Sumire felt like she was going to lose her mind after what he heard from Klauss a second ago. She slowly turned to Mort, various scenarios came flooding inside the maiden's mind made her even more confused. Her cheeks burn in red, not with delight to see the man in place again but with frustration. Fury surged through her veins. She could feel the wave of anger rose inside her like a tide.

Sumire's inside trembled as she faced Mort who was also just staring down at her with no expression on his face.

"First, you're gay, and now you have a son? Wow, you really have a bag of surprises." Sumire sardonically said and her eyes peruse Mort's entire frame down to his bulge. 'How could I almost give myself to this guy? I can't believe this is happening...'

The giant hunk could not answer and coldly met the maiden's flaming eyes on him. A hostile spark formed between their gazes.

Klauss, on the other hand, had a triumphant smile on his face. The big grin plastered on his lips never faded when he saw the pang of hurt, confusion, and disoriented at the same time on her face.

A few more minutes of silence passed between the two of them and Sumire was even more irritated when Mort still hadn’t spoken. He keep staring at her like he had no plans to explain. ‘Why am I acting like this? There is nothing between us, ' she said in her mind and just sighed. It doesn't matter if they prolong the conversation, the man she used to adore won't answer her anyway.

"You know what? You don't need to explain anymore. I'm done." She said in defeat and turned her back on Mort. Klauss's impish smirk greeted her made Sumire erupt in anger.

The maiden looked at Klauss with a blank expression. Her killer eyes is activated as if she was ready to grab Klauss by the neck and choke him to death. The staff around were just silently watching the scene, waiting for what would happen next.

"Do you think it's funny?" Sumire said in a cold tone accompanied by her scorching gaze.

"Yes." Klauss brusquely said. An unexpected solid blow landed on his cheek which Klauss didn't see it coming. Sumire slaps him calm, cool, and merciless which gasped everyone in the place.

His face turns on the right side due to the impact. Sumire's handprint stamped on Klauss' pale cheek. Sure the slap stings him. ‘The audacity of this cockroach to slap me! Doesn't she know who I am? I'm the famous- '

Klauss faced her again yet another massive, thunderous slap landed on his other cheek for the second time. He curses under his breath. 'That's it! you're fuck up now, lady! '

Klauss clutched something in his pocket. His most powerful weapon: disinfectant-killing spray. He was about to spray Sumire on the face when the maiden turned her back on him and walked out of the dressing room.

But even before Sumire could storm out of the room, Mort quickly catch her like the speed of a bullet and grabbed her on the arm. Sumire turned to him with an icy look on her face.

"I'll explain to you everything soon," Mort said but Sumire replied to him with a scoff.

"You don't have to. It's not like I will hear you." Sumire uninterestingly said once harshly draw her arm back and left them in the room. She walked back to the set as if nothing had happened.

The staffs gave way to her who had previously been gathered in one spot. They wanted to ask her but they smartly chose to zip their mouth and didn't try to approach the maiden so as not to spoil the actress' mood.

Sumire directly went straight to Trevor's place as she release a series of heavy breaths that her co-actor can feel her overwhelming annoyance.

After a few more seconds, Mort also came out of the dressing room with heavy footsteps and Klauss was tailing behind him, smeared on his reddened cheeks after tasting a slap, for the first time from his declared sworn enemy. 'I swear, I will never forget this day...'

The directors, producers, staffs around spontaneously turned their heads down and none of them dare to look up as the giant hunk man walked among them with a heavy and ominous aura, spreading terror to everyone. They could feel the air of Hades in him reigned menacingly in the set that they were shrinking back at their places, not to caught his eye.

Mort sauntered towards Trevor's place, eyes devoid of emotion. With his massive height, he stares down at the actor. "What are you planning?" Mort asked in a deep voice. Trevor was puzzled by his question. The actor slightly flinched and he couldn’t look at the man who is taller, macho, and had a deity look than him. He could not meet his gaze which was cold as ice and he felt intense heavy pressure pressing him down.

Sumire was about to speak about what Mort did. But the god of Death turned his back on her and cast a meaningful glance at the actor, Mort looked at Trevor with a hint of warning before he vanished on the set along with his handsome accompany.

The staffs around were relieved when the biggest investor of the KCA company finally left. They felt as if they were suffocated by the frightening presence of the man in the place. They even hold their breath for long, afraid to breathe with the same air as the magnate.

"Guys, I'll give you a 1-hour break. I'll have someone fix the broken door of the dressing room." The Head Director said which made everyone merrily leave the studio and racing into the food court.

The staffs have already left for a break but Trevor remains statued in his position. Unable to move and staring into the nothingness Sumire tapped his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Sumire asked worriedly to the young man who was slightly winced.

"Where did you meet him?" Instead of answering the maiden, Trevor replied to her with a question. Sumire's forehead creased into a frown.

"Who?" She said, head slightly tilted.

"That scary giant guy," Trevor responded and looked the maiden in the eye.

"That doesn't matter anymore. We will never cross paths again from this day and onward." The maiden then crossed her arms on her chest, bulge cleavage slightly peeking at him. Her eyes darted into the distance.

"Do you think so?" Trevor asked.

"Yes," Sumire responded assuredly. From now on she will never see nor meet Mort again.

"But it seems to me like you've already dive into his territory. You are now his possession." Trevor said as the maiden quickly turn to him.

"What do you mean?" Sumire asked confusedly to her co-actor who was staring at her seriously.

"You should be careful from now on." At the same time, Trevor tapped Sumire on the shoulder. Ignoring what the co-actor said, she replied to him with a shrug.


While the shooting of the project continued led by Sumire and Trevor in the KCA building went smoothly without any more intrusion, a chaos built inside the MDA building when Mort and Klauss arrived.

All employees are busy and purely walk to and fro in the distant departments, trying their best to fix the chaos in a particular department as soon as possible.

Mort and Klauss went straight to the elevator and boarded inside. When the elevator door closed, the deafening silence merge with Mort's dark aura immediately prevailed. Klauss was standing behind his Boss and aware that Mort was not in the mood. He chose to remain silent on the back.

"Talk," Mort commanded in a cold tone as he stared at his blurred reflection in the elevator. It had already taken them to the top floors.

"A huge amount of money was lost in the finance department." Klauss begins.

"How?" Mort asked sparingly that there was no trace of worriment in his voice.

"Each department has requested a budget from the accounting department that is greater than what is required. And what is even more surprising is that the finance manager approves it and is even signed by the Head Department."

Klauss long explained but his Boss was still unbothered by what he reported.

"It will go through me before being released to each department. I don't see anything wrong with the report."

Mort said while thrusting his hands into his pocket. Klauss stood bothered because of his Boss's answer.

"Are you sure you don't see any anomalies in the report?" Klauss reassuringly asked and cast a skeptical look on his boss.

"Are you doubting me?" Mort asked, head slightly shifted on his side. His pair of green eyes were now fixed on the elevator numbers.

"Yes." Klauss' direct and abrupt answer. He had been Mort's personal secretary, secret and money keeper for many years. And this time, the loss of the company's fortune worsened.

"So, are you telling me that I stole the exceeded budget money requested from the accounting department?" Mort asked.

"Sort of," Klauss replied. Eyes devoid of fear after boldly accusing his Boss.

"Explain." Mort commands again. Klauss heaves a deep sigh and holds on to his handkerchief tightly.

"Because Narco is the one who stole the extra budgets and you are aware of what he did."

Klauss said and fisted his hand in irritation when Narco's face suddenly flashed in his mind. Narco grew up spoiled under Mort's care, and he was responsible for Narco's naughtiness and audaciousness to commit stealing. Either life or money.

"You have no evidence," Mort said.

"He's been doing this for almost 7 years. Do you think this is something new?" Klauss replied and Mort's lip slightly lifted, contrary to the blank expression on his face.

"That makes sense, Mr. Detective." Mort said. Impressed.

"You should know Boss this company of yours has 10 shareholders and you are basically robbing them." Klauss said, pointing him out who's at fault.

"You're the one keeping my bank accounts and penny. You can cover up the lost money without them knowing."

Mort said and shrugging off. Klauss, who was standing behind him, sighed defeatedly.

"They will eventually know," Klauss replied that Mort turned to him slightly.

"What do you mean?" Slightly frowned, Mort asked.

"I already sent the report about the lost money and there will be a meeting tomorrow with the shareholders," Klauss responded that he just closed his eyes.

"Why did you do that?" Mort questioned him for the second time.

"This time, I won't tolerate this madness, because almost half of the company's annual profit has been lost."

Klauss firmly said. He believes in the law, so there must be justice to deal with this unforgivable deed. This must be stopped.

"Sure." Mort uninterestingly said at the same time that the elevator rings. They arrived on the top floor of the building.

When they arrived at Mort's office, they found Narco and his friends, the twin brothers who were playing comfortably on the sofa as if it were their own home. They had been waiting for Mort to arrive.

Narco turned in their direction with a sly grin on his face while holding the laptop. "Your wish is granted, Your Highness." He said, standing on the sofa and motioning Mort to come closer with his fingers. "20 billion." He shamelessly added.

'This weasel.' Klauss pressed his lips into a thin line, eyes squinted and hardly restraining himself not throwing the expensive vase next to him to Narco.