Sumire was fell into silence, cheeks burning in red. She was unable to move on her place as Mr. Aslanov eyed her intently, no emotions cruising in his dark pair of emerald eyes. She shyly looks away. His fixed gaze gave her an uncomfortable feeling. She couldn't meet his eyes.

The deafening silence flooded inside the office suite. The maiden could hear her heart thumping loudly on her chest. Her knees went jelly.

"But I am not sexually attracted to you."

Simple and straightforward, he said. It was plain and sounded harsh but sexy at the same time.

"So, you are romantically attracted to me."

Sumire quickly stares and meet his intense gaze. 'What a straight-faced man.' She utters in her mind.


He bluntly said and there's no hint of lies that can be heard in his tone. Damn, his honesty truly hurts! but that didn't stop her.

Sumire incredulously eyed him and raised an eyebrow at the man sitting in a Bossy posture. Neat, unbothered, and hot.

"Ah, I see. So, why did you erect when we passionately kissed and you almost did 'it' out of that fiery night, hmmnn?"

She blatantly said and naughtily smiled.

"I am only helping," he directly said while eyeing seriously the maiden. He is dead serious yet the maiden was still unconvinced.

Born brat and stubborn, Sumire's determination reigns inside her. She squinted her eyes and purse her lips into a thin line. 'That's impossible! Am I not that gorgeous enough in his eyes?' She unbelievably utters to her mind.

"So, you're not attracted to me in any way? even a little?"


Silence dominates inside the office suite again. Sumire lower her head and slightly bit her lower lip. 'Wow, I can't believe someone resists my beauty and charm.'

"But I really do like you..." She preceded and flashes a lovely, cutesy smile. Her saccharine lips slightly pouted.

Sumire intentionally curls her hair with her fingers and put it behind her ears. But his stoic expression remained on his face, feeling unaffected by her little seduction. 'How can that handsome face be so frigid. Tsk.'

"That's not my problem anymore."

He said indifferently. The green-eyed man didn't seem to have an interest in her. His face was rigid and devoid of emotions. Sumire thinks maybe this handsome man is not capable of having feelings and emotions at all.

Another deafening silence broke again between them. She cannot believe for the first time someone didn't like her. Feeling awkward, Sumire chooses to peruse her eyes in his office suite.

"Hmmm..." She cannot help but felt a little disappointed with what she heard. 'I am Sumire Caste-Leone Massoullève, the most gorgeous woman in the family and the whole universe, and there's nothing in the world that I can't get and possess...', she laughs inside her mind like a psycho maniac. Sumire turn and mischievously narrowed her eyes on him and lips lifted meaningfully. ' one can escape my eyes. Unfortunately, you handsome giant man, happen to caught my interest.' She laughed like a villain with her thoughts.

The man, on the other hand, frowned. She was now looking suspicious and playful.

Sumire sashayed inside his office, scanning every corner of the suite. She intentionally swayed her hips as she can feel his intent gaze on her.

She went to the wine rack in the right corner. Sumire shamelessly gets one of the expensive wines and pours it into the glass, drinking it all in one gulp in front of him. She intentionally let the orbs of wine escape in her lips, running down to her neck and chest. Sumire sexily lick her lips while smoldering eyeing the man, but he was just a frozen handsome statue on his chair, unbothered at all.

"Aish!" She hissed when her small seduction didn't seem to have an effect on him.

Sumire turn her back on him almost trip over when she felt sudden dizziness. 'What a strong wine,'

She burped out loudly. Sumire just gave an unladylike snort and wagged her head. Unbeknownst to her, the man's lips slightly lifted.

Her eyes landed on a large aquarium where a horde of white and purple half-moon betta fishes with their colorful fin rays fluttered inside. A tall cylindrical aquarium filled with corals and tiny electric jellyfish stand hugely next to it. Sumire quickly approach and bent her back, lifting her black-fitted dressed up, almost revealing her undergarment. Her mind was now occupied by the living fauna fluttering beautifully inside the aquarium.

"I'd like to have one of this in my home!" She carelessly uttered that supposed to be in her mind. Mr. Aslanov can hear her loud and clear but he just remained silent on his swivel chair.

The maiden seemed to be enjoying watching the fishes and her fingers playfully touching the glassed aquarium. Trying to play with them like an innocent kid.

"Hoo! what an adorable little fella! I want to take you home." She said merrily, talking the horde of fishes who now seemed to gather in front of her where her hand had touched.

Mr. Aslanov silently watched her move. His legs were crossed beneath the table. He just let her roam around and touch his things. Sumire bent her back lower, unaware of the intent gaze behind her.

His gaze travels her sexy back down to her long legs giving him full view access of her lower body.

He just stared at her, straight-face and unaffected at all. Mr. Aslanov read back the documents in the table like nothing happened. While the maiden was busy playing around.

After a long minute of watching the aquarium, she felt tired and drowsy. Sumire yawned and went to the tinted black glass wall on the left side of the office where she can see the entirety of the city. It is now alive. The kaleidoscope of shimmering lights flicker in the distance as the starry sky sweeps over the city that never sleeps.


She uttered, admiring the city night. Sumire stared at the city for another long minute before deciding to take a sit.

She turns around and looks at the entirety of the place. Sumire was amazed at his office visage.

The executive office suite shares with black and gray hue, with gold lightings. The corner of his panoramic office with grey and wooden walls, dark wooden floors is truly admirable. Modern interior design at the roof. The red spider lilies inside the glass-cube next to the black lampshade placed in the wooden computer desk with chairs for visitors and window with the perfect view of the city and the sunset on the West horizon and the rising crescent moon in the East behind the gigantic mountains. Lounge area with modern armchairs and coffee table. The place looks spacious and neat, oozing luxury and opulence. Perfect for someone who was a dark and old soul like him.

As she strolls around the place. Sumire caught a glimpse of a familiar painting hanging above, behind the man's back. Her midnight eyes sparkled in gold and shrill gaiety. The red hue crawled up to her face and ears, she was blushing hard.

"Oh my gracious goodness, aaAAHH!!!"

She yelped excitedly and quickly approach the painting that caught her eyes. Her strides were big with her high heels thumping loudly on the floor and rushed towards him.

Mr. Aslanov who went back checking out all the documents on his table was stopped and stunned when the maiden suddenly shrieks and runs towards him happily. But to her carelessness, her heels suddenly broke made her trip over.

Her eyes widened in fear. Sumire was about to shove her head on his table when the man's great reflexes save her.


Mr. Aslanov quickly pulled her wrist and waist before her head could hit on the edge of the table. She was landed on his lap, face completely shoved on his massive chest. 'That was scary,'

She could hear her heart pounding so hard.

Sumire sighs, feeling relieved and fortunate when she was saved from a certain accident but her eyes quickly widened when she felt a huge, hard bulge pressed between her thighs. Sumire reddened when his hands were gripping hard on her waist and hips, supporting her not to fall over.

She gulped hard and look up at him, both hands rested on his chest and cheeks blushed intensely. His glowing pair of emerald eyes pierce through her. His jaw clenched.

"That was dangerous, young lady."

Mr. Aslanov reprimands her for being careless, yet his gruff voice sounded stern and hot at the same. Sumire was able to smell his warm breathe travels on her face as his striking face leaned too close to her and his manly scent lingers on her nostrils.

She was in a daze. Drowsiness is completely gone.

"No, this is more dangerous..."