The summoned heroes, young prodigies, and various experts were clad in gleaming attire, carrying a holy mission blessed by the Gods. They marched through the capital city amidst a grand parade. Thousands of citizens lined the roadsides, cheering and throwing flowers in celebration.
Children waved flags bearing the empire's crest, and elderly citizens wept with hope for a brighter future.
At the end of the procession, the hero expedition party stopped before the towering city gates. Emperor Reginald stood on a stage to deliver his speech. "Today, we send forth the saviors of humanity. Go, heroes, and bring us salvation! Destroy the demon kings who have plagued our lands for centuries!"
The heroes bowed before the Emperor, then stepped beyond the gates, leaving the city behind to embark on their perilous journey.
"..." Rhykdohr felt a sudden crisis. He wondered where the sudden uneasiness came from, but he couldn't pinpoint the possible cause.