The monster shrieked again and Kate slapped her hands on her ears and she and Zagryus made their way next to Athena and Ollie who were both standing near the front of the boat each with their hands over their own ears. She stopped next to them and looked across the water at the shrieking monster. The beast stood over twelve feet tall, with six snake like heads each atop their own elongated neck making it easy for their rows of sharp teeth to snap ever closer to the boat with each wave. Though they couldn't be seen the sound of baying hounds could be heard over the crash of the waves.
"What is that?" Kate yelled.
"Scylla!" Athena hollered back, "I had hoped we would be able to get past her without her knowing!" she continued, "This boats engine is supposed to be one of the fastest according to Oliver," her eyes cut to him and he glared at her.