." I answered watching as he nodded and continued to lead me back to the house. In truth I did love the cloak, I felt like a Disney characters come to life and with the basket in my hand and my black hair and red cloak I felt like little red riding hood. I was glad I had it, at least now I had a momentum of the second ever people to show me kindness. For there was Sir Keylin. If only we would cross paths again, I will return the kindness he showed me, after all he did save both Cerulean and my life.

We reached the house by mid afternoon.

."Monah, zu'u sizaan meyz hofkiin"(Mother I am home). Sebastien announced in Vladimir as we stepped into the living room space. The twins were nestled in the chair with their sleeping daemons, their eyes on a worn out hardcover story book.

"Welcome back hofkiin, zeymah-da and Lexi!" The twins chorused giving both of us a small smile before returning their eyes to their book.

Sebastien chuckled and ruffled their hair affectionately." Kolos." He said and moved to the kitchen." Welcome back, hofkiin, zeymah-da,Kolos, home, big brother, thank you. You got all that?" He said to me. I nodded repeating the word all over in my head, Cerulean keeping it stored for me." Monah, zu'u sizaan meyz hofkiin, mother I am home. You get that one too?"

I nodded again." Monah, mother, hofkiin home, Kolos, thanks, zeymah-da, big brother. Yeah got it."

"Hi sizaan returned" (you have returned). Eydis greeted, with a beaming look on her face. The kitchen looked rather immaculate than this morning and at the window sill sat Magna, his silky black feathers glistening under the sunlight.

"Magna!" Sebastien let out a surprised chuckle, striding over to him and stretching out his arm for Magna to climb on. Magna was rather large for a raven, he was approximately the same size as a giant Philippine eagle, but Sebastien didn't seem to fidget or show any form of comfort under the weight of Magna when he settled on his shoulders." You're back early, what is the occasion?"

"Nothing master, there was no unusual sightings along the border as far as I could see and the other birds of prey gave me an early ending patrol shift today." He answered easily with a smooth gentle voice. His eyes then turned from his master to me." Hello, Lexi. How was your day, did my master treat you well?"

I smiled." Yes, your master treated me very well, thank y-....uh, Kolos, Magna."

Sebastien beamed at my word." Ah I see you are adjusting well with the little words huhn?"

"And with the dress too." Eydis complimented giving my dress an appraising examination." Shay has some good taste, the shade of the material suits you very well-"

"Yes, speaking of material-" Sebastien interjected." Lexi would love to ask you for permission to use your old sewing machine."

"My old sewin' machine?" she questioned placing her hands on her hips and frowning. She turned to me." can you sew?"

I shrugged." I feel like I can. I want to try to sew something....for myself, please." I said hoping that she would just take it as that. I didn't enjoy lying to her, I reprimanded lying in general, it only dictated how unfair and unjust I could be with the rest of the world. But I needed to, for everything that I am risking, for her and her family too.

"Um, sure you can. I haven't used it in years might as well lend it to you for as long as you like." She wasted no time in agreeing on my account, there wasn't any look of wantrust on her face, it brought a bit of comfort in me to know that she didn't suspect me of.... anything. She waved her hands for me to follow and I did, not without mouthing a thank you to Sebastien in which he responded to with a mock salute.

She led me up the stairs and surprisingly into the room that they had given to me." This room used to be my sewin' room before I decide to give it a change when I quit sewin'." She explained with a smile on her face, one that didn't reach her eyes, as she walked over to the left side of the room that had an object being covered by a pink dusty cloth. She pulled it off with a flap and dust spread everywhere. I covered my mouth, coughing after having inhaled an unhealthy amount of dust." Apologies for that dear, this hasn't been used in a while."

A low grunt left my lips, my face crunched up in an unpleasant frown." It's okay."

"Here you have it. This rusty ol' piece of metal has been with me for years. I reckon tis still a workin' piece." She mused taking in the sight with a sour look on her face. I watched her stare at this object with a type of lamentable expression in her eyes. It only gave me the vague idea of how much sorrow was in this family's life. Taking in their view from outside they looked content and happy but digging deeper you would find so many sorrowful things they had to pass through. And how hard it had affected their lives. She took in a sharp breath and blinked repeatedly, the previous look clearing away." Anyway, tis all yours now, do with it as you please. The box below is full of whatever you will need to sew, okay for you?"

"Yes, tha- I mean, Kolos, Eydis."

She chuckled and patted my shoulder." I see you grab words fast. Keep it up and you would learn Vladimir in no time. Do you want me to bring up lunch for you?"

I bit my lips. I wasn't feeling too hungry and Cerulean hadn't been complaining too. A lunch break would surely shorten the time I had in making the clothes." No thanks Eydis, I'm not hungry I'll wait it out till dinner, I want to finish this up quickly." I replied shaking my head. And plus, after the hell I had been through on earth I think my eating pattern is rather odd. And small.

She nodded, giving the sewing machine one last fleeting look before leaving me.

Seeing that she was gone, I took off the red hood and carefully laid it on the bed along with my basket. Cerulean, who had been quiet the whole time for no reason just sat on the floor, watching my every move." You're awfully quiet. It's unnerving."

A smug smile crossed his mouth." I have nothing to say. Daemons usually let their masters do the talking. We are mostly meant to observe, assist and be there whenever you need. It is not in our nature to talk much when around people, so expect more silence from me when ever you have company." He explained concisely lying down on the ground." We love the silence though, it is the one thing that keeps us at peace."

Nodding, I turned my attention back to the sewing machine and examined it carefully. It was black and covered in dust, some unimportant parts were brown with rust that looked years old, however, it still looked a bit  sturdy. It wasn't ideal, but it would have to do. It didn't even squeak as I wiped off the dust with the clothe. The box of measuring tapes, a small pack of needles, two scissors, some buttons and some pins sat on the ground beneath the machine.

"No time to waste yeah?" I murmured to myself. I itched my chin pensively, I needed something of both modern and medieval mix that I'd both feel comfortable in and not out of place. I needed ideas.

At the thought of that, my eyes spontaneously travelled towards my big blue backpack and the image of my phone popped into my head. A large excited grin found its way on my face and I found myself lunging for the backpack.

"What's got you so excited?" Cerulean chuckled hopping on the bed beside me.

"I almost forgot again, unbelievable." I scoffed at my own abstraction shaking my head as I ramaged my backpack for my phone.

"Forget what?"

"This!" I squealed bringing out my phone from my bag. A thrill rushed through my body at the sight of the iPhone 8 with a black pouch decorated with emerald green and sapphire blue colours.One of the expensive things Clarke had gotten for me, being a rich kid and all. An aching pang hit my chest at the very thought of him." Clarke" I whispered when the phone switched on at the press of the power button and the lock screen wallpaper of both Clarke and I appeared. It was my eighteenth birthday and we both were stuffing our faces with french fries at McDonald's. Clarke was grinning broadly with a smoothie straw between his pearly teeth, blue hair falling over dreamy blue eyes. I was beside him giving the camera a shy smile and silently sipping my own chocolate smoothie. Two of Clarke fingers were behind my head giving me bunny ears. It was a kind of goofy picture, and it was a momentum of one of the best birthdays of my life. And I was grateful for him, but the sadness I felt inside brought an overwhelming sense of loneliness and regret. I hated it. I hated feeling like this because my death was something I couldn't control. It was inevitable, I knew that and I think he knew too from the looks of how things were, especially when I refused his generous offers of help. He was a rich kid from a rich family, I was one of the lucky ones who got to meet a kind rich person who wasn't the usual snobby and pompous.

"Hey, Lexi, are you alright?" The soft comforting voice of Cerulean broke my trance and saving me from further pain.

I turned to look at him, a small smile breaking out. Yes, I did miss Clarke, I missed him a lot. But I guess I had Cerulean, he was my everything now, my purpose to survive, my purpose to smile. This life would not be spent wallowing in self pity and wailing over the past that was long gone behind me, this was a start for a a new future, a future that I could control. And control I will. At least Clarke got his one wish, to have me genuinely smile. It just wasn't with him but with someone else. I took in a deep breath and decided once and for all to quit this wallowing. It would eventually eat me up if I didn't control my pain. Closing my eyes I did as the stories, movies and professional therapist always said, I  imagine a door, a door where all my negative thoughts and energy would forever reside. Then there was a key that only I could identify locking it away in the empty Void that was my mind. I could still feel it, the remnants of what ever feeling remained, but eventually it would leave and I would be free. Opening my eyes I found Cerulean peering worriedly at me .

"I will be...." I assured him- I needed to always be resilient and non despondent. Taking in a deep breath I looked back at the phone." Hey Alexa, can you show me cool medieval cosplay costumes to make?"

"Here are some pictures." That familiar robotics voice of my phone intelligence spoke, indicating just how much I miss it and that WiFi really was available. Cerulean crunched his nose at the sound of Alexa and flipped back on the bed to nap.

After a while of searching for ideas on Pinterest, I got two styles and decided that it would be enough for only three clothing. I fished my ear pods from my small compartment and began playing 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams. Dancing along to the tune happily I took my measurements. I had to stifle my loud gasp as I recorded them. Waist-38.1, when corseted 20. Bust -40. Hip- 52.

In no time before nightfall I had finished with one outfit and had cut the cloth for the second. Cerulean and I sat at the window admiring the view of the setting sun. Back at Germany, the suburb spot I housed disrupted the view and I never really had the chance to appreciate God's creation. Looking at this here, as it sunk below the fields horizon, I was hypnotized by its elegant beauty.

"What do we do now." I asked, breaking the peaceful silence, a question that had been plaguing my mind since last night.

"For now?" Cerulean replied." Learn as much as you can about the political, governmental and societal hierarchy of Vladimiria and other sectors if need be, learn Vladimir, train harder to unlock the power you have within, know your left and right, get some money and make a name for yourself. You have to be known,I don't think the royals would appreciate a vigilante even if you are here to help when the time comes. Especially if that vigilante was a halfbreed."

"Ugh, hated much." I scoffed in disbelief.

"And not to mention that you are a dark user. You can't let anyone know about that under any circumstances. " He continued on blatantly ignoring my comment." You need to get people to trust you and you need to watch out too. This world even if it is full of beauty it is full of evil and deceit. You need to watch your back. And plus, Ekhanto did ask you to help develop this place in your own way."

"How?" I grimaced in thought." I mean, like where there other people who got reincarnated to the world for a purposes like that?"

"Yes, indeed." He answered as a matter of fact." How do you think this world got to speak English, or got to make a sewing machine for easy cloth making, or wooden houses. There were many before you, and they did the best they could. Remember that."

I sighed tiredly, my brain trying to process everything piece by piece. I was a good listener and I learnt pretty fast. Vladimir would be a piece of cake for me. The training though, I can imagine it being difficult but I would have to manage it in a short span of time.

The was a knock on my door before Arya's head popped inside, a small shy smile on her face." Mother wants you down for an early dinner."

"Sure, okay, thank you." I told her and got up on my feet to follow her down the stairs. Everyone had already settled down on the table, distributing plates of what it looked like soup and bread. The soup was a milk colour with onions swimming in it, it appeared blanch but had a strange partially nice salty flavour to it. Cerulean, however, only settled for a bowl of milk and some raw fish Eydis made separately for him. Taro was in the middle of the table, sat in a glass bowl of water and what it looked like plant food. Magna was eating the small cuts of meat Sebastien fed him from a small bowl while the weasels were munching on some blue and white vegetable that they called frost pepper.

The silence between us all reigned, sometimes Eydis would ask the twins what they learned from the books they read together today, they would reply in Vladimir and translate it to English so I'd have a better understanding and grab some easy words. Eventually, Arry and Arya called my name in unison, each taking out a worn out book in their hands from the floor beside them. One was as huge as a history book and one was a little bit smaller.

"It's not much but we thought that it might be better in helping you learn Vladimir easier." Arry explained with a nervous chuckle handing me one of the book that looked as big as a smaller version of the Oxford dictionary." It's a um.... my school Vladimir dictionary, with English translations."

"Oh, wow, thank you so much." I gasped proceeding to open it up to see the contents were exactly like a real dictionary. The words starting from the letter A to Z. The words were in English but a Vladimir translation was written below. It was perfect." But isn't it for your school, if you are giving me then what will you use?"

"It's alright." Arya shrugged answering for her brother and handing me her own book." I have one too and we discussed the matter of sharing it. We are twins after all. And plus, we dropped out of school two years ago because we didn't have real teachers. We learn what we can from what ever books we find in the town's local library almost every kid spend their free time there learning. So it's okay. The book I gave you is of Vladimiria's history, it's not the complete set but it's something."

"Oh, thank you so much, I really appreciate this." I said reaching out to pat her head. She mirrored my smile, a faint blush painting her cheeks." I will really cherish this."

"Arya that is so kind of you, and quite noble of a man too Arry." Eydis commented, her eyes shining with pride for her children.

"Aw, now I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't gifted you anything." Sebastien grunted with a playful pout.

I laughed at his image shaking my head." You've already given me enough seriously, you did take me to the dress shop and help keep me hidden. It's enough Sebastien, thank you all. In fact, I want to repay your kindness..... again."

"Dear Kylexsis I think the stocked kitchen is more than enough." Eydis smiled." I didn't give you a proper thank you for that did I."

" It's okay, really. I just want to help." I said waving her off." I mean what about learning mathematical problems. Do you have a problem with that?"

"You know mathematics?" Sebastien questioned with wondering genuinely surprised eyes.

"Is it wrong if I do? I mean, I feel like I have the capability of knowing it. I'm pretty confident." I replied with a slight frown. I mean, I did get an A plus in all my subjects in the university and mathematics was just a piece of cake.

"No it not wrong it's just....women don't really bother excelling in that. It's the men that usually have to excel in that due to you know.... going into trading and political businesses. The women usually just mind the house and maintain what the men makes up." Sebastien explained.

I rose a brow and looked down at Cerulean, he had the same expression as me. Irritation.

I scoffed." That's utterly stupid. I know mathematics I will teach you mathematics. Screw this realms morals."

"It's not just in Vladimiria Kylexsis. It everywhere in the world." Eydis aired.

"Then screw the world. I'm not one that believes that both sexes should be equal but I think it's  okay for the female sex to have a liberty in what ever they want to do, being it be politics or whatever they chose to do."

"That's a circular argument." Sebastien prompted with a raise of his brow.

"No, it's empirical." I shrugged." If you children want to learn, come to me. I'll be glad to have you."

"Aw, now I feel so obliged to give you something." Sebastien huffed giving Magna another chuck of meat.

"I told you forget it. It's okay. I mean you did convince Eydis to lend me her sewing machine."

"I think it was you who ended up convincing  her " he ammended with a short chuckle.

"Well you brought it up." I shot back

"Yes about that, Kylexsis, how is your sewin' comin' along." Eydis asked out of the blue.

"It's coming along fine." I smiled with a nod." Yes, I can sew surprisingly and perfectly. I guess I've found a skill that can help  jog the  memories of my past a bit."

"I'm happy for you." She sighed.

"And I heard too,." Sebastian began pushing away his half eaten bowl of soup and leaning back on the chair." they say magic can also help 'jog' back some memory lane. I did promise to help find what power you have the affinity of controlling dominantly, how about tomorrow then."

I stiffened at his request."Uh, you don't, you don't have to you know " I stuttered. I didn't want him to know I had the affinity to control water, fire, wood, air, lightening, and dark especially! I didn't trust them enough to be that confident.

"Relax, Lexi" Sebastien let out a husky chuckle." It's not like the world will come to an end." He cranes his neck and looked at me straight into my eyes with a knowing gaze." or are you afraid that you'll find out that you are a dark user?"

I blanched." Uh" I began to stutter." I me-mean, what if I eventually am?"

"Tis alright, Lexi." Arry who had been silent said with a comforting smile.

"Your secret would be safe with us." Arya completed putting her index finger to her pink lips and winking at me.

"After all," Sebastien continued." Tiya, was, a dark user."

"She was?" I blurted out eyes going wide as saucers.

Eydis chuckled." I see you've learnt of the last member of our family." Her smile going a bit bitter as she looked Sebastien down a bit. He only offered a small weak smile in return." Yes, Tiya was a dark user, on the weak side though. We didn't know where it originated from, both my husband and I were born Elementalists. Here you don't have to worry of being afraid Lexi, we will protect you and your secret just like you protected us. We owe it to you to be in your dept forever. You are one of us now and you need not worry ever again."

My heart warmed again at their words, my brain processing how strangely true they sounded and felt. I smiled in appreciation." Thank you all, truly."

"Eh." Eydis waved her hand at me." Finish your dinner yeah?"

I nodded and continued on with sipping my soup feeling safe and content with the new friends I had made. A stupid goofy smile curved on my lips as I ate my food like a girl in love. Munching and swallowing gently and resisting the very urge to tap my foot to the song playing in my mind. I would have to listen to it tonight, just me and Cerulean. Tomorrow I had a busy day, I guess I should sleep well and wait it out. There was so much to learn and a lot to talk about.


Another chapter is up, for those of you that actually read this p.s note, I won't be updating regularly anymore. I'll be updating every three to four days because of how long the chapters are, if you are lucky I'll give two days.

Stay tuned for the next chapter. Share, like and comment please. I love you all.

Yours truly,


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